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Testing Devices

Device testing is divided between the Testplan and Test Exec. From an operators perspective, the Test Exec interface is consistent and reliable. An operator can use the touch screen interface to navigate to the released test executive. From a developer's perspective, the Test Exec is responsible for compiling the test plan, using "up to the minute" calibration data and hardware specific optimization techniques to drive the hardware.

    A.  Testplan defines "what" to test
         1.  Measurements performed
         2.  Values of instruments during test
         3.  Order of tests
         4.  Values of limits checked for pass/fail

    B.  Test Exec defines "how" to test it
         1.  Handler control and interaction
         2.  Operator user interface
         3.  Definition of bins (soft and hard)
         4.  Logging of test data

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