Subject | Type | Last Modified | |
| 0.1 dB Compression Limiting Worksheets for Any CASSINI and RI7100A System Configuration | Gen Doc | 06/13/2022 |  |
 | 24 Bit Low Current Measurement Capability on RI Testers | Gen Doc | 09/26/2007 |  |
| ACPR on 7100 (using WCDMA and EDGE examples) | Gen Doc | 03/31/2010 |  |
 | ACPR on Cassini (using WCDMA ,EDGE, and WiMAX examples) | Gen Doc | 03/31/2010 |  |
| Administration Tasks - Update Manager User's Guide (Short Cuts) | Cassini Basic Training | 10/26/2012 |  |
 | Advanced Concepts - AC Fixture Calibrations | Cassini Basic Training | 01/30/2013 |  |
| Advanced Concepts - AC Fixture Calibrations | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Always Initialize Gigatronics Power Meter | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
| Auto Correlation System Users Guide | Gen Doc | 02/04/2022 |  |
 | Automatic Dutboard Offset Creation Using the DUT Interface | Cassini Basic Training | 10/20/2022 |  |
| Avoid Part Damage when using Current Sources | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
 | Bias Correction System (BCS) User's Guide | Source | 12/06/2024 |  |
| Cable Calibration additions for Fixture and DIB Cable Cal paths | Gen Doc | 10/15/2021 |  |
 | Cal Data Output Block to Extract Instrument Cal Data | Gen Doc | 12/06/2024 |  |
| Calc Input and Data Type | Gen Doc | 10/19/2017 |  |
 | Calc to Convert to Binary String for DUT Control | Gen Doc | 04/01/2024 |  |
| Calculation to Extract Bits from a Serial Word: Bit Mask | Gen Doc | 06/03/2014 |  |
 | Calibrating and Using DB lines for nA Current Measurements | Gen Doc | 05/02/2004 |  |
| Calibration Data .GZP View and Export App | Gen Doc | 08/17/2022 |  |
 | Calibration Kit Maintenance for Cassini | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 12/27/2024 |  |
| Calibration Test Plan for Ri 12 RF Fixtures | Gen Doc | 03/23/2005 |  |
 | Cassini 8535 Digital TIM- Serial Bus Read | Gen Doc | 04/21/2016 |  |
| Cassini Basic Training Seminar Slides - CH 1 Basic System Operation | Presentation | 06/05/2012 |  |
 | Cassini Basic Training Seminar Slides - CH 2 Administration and Maintenance | Presentation | 03/07/2011 |  |
| Cassini Basic Training Seminar Slides - CH 5 Device Definitions | Presentation | 04/08/2011 |  |
 | Cassini Basic Training Seminar Slides - CH 6 Application Development by Example | Presentation | 08/12/2011 |  |
| Cassini Basic Training Seminar Slides - CH 7 Test Fixture and Device Interface Design | Presentation | 03/09/2011 |  |
 | Cassini Basic Training Seminar Slides - CH 8 Test Design and Best Practice Test Optimization | Presentation | 04/08/2011 |  |
| Cassini Multi Site Testplan Creation | Gen Doc | 01/24/2017 |  |
 | Cassini RF Path and DC Block Diagrams | Gen Doc | 03/22/2010 |  |
| Cassini Self Cal Explained | Gen Doc | 03/12/2020 |  |
 | Cassini Software Evaluation and Release Process | Cassini Administration Manual | 10/23/2022 |  |
| Cassini: The Evolution of a New Breed of ATE (1/5) | Cassini Basic Training | 06/02/2011 |  |
 | Caution when using 'Amp Path' in tester | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
| CH7: Software Reference | Gen Doc | 07/14/2020 |  |
 | Changing the Active Fixture and Instrument Calibrations in Cassini | Gen Doc | 12/15/2011 |  |
| Changing the default minimize function in OS2 | Gen Doc | 05/20/2010 |  |
 | Cleaning PDFs folder on EPC (Test Summary Reports) | Gen Doc | 03/04/2022 |  |
| Compare Test Plans with Compare History, Diff History and Diff Any | Gen Doc | 03/17/2021 |  |
 | Configure PDF Writer in ArcaOS | Gen Doc | 07/25/2022 |  |
| Creating a Software DUT | Fixturing | 07/23/2012 |  |
 | Creating Custom Waveforms with WF2 and WF3 Arbitrary Waveform Generator | Gen Doc | 09/19/2008 |  |
| Creating waveform file for ARB on Cassini Guru based system | Gen Doc | 02/27/2008 |  |
 | Curve fitting and interpolation | Gen Doc | 05/05/2009 |  |
| Datalog Naming Convention (STDF, CSV, RITdb) | Gen Doc | 11/06/2019 |  |
 | DC Measurements on Cassini | Gen Doc | 04/17/2010 |  |
| DC Measurements with the 8535 Digital TIM Parametric Measure Unit | Gen Doc | 01/23/2014 |  |
 | Demodulator Amplitude and Phase Balance Measurements using RF4 and "Switched IQ" | Gen Doc | 03/09/2015 |  |
| Demodulator Amplitude and Phase Balance Measurements using the RI Digitizer and Ellipse Fit | Gen Doc | 03/09/2015 |  |
 | Device Control Editor User's Guide | Cassini Basic Training | 03/09/2022 |  |
| Difference Between the Old RI7322 and the New RI7323 Receivers | Gen Doc | 05/13/2015 |  |
 | Digital Logic Analyzer User Guide | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Digital Scan & Burst - Using Digital Apps with Cassini | Cassini Basic Training | 03/04/2025 |  |
 | Digital TIM or Fixture Digital Module Best Practices - How to Avoid Failure Interfacing Due To Wiring Ringing Effects | Gen Doc | 09/25/2012 |  |
| Digital TIM Scan Operation | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Digital TIM Timing Diagrams | Gen Doc | 03/21/2013 |  |
| Digital Vector Scan Translator User Guide | Gen Doc | 07/09/2021 |  |
 | Discriminator Phase Noise Testing | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
| Dut State | Gen Doc | 02/24/2011 |  |
 | Edit Package Exec (Data Expiration, Handler Bins) | Cassini Administration Manual | 06/07/2024 |  |
| Effective Receiver Bandwidth | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Enable a default Test System and Handler | Gen Doc | 02/20/2002 |  |
| Enhancing the Spurious Free Dynamic Range for IP3, IP2, Blocking and Noise Measurements | Gen Doc | 06/14/2012 |  |
 | Error Codes, Warnings, and Hangs - Their Possible Causes | Cassini Basic Training | 03/24/2021 |  |
| Error Correction with External Couplers | Gen Doc | 05/12/2009 |  |
 | Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) Strategy:Techniques & Applications | Gen Doc | 10/08/2010 |  |
| EVM Measurements of EDGE components | Gen Doc | 10/28/2014 |  |
 | Explanation of RF Measurements with CASSINI | Cassini Testplan Examples | 07/30/2013 |  |
| Export a Text Listing of a RI7100A Test Plan | Gen Doc | 09/12/2024 |  |
 | Export TIM Cal Data via Guru Browser App or TIM Cal Export App | Gen Doc | 10/01/2021 |  |
| Exporting Calibration data (RI7100) | Gen Doc | 03/13/2009 |  |
 | Exporting Cassini Calibration Data for Certification or Analysis | Gen Doc | 08/11/2022 |  |
| Fast EVM measurements with FPGAs on ATE | Gen Doc | 10/27/2022 |  |
 | Fix an Error Loading Tester with Missing Module in Log | Gen Doc | 12/01/2021 |  |
| Fixture Module - Switch & Step/Attenuator Application Note | Gen Doc | 07/06/2016 |  |
 | Free Running VCO Frequency Measurement Using the RI7100A Frequency Counter | Gen Doc | 07/11/2011 |  |
| Generic GPIB Instruments in Cassini | Gen Doc | 03/31/2017 |  |
 | GPIB Handler, Handler Site Mapping | Gen Doc | 12/18/2015 |  |
| Guru: Building Bridges to Islands of Automation (4/5) | Cassini Basic Training | 06/02/2011 |  |
 | High resolution voltage measurement on the RI8546C DC TIM's VMeasure function | Part RI8546C | 06/11/2024 |  |
| How to create an RI "Imperfect S-parameter Calibration Kit" using measured s-parameter data files | Gen Doc | 05/10/2021 |  |
 | How to Make Low Current Measurements using DB lines | Gen Doc | 06/04/2013 |  |
| I2C Serial Bus Control | Gen Doc | 08/01/2024 |  |
 | Identifying individual parts during manual testing | Gen Doc | 11/18/2003 |  |
| Implement Custom PAT Parameters Per Calc Button (Buffer Size and Pat Limit) | Gen Doc | 08/20/2020 |  |
 | Importing a Waveform File into Cassini | Gen Doc | 01/26/2017 |  |
| Importing Touchstone Format S2P Calibration Files into the Device Interface | Gen Doc | 05/08/2018 |  |
 | Inheritance of PreMeasures & PostMeasures Settings | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
| Install or Upgrade rTalk for Advantest Smartest RPM on RHEL 7 | Gen Doc | 09/13/2024 |  |
 | Installing PDF Writer in eComStation | Gen Doc | 07/28/2015 |  |
| Integrated Phase Noise | Gen Doc | 11/01/2012 |  |
 | Invalid data save format message | Gen Doc | 02/28/2002 |  |
| Latchine RI8574 EPC TIM to Cassini 16 Infrastructure | Gen Doc | 03/07/2024 |  |
 | Lock Step Configs from CSV | Gen Doc | 09/30/2008 |  |
| Manually Inserting Data Offsets in the Limit Table | Gen Doc | 05/06/2016 |  |
 | Measure Group - "Multiple Values" Compile Error | Cassini Basic Training | 02/14/2013 |  |
| Measure Sequence Group | Gen Doc | 03/12/2009 |  |
 | Measurement of Differential S-Parameters | Gen Doc | 04/28/2010 |  |
| Measurement of Multi-port S-Parameters | Gen Doc | 10/08/2010 |  |
 | Measurements are off by about 30dB (or dBm) | Gen Doc | 02/27/2002 |  |
| Measuring Harmonics; Tips and Techniques | Gen Doc | 02/19/2009 |  |
 | Measuring with Z-Parameters | Gen Doc | 11/06/2014 |  |
| NADC TDMA Power and ACPR Measurements | Gen Doc | 03/22/2013 |  |
 | New Capabilities | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
| Non-Harmonic Spurious on RI7710 and 7725 Sources | Gen Doc | 07/18/2023 |  |
 | Openning Data Viewers during Test Exec operation | Source | 09/29/2017 |  |
| Operating Cassini with User Apps | Cassini Basic Training | 09/08/2021 |  |
 | Oscilloscope/Digitizer, WF6 and 7 considerations and use | Gen Doc | 06/16/2004 |  |
 | Parallel Bus Control | Gen Doc | 08/06/2003 | |
 | Parametric Measure, Precision Measure routing on Cassini 8546 Dut Control TIM | Gen Doc | 06/04/2013 |  |
| Part Control and Tester Resources | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
 | PAT Application Note | Gen Doc | 06/05/2020 |  |
| Phase Noise Characterization, Frequency Discriminator Method HP AN11729C-2 | Gen Doc | 12/07/2011 |  |
 | PLL and VCO Testing | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
| Polynomial Fit to Measured Data | Gen Doc | 03/31/2011 |  |
 | Power VI and high capacity loads | Gen Doc | 01/29/2016 |  |
| Preparing for Designing a Tesplan | Gen Doc | 05/04/2002 |  |
 | Production Measurement Performance Limits (Typical) | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Project Planning and Making a Time Schedule | Gen Doc | 02/27/2002 |  |
  | Pulsed DC and RF Measurements for GSM and other Applications | Gen Doc | 03/09/2015 |  |
| Pulsed Measurements using Cassini's RI8508C source and RI8567B Test Set | Gen Doc | 09/15/2016 |  |
 | Reasons tests may not combine even if there are no delta settings differences | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
| Receiver Measurements: Delayed Voltage | Gen Doc | 09/30/2008 |  |
 | Remote Test Exec control via System Message (SM) | Gen Doc | 05/08/2024 |  |
| RF System Interconnect Block Diagram | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
 | RF000 Data Sheet and Fixture Net List | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
| RF0100 LNA Data Sheet | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
 | RF4, Low Frequency Receive Considerations and Calibration | Gen Doc | 06/13/2003 |  |
| RI Software: The State-Based Approach(2/5) | Cassini Basic Training | 06/02/2011 |  |
 | RI Synapse: Automated Test Plan Optimization (3/5) | Cassini Basic Training | 06/02/2011 |  |
 | RI7100A Serial Bus Control; Definining the DUT | Gen Doc | 05/06/2016 | |
|  |
| RI8589B Fet Pulser App Notes | Gen Doc | 09/23/2020 |  |
 | RIK0290A Control Bits Module Application Note & Specifications | Part RIK0290A | 12/04/2024 |  |
| S-Parameter Fixture Calibrations - Multiple Ports | Cassini Basic Training | 03/08/2021 |  |
 | Scalar Loss and Gain Fixture Calibrations | Cassini Basic Training | 03/27/2023 |  |
| Serial Bus Control; Premeasures Postmeasures; Combined Group | Gen Doc | 09/08/2008 |  |
 | Serial Bus Control; Testplan | Gen Doc | 07/10/2006 |  |
| Set From Local Variable and Target Value | Gen Doc | 05/25/2012 |  |
 | Setting up Special Fails, Soft bins, and Hard Bins on RI7100A | Gen Doc | 02/02/2018 |  |
| Showing "failed" tests on CSV data files using OpenOffice Calc or Excel | Gen Doc | 12/13/2006 |  |
 | SM Bridge for Remote Test Exec control via System Message (SM) | Cassini Administration Manual | 05/03/2024 |  |
| Smooth Bilateral vs. Smooth in Test plans | Application Design | 04/22/2021 |  |
 | Source Speed Improvements: Fast Settle and Frequency Offset Overview | Gen Doc | 09/30/2008 |  |
| Source, Receive and Testhead Programming Quick Reference Card | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | Specialty calculation: Exponents and Inverse Logarithms | Gen Doc | 05/06/2016 |  |
| Speeding-up Your Test Plan | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | SPI - Bus programming | Gen Doc | 03/11/2009 |  |
| STDF and ATDF Log File Formats | Gen Doc | 02/22/2002 |  |
 | STDF Example File | Cassini Testplan Examples | 12/29/2016 |  |
| Sweep Parameters in a Negative and Arbitrary Directions, Utilizing Inner Loop | Gen Doc | 03/04/2010 |  |
 | Syllabus for abbreviated Cassini Basic Training 3 Day on-Site Seminar | Presentation | 01/29/2013 |  |
| Syllabus for Cassini Basic Training 5 Day Seminar | Presentation | 03/01/2013 |  |
 | Syllabus for Cassini Basic Training 5 Day Seminar | Presentation | 03/07/2011 |  |
| Syllabus for RI7100C Orientation (5 Day) | Presentation | 03/01/2013 |  |
 | Symbolic names for constants used in testplans | Gen Doc | 03/01/2005 |  |
| Symbolic PreMeas Values to Sweep DUT Register Values | Cassini Basic Training | 01/11/2024 |  |
 | Synchronizing Arbitrary Waveforms WF2 WF3: Run, Stop, PMStart, PM Stop and Trigger | Gen Doc | 12/07/2004 |  |
| Test Development Time Estimates per Test Item | Gen Doc | 02/26/2002 |  |
 | Test Plans From Application and Fixture Course RIC-0070 | Application Design | 08/12/2011 |  |
| Tester RF Buttons, What they control | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
 | Tester to Tester Correlation | Gen Doc | 06/01/2007 |  |
| Tester/Fixture Debug - Error Codes, Warnings, Hangs, and the Unexpected | Gen Doc | 10/25/2011 |  |
 | Testing LNA, S-Parameters and Intermodulation | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
| Testing PAs, Mixers, Modulators | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
 | TIM Block Diagrams | Cassini Basic Training | 07/30/2011 |  |
| TIM Block Diagrams | Cassini Maintenance Manual | 07/30/2011 |  |
 | Update Manager User's Guide (Short Cuts) | Cassini Administration Manual | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Use local variables to set instrument setting values | Gen Doc | 05/12/2009 |  |
 | Use of the Mode Field in Defining a Fixture - RI7100A | Fixturing | 03/07/2013 |  |
| User App Manager User Guide | Cassini Administration Manual | 07/28/2017 |  |
 | User App Manager User Guide | Cassini Basic Training | 07/28/2017 |  |
| Using a range of non-uniform values to make measurements | Gen Doc | 03/04/2011 |  |
 | Using a value from one local var search and set in another | Gen Doc | 05/12/2009 |  |
| Using Arrays for Constants in Test Plans | Gen Doc | 03/20/2004 |  |
 | Using Cassini Fast Compile Feature (Patches 349, 350) | Gen Doc | 09/23/2024 |  |
| Using Conditional Statements: If... Then... or While... | Gen Doc | 02/25/2022 |  |
 | Using Custom Units in Datalog and Worksheet | Gen Doc | 09/02/2022 |  |
| Using firstTime Flag Conditional Statement | Gen Doc | 11/17/2020 |  |
 | Using Symbols with Arrays with List State Buttons | Application Design | 01/20/2022 |  |
| Using terminateSection flag to abort a sweep or loop | Gen Doc | 09/02/2021 |  |
 | Using the optional FM capability for FSK modulation | Gen Doc | 07/16/2003 |  |
| Variable Gain Amplifier Monotonicity Testing | Application Design | 12/22/2006 |  |
 | Vector Separation Technique for Measuring Low Harmonic Levels | Gen Doc | 07/30/2007 |  |
| Viewing fixture calibration data on the Cassini tester | Gen Doc | 04/19/2007 |  |
 | Viewing of Local (Array type) Variable Data | Gen Doc | 12/30/2002 |  |
| Waveform Two Tone signal creaton for Intermodulation (IP3) measurements of modulators | Gen Doc | 05/06/2016 |  |
 | Workflow Structure: Putting it all Together (5/5) | Cassini Basic Training | 06/02/2011 |  |
| "Make Before Break" with DB, DP and VI While Switching Resources | Gen Doc | 05/22/2007 |  |
 | "Minimize Memory" Flag Prevents a Breakpoint | Gen Doc | 01/10/2019 |  |