Subject | Type | Last Modified | |
| 0.1 dB Compression Limiting Worksheets for Any CASSINI and RI7100A System Configuration | Gen Doc | 06/13/2022 |  |
 | 24 Bit Low Current Measurement Capability on RI Testers | Gen Doc | 09/26/2007 |  |
| Cable Performance for RIKs | Part RIK0001A | 05/10/2022 |  |
 | Cal Data Output Block to Extract Instrument Cal Data | Gen Doc | 12/06/2024 |  |
| Calibrating the Cassini Time Base 10 MHz Oscillator | Gen Doc | 08/28/2024 |  |
 | Calibration Data .GZP View and Export App | Gen Doc | 08/17/2022 |  |
| Calibration Procedure for RI8580A 56-67 GHz TIMs | Gen Doc | 05/31/2024 |  |
 | Calibration Procedure for RI8580B 50-70 GHz TIMs | Gen Doc | 04/21/2023 |  |
| Calibration Procedure for RI8604 80 GHz TIMs | Gen Doc | 11/19/2024 |  |
 | Calibration Procedure for RI8607 50 GHz TIMs | Gen Doc | 05/31/2024 |  |
| Calibration Proceedure (UPDATED 2016) from Cassini Reference Guide | Gen Doc | 07/12/2016 |  |
 | Cassini 16 Diagram (Location and Descriptions) | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 01/04/2023 |  |
| Cassini 16 Infrastructure Footprint | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 03/08/2024 |  |
 | Cassini Multi Site Testplan Creation | Gen Doc | 01/24/2017 |  |
| Cassini Short 8 Infrastructure Footprint (Ri8556A) | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Cassini SPYDER Infrastructure Footprint | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 03/21/2018 |  |
 | Cassini Tall 8 Infrastructure Footprint (Ri8557A) | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 07/28/2017 | |
 | Cassini Test Floor Integration Checklist | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Cassini V93K CTH Infrastructure Footprint | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 05/20/2024 |  |
 | CE Mark Conformity - Cassini 16 | Gen Doc | 07/26/2011 |  |
| CE Mark Conformity Declaratrion for RI8611A Cassini V93K Infrastructure | Gen Doc | 11/27/2024 |  |
 | Connecting Waveguide Flanges | Gen Doc | 01/30/2024 |  |
| Connector Drawings - PKZ #12 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS M and F VERSIONS | Source | 01/29/2011 |  |
 | Creating a Log File of Cassini Calibration Results | Gen Doc | 08/30/2021 |  |
| Datalog Naming Convention (STDF, CSV, RITdb) | Gen Doc | 11/06/2019 |  |
 | DIB Design Guide - DUT Interface Board, Device Interface | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Difference Between the Old RI7322 and the New RI7323 Receivers | Gen Doc | 05/13/2015 |  |
 | Digital TIM or Fixture Digital Module Best Practices - How to Avoid Failure Interfacing Due To Wiring Ringing Effects | Gen Doc | 09/25/2012 |  |
| Digital TIM Timing Diagrams | Gen Doc | 03/21/2013 |  |
 | Discontinued RI8589A High Power Supply/Pulser TIM | Gen Doc | 01/06/2025 |  |
| Discontinued Test Instrument Modules (TIMs with Limited Availability) | Gen Doc | 08/08/2023 |  |
 | Export TIM Cal Data via Guru Browser App or TIM Cal Export App | Gen Doc | 10/01/2021 |  |
| Fix EPC Boot Issue Controller did not respond to the self-test request | Gen Doc | 09/05/2024 |  |
 | Fixture Assembly Steps - Cassini 16 with Large Quad Top Plate (RIK0178A, RIK0152B, RIK0164A) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Fixture Module - Switch & Step/Attenuator Application Note | Gen Doc | 07/06/2016 |  |
 | Handler Docking Design Guide | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Initialize Cal data and Wear Factors for a new RI8603A Generic PA TIM | Gen Doc | 05/06/2022 |  |
 | Installing and using a Power Amp with the RI8603 Generic PA TIM | Gen Doc | 07/30/2021 |  |
| Installing Tool Balancer on small cassini RI8556B (FIELD INSTALATION) | Gen Doc | 03/13/2023 |  |
 | Integrated Phase Noise | Gen Doc | 11/01/2012 |  |
| Latchine RI8574 EPC TIM to Cassini 16 Infrastructure | Gen Doc | 03/07/2024 |  |
 | Manual Calibration Procedure for RI8604 80 GHz TIMs Without Cal Fixture | Gen Doc | 10/11/2024 |  |
| Matrix Fixture Dual Site Top Plate (Standard) | Part W1MFECKC | 04/27/2012 |  |
 | Measuring & Setting Pogo Pin Height | Part RI7240A0 | 10/07/2004 |  |
| Non-Harmonic Spurious on RI7710 and 7725 Sources | Gen Doc | 07/18/2023 |  |
 | Operate Phase Noise TIM (RI8575A), 1-16 GHz | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Phase Noise Reference Docs | Cassini Basic Training | 11/06/2020 |  |
 | RI Fixture License and Agreement | Gen Doc | 06/28/2018 |  |
| RI7100C Footprint | Gen Doc | 02/23/2011 |  |
 | RI8609 Secure EPC (Win10) with Cassini Container User Guide | Gen Doc | 12/22/2022 |  |
| RIFL II Cable Warning (NOT RJ45 NETWORK CABLE) | Gen Doc | 02/22/2022 |  |
 | RIFL Pin Descriptions (Cassini 16) | Gen Doc | 02/24/2022 |  |
| SEMI Standards for RI7100A and CASSINI | Gen Doc | 08/11/2009 |  |
 | Serial Number Not Stored in tester issue during Startup | Gen Doc | 07/24/2020 |  |
| Service Bulletin - Cassini 16 Testhead "Latch" Spring Lengths | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - Cassini ArcaOS File Open Container (FOC) Exception for VPM.EXE | Gen Doc | 03/12/2021 |  |
| Service Bulletin - DIB Stack (QuickLock vs 28 Top Plates) | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - EPC Exchange (Guru ID from RIFL Hub) | Gen Doc | 02/22/2022 |  |
| Service Bulletin - Fixture Module & Carrier Compatibility | Gen Doc | 07/15/2020 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - Melting 3M Grey Bumpons | Gen Doc | 01/18/2018 |  |
| Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Guru Network Performance, Reverse DNS Fixed with Local Hosts | Gen Doc | 02/28/2024 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Restart Failure | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
| Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC System Controller 10 Amp Fuse (AR8V145A) | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC System RIFL Master PLL Upgrade (AR90HU5A) | Gen Doc | 07/15/2019 |  |
| Service Bulletin - RI8609 Secure EPC Windows 11 Support (UEFI BIOS TPM Compatibility) | Gen Doc | 01/27/2025 |  |
 | Service Bulletin - RIK0087A Advanced High BW Diff. I/O Buffer Modules with 50 ohm resistors | Gen Doc | 09/23/2020 |  |
| Service Bulletin - RIK0138A Dual MCX Insert | Gen Doc | 01/13/2018 |  |
 | Site Preparation Guidelines for CASSINI | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 05/20/2024 |  |
| Site Preparation Guidelines for CASSINI and RI7100A&C (Limited Availability Infrastructures) | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 10/13/2021 |  |
 | SSMP Connector Installation | Gen Doc | 01/28/2014 |  |
| STDF Example File | Cassini Testplan Examples | 12/29/2016 |  |
 | Tool Kit for Diag Training | Gen Doc | 09/09/2021 |  |
| Understanding Frequency (Time Base) Accuracy on the RI 7100A Testers | Gen Doc | 02/21/2003 |  |
 | Upgrading EPC from RI8574 to RI8608 System Controller with USB EPC Remote TIM | Gen Doc | 08/16/2024 |  |
| US Patents Issued to Roos Instruments | Gen Doc | 03/28/2023 |  |
 | Using the optional FM capability for FSK modulation | Gen Doc | 07/16/2003 |  |
| Viewing the Serial Number of the EPC TIM | Gen Doc | 03/12/2021 |  |