Test With Confidence

It all starts with your device. We can provide a test cost estimate with just the spec sheet and desired test list. Cassini's modular platform can adapt to any test need with the minimal number of instruments and raw measurement speed of SyRF Core.

Custom Instrument Design

Embed your technology into a Test Instrument Module, controlled by Cassini. Roos Instruments' unique rapid deployment platform can have your proprietary technology automated in just a couple months! With Roos Instruments technology, you can maintain tighter specifications and reduce the time it takes to enter new markets.
- Increase Power, Phase-Noise, or Frequency
- Maximize ATE Pin Efficiency by targeting TIMs
Bench Correlation & Validation

Cassini's bench like measurment model with SyRF Core™ makes correlation excersizes simple. Improve DUT specifications with high repeatability and accuracy.