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General Safety

RI systems are designed with an emphasis on safety and introduce no hazards that should be considered in an OSHA1 compliant safety program. The topics below review specific issues, but each section discusses how hazards are not exposed in the normal operation of a RI Test System. If the system is used in a manner not specified in the instructions, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired. The warnings below are based on a standard operating air temperature is from 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F) and humidity from 8% to 80%.

Conforms with the essential requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and LVD Directive 2006/95/EC, based on the following specifications applied:
EU Harmonized Standards:EN 61326-1:2006, EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009, EN 61000-3-3:2008, EN 61010-1:2001CE
Certificate available upon request.

Pinch Point Hazards

Always use caution when docking the Handler or Prober to the Fixture and Fixture to the Test Head. For some models, a pinch hazard only occurs when the test manipulator arm is moved to a maximum (up) or minimum (down) position. Do NOT insert fingers into the protected manipulator arm path at any time.

Electrical Shock Hazards

There are NO electrical shock hazards from any of the exposed electrical connections on the test head or on any surface of the system. The system uses 48 volts or less and shock hazards are typically designated as to 50 volts or higher 3. No high-voltage cables or connections are exposed at any time during operations or when moving the system. Fixtures and Tester Instrument Modules (TIMs) can be safely removed "hot" without disconnecting power without damaging the equipment or exposing live connections to the operator. The system is equipped with an Emergency Off (EMO) button that instantly disables all 48 volt connections. The "Main Breaker" is used to disconnect all electrical connections and should be switched "Off" before performing any infrastructure maintenance that requires tools to remove protective metal covers.

RI8589 Pulser can pulse up to 220V for a short time, exposing a burn risk to fingers if they touch the active terminal while Diagnostic or Calibration testplans are run.

Ergonomic Hazards

Repetitive stress injuries created by ergonomic workstation hazards are not of concern with normal system operations. Operators are NOT expected to use the touch screen or mouse and keyboard for an extended period of time (more than an hour). Most operators only use the system for minutes at a time, below industry guidelines for workstation safety4. If the system is primarily used for test plan development, however, extended periods of work may occur. A chair or stool with proper height adjustment and back support or a padded mat for standing support is suggested if the person remains in position for more than 60 minutes with 5 to 10-minute breaks.

Fire and Chemical Safety Hazards

There are NO explosive or combustible materials in the system. No chemical safety guidelines are required because no hazardous chemicals are used in the operation of the system. Exposure to hazardous amounts of lead is not possible due to the lack of direct contact to components that may have been soldered with lead. As a precaution, DO NOT EAT, DRINK, OR SMOKE after handling damaged internal electronic components until you have washed your hands.

RoHS Exemption

Roos Instruments equipment is exempt from RoHS standards for lead free components due to the performance characteristics of lead free components and the class of hardware5 (Large-scale stationary industrial tools (LSSIT)).


1 - Occupational Safety & Health Administration, http://www.osha.gov/
2 - CE Declaration of Conformity for Cassini 16 attained June, 16 2011.
3 - Encyclopaedia of occupational health, Jeanne Mager Stellman, pg. 52-5
4 - Handbook of OSHA constructions safety and health, Charles D. Reese, pg 218
5 - RoHS Product Categories & Exemptions https://www.rohsguide.com/rohs-categories.htm
Answer_Test_and_Measurement_Coalition.pdf https://rohs.biois.eu/Answer_Test_and_Measurement_Coalition.pdf )

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