There are times when instrument calibration data needs to be used in calculations. Use the "Cal Data" or "Cal Point" output block to accomplish this. Any instrument in the configuration can have Cal Data.
See Cassini Reference Guide - Graphical Programming | RI8574: System Controller (EPC) pg 401

Change the owner to the Testhead, and choose from a list of all of the cal data items in the Testhead. Pick the appropriate ENR (its for each port). Use just like any piece of data letting you interpolate, scale etc.
To change the owner, right click anywhere within the white space area contained by the ‘System’ box that surrounds the gray block and select ‘Change Owner’ from the pop-up menu list. Once the owner has been changed, the calibration data an be recalled by changing the name of the Cal Data output block to match the associated Cal Data input block by right-clicking within the gray area of the block and selecting ‘Cal Name...’ from the pop-up menu list.