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This general procedural document is to be used in the diagnoses and communication of system problems.

To Contact RI: support@roos.com, +1-408-748-8589
Provide Serial Number of the Cassini system and related TIMs and steps to recreate the issue.

Handler Issues

    The Hander Pod is configured at the factory and its configuration stored on the device itself. Hander Pods are available with different interface options: Parallel (RI8517A), Serial (RI8516A), or GPIB (RI8552A). Handler issues are generally resolved by checking the connection between the handler and the RI ATE System or a re-configuring the handler. A ground wire may be necessary between the test system and the handler to prevent power spikes that the handler or tester misreads as a signal.

    In the case of irregular handler operation, first check the RIFL cable that goes from the Handler Pod to the Handler's tester interface connection for kinks or damages. Make sure that the cable is NOT a standard RJ-45 ethernet cable, it must have shielding. Most handlers have an opto-isolator built into the tester interface that needs to be connected to Tester power through the interface cable. Use a volt meter to verify that the required voltages are present and that all the connections are made.

    Make sure the Handler and System are grounded to the same earth ground (same AC outlet) so that no ground potential exists between the Handler and Tester. If there is a possibility of ground potential, connect a 16 gauge or higher ground wire from the Handler Chassis to the System's rack.

    To test a Handler Interface Pod, connect the pod using the supplied RIFL III cable to the connector on the Testhead and the handler to the pod with your custom handler cable.

    From Cassini "System" button, select “Equip” to open the Equipment Pool window.

    From Equipment Pool window, select “Nodes”, then from the "Pool" menu, select ”Control Modules” to open the Module Browser window.

    In the Module Browser window, in the left section find and highlight the Handler Interface Module “XXXXXXXX Name” (Name would be the name of the handler, "Delta" for example). In the middle section highlight “Handler”. In the lower section there are 3 boxes in the lower left. These will be used to control the Handler pod signals and provide a way to test the control logic with the Handler attached.

    Hander Pod Interface Troubleshooting

    If you do not have a RI Monitor Handler Interface (M6XHRF1A), you can check bins 1 and 2:
      1. Send a Bin and EOT signal to the handler by selecting the box marked “PULSE BIN”.
      2. In the “Choose” window, select a Bin (1 or 2).
      3. The Bin and EOT lights should flash.
    If you have a RI Monitor Handler Interface (M6XHRF1A ), you can check bins:
      1. Connect the Monitor Handler Interface.
      2. Send a Bin and EOT signal to the handler by selecting the box marked “PULSE BIN”.
      3. In the “Choose” window, select a Bin.
      4. Watch for the Bin and EOT lights flash on the Monitor Handler Interface (and on the handler pod for bins 1 and 2).
    If you have a means of sending a start signal to the handler pod, you can test if the handler is sending a start test signal to the ROOS system use the box marked “WAITFORSTART”. To use this feature click on the box. In the “Choose” window, select a Bin. This Bin number will be sent from the ROOS tester to the handler after the handler pod receives a start test from the handler. Enter 1 for “How many to run”. The ROOS system will now display in the main message window “waiting for start” and wait for a start of test signal from the handler. When the ROOS receives a start of test signal it will send the selected Bin and EOT to the handler.

    Hander Pod Interface Troubleshooting

    Connections for RI8503A0 Handler interface

    25 Pin Female D Sub type

    Connection Function Circuit type

    Pin1 Bin1 Open Collector Output
    Pin2 Bin2 Open Collector Output
    Pin3 Bin3 Open Collector Output
    Pin4 Bin4 Open Collector Output
    Pin5 Bin5 Open Collector Output
    Pin6 Bin6 Open Collector Output
    Pin7 Bin7 Open Collector Output
    Pin8 Bin8 Open Collector Output
    Pin10 Start Test TTL Input
    Pin11 +V(H) Handler +V for Pull Up (SEE NOTE 1)
    Pin12 GND Ground
    Pin13 +5V System +5V
    Pin14 On RI8503A0 is +5V System +5V
    Pin15 Input2 Misc. TTL Input, not used
    Pin16 Input3 Misc. TTL Input, not used
    Pin17 Input4 Misc. TTL Input, not used
    Pin22 Bin9 Open Collector Output
    Pin23 Bin10 Open Collector Output
    Pin24 Bin11 Open Collector Output
    Pin25 EOT Open Collector Output

    NOTE 1. Pin 11 MUST EITHER be connected to the +V from the handler or Pin 13(or Pin 14)

    Fixture Issues
      • Auto-detection depends on serial number
      • Fixture and DUT I/F have serial chip
      • If both are new, Fixture must be "identified" before DIB
      • Connector Hygiene

    A RI Test Fixture typically has a serial ID stored as embedded flash that has a unique serial number that comes pre-programmed from the factory. The RI System Software reads this ID on system Startup and will attempt to locate a Test Fixture software file that matches that ID. If a Test Fixture file is found the RI Software will activate that Test Fixture File. From the Cassini window, use "System | Check" buttons to scan the devices (including Fixures, DIBs).

    The RI System Software has the same auto detect feature with the Device Interface Board (DIB) and can locate a specific Device Interface Board calibration and configurations based on the ID read from the physical DIB serial ID.

    The Test Exe will check if the current Test Plan is able to use the active Test Fixture and Device Interface and give a warning message if there is not a match for either.

    It is a good idea to always visually inspect the Test Fixture connectors prior to loading on the Testhead looking for damaged pins or contamination (dust or debris).

    GPIB Instrument Issues
      • GPIB cable length limit (4 Meters)
      • Don't extend GPIB cables to make a longer run
      • Instrument made "inactive" if it fails at Startup
      • GPIB instruments must have a unique address
      • GPIB address must match stored address in Tester software object

    If there are any non-RI instruments that have been added to the RI ATE System that are controlled through the general purpose GPIB bus, then an inspection of the connections should be routinely made. These types of instruments have a tendency to be a shared resource and therefore the probability of an error being introduced is greater every time the instrument is reconnected. When a GPIB instrument is selected to be available to the system, a system startup should be executed to check if the instrument is connected correctly and it's GPIB address is correct. If there is any issue with the GPIB programming of the instrument, it will be marked "Inactive" and a warning message will be placed in the Message Window.

    If there is a GPIB issue always check:
      • The GPIB Address
      • That there is no "Daisy Chain" of the GPIB Cables
      • The correct driver was selected

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