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The RI8563C, 40 GHz TestSet TIM, sub-revisions 2, and 3 have different isolation characteristics than previous versions. To improve isolation, a sub-revision "C4" was created. It changes a switch model internally, adds an LO amplifier, and moves some components to physically separate them. If isolation from port1 to port2 (an unspecified parameter) is a significant requirement; C2, or C3 should be upgraded to C4. For C4 models, the LO amplifier requires a factory only calibration for that internal path as well as software and driver updates to support the new capability. These enhancements do not affect previous hardware revisions of this model TIM nor do they require updated Diag/Cal Testplans.

Status: Proactive TIMs exchanges are being issued. Notifications and RMAs have been issued.

Action Required
Use a Short Cut including the required patches (listed below) and contact [email protected] to schedule an RMA Upgrade for any affected TIMs. Upgrades must be handled at the factory to update the Amp on the LO path and perform a low level calibration.

Required Patches
The following RiPatch (ri.sys.ObjClass) objects must be loaded to support a sub-revision 4 TIM. The earliest available Short Cut must be dated on or after 2018-08-07.
Name-Sub Version Title (Date)
GF10RC2A.117-47 Ri8563C 4-40.5 GHz Test Set (07/31/18 06:04:29 pm)
GF10RC2A.174-68 Ri8587A Dsp 20 GHz Receiver (08/03/18 03:19:15 pm)

Affected TIMs
6 TIMs have been assembled and shipped prior to 2018-08-07 that may require factory upgrades. (Strikethrough have been upgraded)
TIM Model Numbers: RI8563C2, RI8563C3
Serial Numbers:
C2 - RPKW060A (upgraded from C0), RS8E1B0A, RU2NZ70A

Upgraded TIMs By Date
The following TIM Serial Numbers have been upgraded to be sub-revision 4 hardware revision, requiring the patches above. TIMs listed below should NOT be returned to factory for an upgrade since it has already been completed.
12 of 15 upgraded as of 07/06/2018
Serial Number : Date
RUNTML0A: 2018-08-06
RUNTW80A: 2018-08-06

A high power signal out of port RF1 would interfere with port RF2's ability to make very low power measurements. The TIM was unable to pass specific customer fixture/DIB cals. The isolation between RF1 and RF2 ports was typically 80 dB in sub-revision 0, but was 70 dB in sub-revisions 2 and 3. Sub-revision 4 is now typically 85 dB. This performance was never specified.

Block diagrams for C2, C3 and C4.
RI8563C2_40-5 GHz TIM.pdfRI8563C2_40-5 GHz TIM.pdfRI8563C3_40-5 GHz TIM.pdfRI8563C3_40-5 GHz TIM.pdfRI8563C4_40-5 GHz TIM.pdfRI8563C4_40-5 GHz TIM.pdf

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