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  9:00AM-7:00PM PST M-F

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   Roos Instruments, Inc. 2285 Martin Avenue
Santa Clara, California 95050
United States

International Shipments:
ECCN: 3B992.b
HTC: 9030.82.00.00 RF Test Equipment Accessories

Purchasing Agents: Price List
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RMA Instructions: Pack TIM, Pack AUX TIM (RI7725), Exchange TIM

China & Japan

Sandtek Shanghai Office
No. 120, West Tian Shan Road, Shanghai, China


Doron Berger

Doron Berger
+ 972-54-4336892
7/53 Derech Habsamim, Ganei Tikva 5591899, Israel


Boston Semi Equipment
10F-1, No.118
Ciyun Road
Hsinchu City 30072, Taiwan

Test Development Partners

Partner with Roos Instruments for rapid Test Development
Salland Engineering
Salland Engineering
"Salland Engineering is an international technology company specializing in products, solutions and services that enable semiconductor manufacturers to optimize the efficiency, cost and quality of their testing."

Test House Partners

Partner with Roos Instruments to maximize value of Assembly and Test