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Major Cassini platform updates may require an evaluation process to identify any issues before being released to production. This outline provides specific instructions for performing this process on a single system, disconnected from the Guru Update server that would prevent the update from being automatically distributed to all systems. The updates are released as a .GZP that should be imported with Guru Browser while the system is "offline". "[NAME]_Dev #.##" is the Short Cut name of the release that will be evaluated along with any other updates to Apps.

The Release Plan:
Identify one system to perform an evaluation. This system will not be available for production testing until the evaluation process is complete. To evaluate, retest a previously tested lot(s) and correlate results.

Upgrade one system, disconnected from guru, and evaluate. If good, then reconnect and sync. If bad, restore from backup and release back to production. If tester can remain "offline" until fix is made, wait for the fix. Repeat with next update package.

To Take Cassini "Offline" and Update:
    1. Move the "RI Guru Startup" out of the Startup folder by dragging with the right mouse button from the Startup folder to the Desktop. (guru will not automatically launch if the EPC is accidentally restarted)
    2. (Optional) Physically disconnect network cable. Because Guru will be launched in a way that prevents updates, leaving the network cable in place to evaluate remote execution may be necessary. This is OK.
    3. Backup "D drive" via Command prompt: "cd D:/" then "zip -r backup.zip RiApps RiGuru". (confirm that there is enough available storage on the d: drive with "df -h")
    4. Stop Guru Autostart. CTR+Esc, select "RI Guru Startup-RI Guru Startup" from the Window list, right click and select Close.
    5. Exit Guru (System > Shutdown)
    6. Start Guru without Update. Navigate to D:\RiApps\GuruServer\ and double click on startApp-noUpdate.cmd
      TIP! Click on Drives > D > RiApps, then right click on "GuruServer" directory, then RMB drag this icon to your desktop for quick access (need to launch it at least 2 more times)
    7. Log-on to Guru, choose Apps > Guru Browser, and import "<UpdatePackage>.gzp".
    8. Exit Guru via System > Shutdown. Guru will NOT autostart.
    9. Run "startApp-noUpdate.cmd" to launch guru again.
    10. (Optional) If there are pending updates to the Guru Server application, Guru will detect a new version and request to update, choose OK and it create a new "guruServer.zip" and shut down. (but not autostart) Unzip GuruServer manually via Command Prompt" "cd d:\Riapps\GuruServer\" then "unzip guruServer.zip"
    11. Run "startApp-noUpdate.cmd" to launch Guru again (last time).
    12. Launch the new Short Cut and evaluate desired functionality.
      EVALUATE CHANGES - run previous lot, correlate tests
      NOTE: this will not test guru to guru communication or generate STDF. To access the STDF, use STDF Assembler app to generate a .stdf file locally and transfer via USB for analysis.
      Reference: Product DocsSTDF Assembler Guru App User Guide https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-CFGHVW?Open
      NOTE: The network can remain connected to facilitate file transfer and Guru WILL NOT backup to the server as long as system is not restarted.
    13. Report issues to "[email protected]" and call 408-748-8589 to begin fixes. Our goal is to have fixes identified and a new update available quickly.
    14. Import new update"<Update2>.gzp"
    15. REPEAT step 11, or report SUCCESS and wait for "[NAME] Released.gzp"
    16. Reconnect network cable (if removed) and move "Ri Guru Startup" back into startup folder with right mouse click drag.

Revert to previous version
    1. Exit all Apps and Close Guru (System > Shutdown)
    2. Delete RiApps & RiGuru directories ("d:" "rm -rf riGuru riApps")
    3. "unzip backup.zip"
    4. Launch Guru from eCS > Desktop > Local System > Startup > RI Guru Startup

To Deploy Released Package.
    1. Import GZP to any system or simulator (again).
    2. From each system, update Guru (if applicable) and launch the latest available Short Cut.

Problem updating?
If an App doesn't update because it is still running (like DBManager), simply delete all folders from the "D:\RiApps\GuruApps" and they will be re-installed the first time they are run. This should only happen if the Preview release needs to be updated. Otherwise, restarting Guru will take care of all updates (EXCEPT WHEN RUNNING NO-UPDATE).

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