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In this Lab you will create an RI Graphical Test Plan, Simulate it, and utilize data viewers to inspect the Test Data.

First : Log On to Guru.

Creating a New Device, Device Interface and Fixture

      Use the following procedure to create a new test plan, starting with the Device.
        1) Open the Device Interface Editor from the Guru bar Apps button.

        2) From the Dev Interf menu, select New Device...
          Title: Enter a title for your Device
          Device Family: Enter the name of the Family of Devices
          Version: Enter a version number for this definition
          Status: Leave as "alpha" until you can test this definition

        2) Select the "DIB" tab, then from the Dev Interf menu, select New DIB...
          DIB Title: Enter a title for your Device
          DIB Family: Enter the name of the Family of DIBs
          Device Family: Enter the name of the Family of Devices
          Device Pins Family: Leave as "alpha" until you can test this definition
          Fixture Family: Enter the name of the Family of Fixtures
          Serial Number: Provided by the system (must be unique)
          Version: Enter a version number for this definition
          Status: Leave as "alpha" until you can test this definition

          Tip! Think of "family" as the folder name on a file system.

Opening the Test Plans Container Window

      Use the following procedure to open the a Test Plan.
        1) From the Cassini menu Test and Plans....

        2) The Select Test Plan window appears.
Creating a New Test Plan

      Use the following procedure to create a new test plan.
        1) Click the New button.

        2) A "No Title" Test Plan Editor window is opened.
          Test Plan Title? Enter a title for your Test Plan & select the
                        OK button.
          System Definition
          Device Select the all duts device choice. Use the
                        down arrow and/or up arrow to the right of the
                        Device entry field to select all duts.
                        Select the OK button to return to the Test Plans
                        Container Window.
        3) The Test Plans Container Window will display a new Test Plan icon with the name you selected. The Test Plan icon you have created only contains the basic structure of the test plan. You need to next Edit your test plan and add the details.
Opening the Test Plan Editor Window

      The Test Plan Editor Window is a second level application window used to edit Test Plans. Use the following procedure to open the Test Plan Editor Window. You will use this window to create and edit the individual tests in your test plan.
        1) Place the mouse pointer on your test plan Icon and click mouse button 2 (right mouse button).

        2) Select the Pop up menu choice: Edit.
        3) The System Computer will open the Test Plan Editor Window.

        4) The Test Plan Editor Window will display in its title bar the test plan name. The window will also display the first 4 lines of the Test Plan Outline in the panel below the menu bar.

      The Test Plan Editor Window offers several menu bar choices and functions for editing and saving test plans, and for viewing other related application windows.

Expanding the Size of the Window and Moving the Window Location

      Use the following procedure to expand the Test Plan Editor Window by about 20% and move the window to the left side of the screen. (You will be opening some additional windows later. By moving the Test Plan Editor Window to one side you will be able to see multiple windows at the same time.)
        1) Place the mouse pointer in the upper left corner of the Test Plan Editor Window. (A mouse pointer with double arrows will be displayed.)

        2) Press and hold mouse button 1. Expand the window up and to the left by approximately 20%. Release mouse button 1 when finished.

        3) Place the mouse pointer on the Test Plan Editor Window's title bar, press and hold mouse button 1 and drag the window to the left side of the display. Release mouse button 1 when finished.
Adding Buttons to the Global Defaults Panel

      Some of the buttons used to define the test system, the test head and the device-under-test must be defined globally or included in each test panel. These buttons can be defined globally (through out the test plan) by adding them to the Global Defaults Panel. You can add additional buttons to the Global Defaults Panel if you want.

      Use the following procedure to add the required buttons to the Global Defaults Panel:
        1) Select [highlight] the Global Defaults line in the Test Plan Outline.

        2) Select the menu bar choices: Tester & View.

        3) The System Computer will open the Tester Viewer Window.

        4) Use the Scroll Bar to scroll down the instrument list to find the Test Head instrument.

        5) Select the Test Head instrument from the instrument list & the RF Setup button types from the button types list.

        6) Select and Copy the button: INPUT PORT. (Hint: Place the mouse pointer on the INPUT PORT button. Click mouse button 2 and select the Select function. The INPUT PORT button will now be highlighted indicating that it was selected and copied.)

        7) Return to the Test Plan Editor Window. (Hint: Select the Test Plan Editors' title bar or any other location on the window.)

        8) Paste the INPUT PORT button on the Global Defaults Panel (below the Test Plan Outline). (Hint: Place the mouse pointer on the Global Defaults Panel, click mouse button 2 and select the Paste Button function. The copied button will be added to the panel.)

Adding Buttons to the Global Defaults Panel (Continued)
        9) Try moving the button to a new location on the panel.
          Place the mouse pointer on the Test Head Group Button, but not inside the INPUT PORT button. Press and hold mouse button 2. Drag the button to a new location. Release button 2 when finished.
        10) Select and paste the following additional buttons from the Tester Viewer Window into the Global Defaults Panel.
          Hint: To return to the Tester Viewer Window select its title bar or any other location on the window. Use steps 4 through 9 above as a guideline for copying and pasting buttons into the Global Defaults Panel.

          Hint: Copy all three System buttons at the same time by repeating the select function three times (once for each button). If you accidentally select a button you do not want, just place the mouse pointer on the highlighted button again, click mouse button 2 and select the Deselect function. To delete a button from a test panel, place the mouse pointer on the button, select mouse button 2 and select the Delete function. (The system will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the button. Select the Yes button.)
          Please Note: When you perform the paste function the software will paste all of the buttons you have selected in the Tester Viewer Window into the test panel.
        Buttons to be Added to the Global Defaults Panel

        Instrument Button Type Button Setting

        Source1 state RF STATE
        System Output Frequency OUT FREQ SCALE
        System Output Frequency OUT FREQ OFFSET
        System Output Frequency FREQ REFERENCE
        Test Head RF Setup OUTPUT PORT
        DutControl device power 1 to 8 VCC3
Changing the Button Settings

      The value or setting for each of the instrument settings can be easily modified by the user. To change a specific instrument setting, place the mouse pointer on the button setting you want to change and click mouse button 1. Depending on the button selected, the System Computer will either display a list of choices for you to choose from or display a dialog box and let you enter the value desired. Practice this process by making the following setting changes. Be sure to place the mouse pointer on the specific setting you want to change.
      Please Note: The Source RF STATE button's setting is a toggle function. Selecting the setting reverses its value (ON to OFF or OFF to ON).
        Buttons Settings to be Changed

        Instrument Setting Setting Value Units

        Source1 RF STATE ON
        Test Head INPUT PORT Rf3
        Test Head OUTPUT PORT Rf6
        System FREQ REFERENCE Source1
        DutControl VCC3 3 Volts

Adding Buttons to the Disconnect Defaults Panel
      You can define the specific state of all of the instruments in the test system at the moment the device under test is connected to and disconnected from the test fixture by adding instrument state buttons to the Disconnect Settings Panel. Use the following procedure to define the test system's connect and disconnect state.
        1) Select the Disconnect Settings line in the Test Plan Outline.

        2) Copy and paste the following buttons from the Tester Viewer Window into the Disconnect Settings Panel.

        Buttons to be Added to the Disconnect Settings Panel

        Instrument Button Type Button Setting

        Source1 state RF STATE
        DutControl device power 1 to 8 VCC3
      3) Change the button settings to the following.

        Buttons Settings to be Changed

        Instrument Setting Setting Value Units

        Source1 RF STATE OFF

Adding a Test Section

      Each Test Plan must have at least one Test Section and each Test Section must have at least one Test. Use the following procedure to add a Test Section.
        1) Add a Test Section by selecting the menu bar choices: Edit and Add Test Section.

        2) The System Computer will display the dialog box Title for New Test Section?

        3) Enter a title for the Test Section & select the OK button.

        4) The Test Plan Editor will add a Test Section header line, a Conditional Statement line and a Section Defaults line to the Test Plan Outline.

Adding a Test

      Use the following procedure to add a Test.
        1) Select the Section Defaults line in the test plan outline.

        2) Add a test after the Section Defaults line by selecting the menu bar choices: Edit and Add Test.

        3) The System Computer will display the dialog box Title for New Test?

        4) Enter the title: RF Gain (although any title can be entered) & select the OK button.

        5) The Test Plan Editor will add the line Test: RF Gain to the Test Plan Outline and display a blank Test Panel.

Building a Test

      To build a test we need to specify the measurement, the measurement settings/test points and where you want to save the data. Add the following Tester Viewer buttons to the test panel to create a RF Gain test. (Although the placement of the buttons on the test panel is not critical, for convenience place the buttons from left to right on the test panel in the order shown.) Add the Source1 Power and Source1 Frequency buttons separately to the Test Panel. (Deselect the Source1 Power button before selecting and pasting the Source1 Frequency button into the test panel. Otherwise you will be pasting the Power and Frequency buttons together under the Source1 group button.)
        Buttons to be Added to the Test Panel

        Instrument Button Type Button Function

        Source1 state POWER
        Source1 state FREQUENCY
        vna measurements MEAS GAIN
        System data saves SAVE FORMAT

Connecting the MEAS button to the DATA SAVE button to transfer Test Results

      To transfer test results from the MEAS button to the DATA SAVE button we need to add a data flow connection between the two buttons. Use the following procedure to make the connection between the buttons.
        1) Place the mouse pointer on the small black square in the vna MEAS GAIN button.

        2) Press and hold mouse button 2, and drag the outline of the black square over and on top of the small red square in the System SAVE FORMAT button. Release mouse button 2.

        3) The System Computer will display a line connecting both buttons. This data flow connection indicates that the test results data will now be transferred from the MEAS button to the SAVE FORMAT button.
Changing the Button Settings

      Change the button settings to the following.

        Hint: To change a specific instrument setting, place the mouse pointer on the button setting you want to change and click mouse button 1. The System Computer will display a dialog box for the settings value selected. Enter the new settings value desired and select the OK button or press the Enter key. Be sure to place the mouse pointer on the specific setting you want to change. Practice this process by making the following setting changes.
        Buttons Settings to be Changed

        Instrument Setting Setting Value Units

        Source1 Power -15 dBm
        Source1 Frequency 1500 MHz

Changing the DATA SAVE button's Data Name

      Each System DATA SAVE button in a test plan must have a unique Data Name. Use the following procedure to change the Data Name to RF Gain.
        1) Place the mouse pointer on the System SAVE FORMAT button's Data Name. (Since we are editing the button for the first time the Data Name is still the default name NoName.)

        2) Click mouse button 2. (If you accidentally click mouse button 1 just click the OK button or the cancel button to close the dialog box shown.)

        3) Select the mouse button 2 function: Data Name.

        4) Enter the data name: RF Gain and select the OK button or press the Enter key.
Selecting the DATA SAVE button's Data Format

      The RI System Software offers you several ways to save the data. The two most common methods are saving the data using a specific data format (SAVE FORMAT button) or saving the data without specifying the data format (SAVE NO FORMAT button). If you use the SAVE NO FORMAT button, the system will save the data using linear, fundamental units for the measurement performed.
      We will be using the SAVE FORMAT buttons. Use the following procedure to select the Data Format for RF Gain.
        1) Place the mouse pointer on the System SAVE FORMAT button's Data Name.

        2) Click mouse button 2.

        3) Select the mouse button 2 function: Data Format.

        4) Select the data format: log. The RF Gain test data will be saved in log format (dB).

      You have created your first test.
Creating Another Test
      To add another test to the test plan (after the RF Gain test you created), use the following procedure.
        1) Select [highlight] the Test: RF Gain line in the Test Plan Outline.
          Hint: You can use the scroll bar to the right of the Test Plan Outline to view different portions of the Test Plan Outline.
        2) Select the menu bar choices Edit and Add Test.

        3) Enter the title: Noise Figure and select the OK button.

        4) Add the following Tester Viewer buttons to the Noise Figure test panel. Add the Source1 RF STATE and Source1 FREQUENCY buttons separately to the test panel. (You will be making some changes later to the Source FREQUENCY button.)

        Buttons to be Added to the Test Panel

        Instrument Button Type Button Setting/

        Source1 state RF STATE
        Source1 state FREQUENCY
        noiseFigure noise figure MEAS Noise Figure
        System data saves SAVE FORMAT

        5) Connect the noiseFigure MEAS Noise Figure button to the System SAVE FORMAT button.

Creating Another Test (Continued)
        6) Change the Source1 FREQUENCY button from a single test point button to a range button.

          a) Place the mouse pointer inside the Source1 FREQUENCY settings button and click mouse button 2. Select the pop-up menu choice: Range.

          b) The Source1 FREQUENCY button will change to a Source FREQUENCY START/STOP/POINTS button.

        7) Change the test settings/parameters to the following:

        Buttons Settings to be Changed

        Instrument Setting Setting Value Units

        Source1 FREQUENCY START 1200 MHz
        Source1 FREQUENCY STOP 1500 MHz
        Source1 FREQUENCY POINTS 4 MHz
        Source1 RF STATE OFF

        8) Change the System SAVE FORMAT button's Data Name to NF.

        9) Change the System SAVE FORMAT button's Data Format to log.

      Two tests have now been completed.
Creating a Third Test
      To add a third test to the test plan (after the Noise Figure test), use the following procedure.
        1) Select [highlight] the Test: Noise Figure line in the Test Plan Outline.

        2) Select the menu bar choices: Edit and Add Test.

        3) Enter the title: Input VSWR/Output Match and select the OK button.

        4) Add the following Test System Viewer buttons to the test panel.

          Hint: Select the Source1 Frequency button once and paste the button twice into the test panel.
Buttons to be Added to the Test Panel

      Instrument Button Type Button Function/Comments

      Source1 state POWER
      Source1 state FREQUENCY
      Source1 state FREQUENCY
      vna measurements S Parameters
      System general calculations CALC Copy two (1 Input) CALC
      buttons to the right of the S
      Parameters button
      System data saves SAVE FORMAT Copy a SAVE FORMAT
      button to the right of
      each CALC button.
        5) Connect the vna MEAS S Parameters button to one of 1 Input CALC buttons and then connect the CALC button to one of the SAVE FORMAT buttons.

        6) Now connect the vna MEAS S Parameters button to the other 1 Input CALC button and then connect the CALC button to the other SAVE FORMAT button.
Creating a Third Test (Continued)

        7) Change one of the Source1 FREQUENCY buttons into a FREQUENCY START/STOP/POINTS button.
          Hint: Place the mouse pointer inside the Source1 FREQUENCY settings button, click mouse button 2 & select the pop-up menu choice: Range.
        8) Change the test settings/parameters to the following:

        Buttons Settings to be Changed

        Instrument Setting Setting Value Units

        Source1 POWER -15 dBm
        Source1 FREQUENCY 1300 MHz
        Source1 FREQUENCY START 1200 MHz
        Source1 FREQUENCY STOP 1500 MHz
        Source1 FREQUENCY POINTS 3

        9) Place the mouse pointer inside of one of the 1 Input CALC buttons & click the right mouse button. Select the pop-up menu choices: Calculation.. & s11. Select the select button.

        10) Change the Data Name of the DATA SAVE button connected to the CALC s11 button to: IVSWR and change the Data Format to vswr.

        11) Place the mouse pointer inside of the other 1 Input CALC button & click the right button. Select the pop-up menu choices: Calculation.. & s22.

        12) Change the Data Name of the DATA SAVE button connected to the CALC s22 button to: Output Match.

        13) Change the Data Format of the DATA SAVE button connected to the CALC s22 button to: log mag.
Creating a Fourth Test

      To add a test to the test plan after the RF Gain test and before the Noise Figure test, use the following procedure.
        1) Select [highlight] the Test: RF Gain line in the Test Plan Outline.

        2) Select the menu bar choices: Edit and Add Test.

        3) Enter the title: Output Power vs Vcc3 & Frequency, and select the OK button.

        4) Add the following Test System Viewer buttons to the test panel.

        Buttons to be Added to the Test Panel

        Instrument Button Type Button Function

        Source1 state FREQUENCY
        Source1 state POWER
        DutControl device power 1 to 8 VCC3
        Receiver state Frequency
        Receiver measurements Power
        Testhead RF Setup PARAMETER
        System data saves SAVE FORMAT

          Hint: You will see that there is not enough room to paste all of the buttons from left to right on to the test panel. Don't worry, the test panel automatically rescales so that all of the buttons are visible. If you move a button or paste a button such that it is partly on and partly off the test panel, the System Computer will automatically rescale the test panel to display all of the button. Try moving a button partly off the test panel and see for yourself. The software also offers a maximize function to rescale the test panel such that the buttons are displayed as large as possible. (To use the maximize function, click mouse button 2 on an open space in the test panel and then select the menu choice: Maximize.)
Creating a Fourth Test (Continued)
        5) Connect the Receiver MEAS Power button to the System SAVE FORMAT button.

        6) Change the Data Name of the DATA SAVE button to: Output Power.

        7) Change the Data Format of the DATA SAVE button to: dBm.

        8) Change the Source1 FREQUENCY button and the DutControl VCC3 button to START/STOP/POINTS range buttons.

        9) Change the Receiver FREQUENCY button to a Receiver Frequency Tracking button.
          Hint: Place the mouse pointer inside the Receiver Frequency button and click the right mouse button. Select the pop-up menu choice: Tracking. The Receiver Frequency button will change to a Receiver FREQUENCY/MASTER/CONFIG/SCALE/OFFSET button.

        10) Change the Receiver test settings/parameters to the following:

        Buttons Settings to be Changed

        Instrument Setting Setting Value Units

        Receiver FREQUENCY MASTER Source1
        Receiver FREQUENCY CONFIG Frequency
        Receiver FREQUENCY SCALE 1
        Receiver FREQUENCY OFFSET 0

        The Receiver will now track Source1's frequency. Each time Source1's frequency is changed the Receiver will change its frequency to follow Source1 using the following equation:

        Rec. Freq = Source1 Freq x FREQUENCY SCALE + FREQUENCY OFFSET

Creating a Fourth Test (Continued)
        11) Change the following additional test settings/parameters to the following:

        Buttons Settings to be Changed

        Instrument Setting Setting Value Units

        Source1 FREQUENCY START 1200 MHz
        Source1 FREQUENCY STOP 1500 MHz
        Source1 POINTS 4
        Source1 POWER -15 dBm
        DutControl VCC3 START 3 Volts
        DutControl VCC3 STOP 5 Volts
        DutControl VCC3 POINTS 3
        Testhead PARAMETER b2

You have completed the last test. We will next compile and run your test plan.

Saving Your Test Plan
      Now that you have created your first test plan, it is a good idea to save it on to the Hard Disk Drive. Use the following procedure to save your test plan.
        1) Select the menu bar choices: File and Save.

        2) The System Computer will save your complete test plan on to the Hard Disk Drive.

Compiling the Test Plan
      Use the following procedure to link your test plan to the tester currently selected, and optimize & compile your test plan into a runnable test plan.
        1) From the Test Plan Editor Window select the menu bar choices: Test Plan and Compile.

        2) It typically takes less than 1 minute to link your test plan to the tester and optimize & compile your test plan into a runnable test plan. The mouse pointer will change from a hour glass or clock symbol to a pointer symbol when the process is completed.

        3) The System Computer will convert the test plan into low level fundamental measurement states. The Optimizer will reorder the low level measurement states for fastest execution time. The optimized test sequence is then compiled into a runnable test plan.

        4) If you hear a beep from the System Computer during the compile process, a warning state or error may have been discovered in your test plan by the Compiler. The RI Message Window will display any error and warning messages provided by the Compiler. Correct any errors discovered and repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.

Changing to System Simulation Mode
      To run your test plan in simulation mode while connecting the System Computer, you must tell the System Software to run your test plan using System Simulation Mode. You enable the System Simulation Mode by disabling the Hardware. Use the following procedure to disable the Hardware for the test system. Your instructor may ask you to use a different procedure for this lab. Please confirm with your instructor as to which procedure you should use.
        1) Select the menu bar choice: Tester.

        2) If a check mark is displayed to the left of the Enabled function, the hardware is Enabled. Select the Enable function to remove the check mark and disable the Hardware. The System is now in System Simulation Mode.

        If the Enabled function does not have a check mark preceding it, then the hardware is already disabled and the system is in System Simulation Mode. Close the Tester pull down menu by selecting any location outside of the pull down menu.

        3) In System Simulation Mode the RIFL interface is bypassed and test results are provided by an internal pseudo random number generator.

Running the Test Plan
      You are now ready to run your test plan. Use the following procedure to run your compiled test plan.
        1) From the Test Plan Editor Window select the Run button (upper right corner).

        2) In just a few seconds the System Computer will run your test plan and place the test results data into the local data cache for viewing. Since the test plan was run in System Simulation Mode, the data sent to the data cache will be random numbers.

        3) If an error or warning condition is discovered during the test plan execution, the System Computer will beep and an error or warning message will be sent to the RI Message Window for you to view.
Opening a Data Viewer

      You can now view the test results data in the local data cache using one of several data viewers provided with the software. Use the following procedure to open a data viewer and view the test results data generated by the Noise Figure test.
        1) Select the test: Noise Figure line in the Test Plan Outline. (You may need to use the scroll bar to the right of the test plan outline to find the test: Noise Figure line.)

        2) Place the mouse pointer on the Data Save button's data name: NF, click mouse button 2 and select the function View Data.

        3) The System Computer will display the dialog box: Select Viewer. As you can see the software offers you several choices for viewing the test results data. The most used data viewer is the Rectangular view which sorts the test results data and displays the data on an rectangular (X & Y coordinate) plot.

        4) Select the data viewer choice Rectangular view and select the Select button.

        5) The System Computer will open the data viewer selected and display the test results. The data viewer will display in its title bar: RI NF vs Frequency to remind you that the Data Name for the DATA SAVE button you selected was NF and the test parameter you varied in the test panel was RF Frequency.
Viewing the Test Results
      The data viewer offers you the flexibility to display the test results in many different ways, depending on the X & Y axis data formats, min and max values and the scaling factors you select. The System Computer will initially select for you the Y axis scaling for the test results plot. To tailor your plot to your specific needs you just select the button setting you want to change and either enter the new value or select from the list of choices provided. Use the following procedure to practice changing some of the button settings offered.
        1) Select the Y axis FORMAT button (to the left of the bottom left corner of the plot). Select the Y FORMAT choice log to display the Noise Figure measurements in logarithmic units.

        2) Select the Auto button in the Y CENTER group button, to auto-scale the Y axis center line. The setting selected by the System Computer is displayed below the Auto button.

        3) Select the Auto button in the Y SCALE group button, to auto-scale the Y axis scale factor. The setting selected by the System Computer is displayed below the Auto button.

        4) The data viewer offers you the ability to determine the X & Y coordinates of any location or test point on the test results plot. Place the mouse pointer on the test results trace and click mouse button 1. The data viewer will display the X & Y coordinates of the point selected, just above the upper left corner of the test results plot.

        5) Ask your Instructor about the other Marker Functions.
          Hint: Place the mouse pointer on the test results plot and click mouse button 2. Select the Marker Menu choice and select one of the sub-menu choices.

        6) Select the MEMO button and enter the name of your test plan. Select the OK button when finished. The name of your test plan will be displayed in the center of the MEMO button.

        7) If you don’t have a printer connected to the system computer, skip step 8.

        8) To print a copy of the plot you have created, place the mouse pointer outside of the XY plot and click mouse button 2. Select the pop-up menu choice Print, or place the mouse pointer on the Data Viewer Window's title bar and select Print Screen on the keyboard.
          Hint: You can expand the size of the printed plot by expanding the size of the Data Viewer Window.
Overpaint Function: Adding Additional Traces to the Same Plot
      If you run the test plan again the data viewer will erase the test results currently displayed and display the new test results. If you want to display multiple sequential traces of test results on the same plot (i.e. both the current test results trace and the future test results trace (or traces) just enable the Overpaint function and run the test plan again. Use the following procedure to display three sets of test results data for the Noise Figure test on the plot you have already created.
        1) Place the mouse pointer on the Test Results Plot and click the mouse button 2. Select the OverPaint button. ( The OverPaint button is a toggle function, selecting it once sets the OverPaint function on and selecting it again changes it to off.)

        2) Shrink and/or move both the Data Viewer Window and the Test Plan Editor Window so that you can see both windows at the same time. ( This will be helpful later when you want to run the test plan again from the Test Plan Editor Window and you are viewing the test results in the Data Viewer Window.)

        3) Run the test plan again by selecting the Test Plan Editor Window's Run button. The new test results will be added to the plot in the Data Viewer Window.

        4) Run the test plan a third time. Again the new test results will be added to the plot.

        5) To erase all of the test results traces except the last trace, select the OverPaint function again. The OverPaint button setting will change from on to off and only the last trace will be displayed on the plot.

        6) Return to the Test Plan Editor Window.

Selecting a Multi-Parameter Data Viewer
      Let us now look at the test results for the Output Power test which has two independent measurement parameters: Source1 Frequency and VCC3 Voltage. To view these test results we will use a Multi-Parameter Data Viewer Window. The Multi-Parameter Data Viewer Window is a little different from the data viewer window we used previously. The Multi-Parameter Data Viewer displays one of the measurement parameters as the X Axis Independent Variable. A second measurement parameter is displayed as a series of colored traces, with each colored trace representing a different value of the measurement parameter. We refer to this measurement parameter as the Colors Independent Variable. If there are more than 2 independent variables/measurement parameters, each of the remaining measurement parameters must be set equal to a fixed value. (The software provides a list of test point values for you to select from, for each of the remaining independent variables.) Use the following procedure to open a Multi-Parameter Data Viewer Window for displaying the Output Power test results.
        1) Select [highlight] the test: Output Power vs Vcc3 & Frequency line in the test plan outline. (You may want to expand the Test Plan Editor's window again. You can leave the data viewer for the Noise Figure test open on the screen. You may want to look at it again later.)

        2) Place the mouse pointer on the Data Save button's data name: Output Power and select the mouse button 2 function View Data.

        3) The System Computer will display the dialog box Select Plotting Axes. The Select Plotting Axes dialog box lets you select the X Axis Independent Variable, the Colors Independent Variable and lets you set each of the remaining measurement parameters equal to a constant (i.e. converts the remaining independent variables to fixed variables with constant values.)

        4) Select Source1 Frequency as the X Axis Independent Variable. Source frequency will be displayed along the X axis of the test results plot.

        5) Select DutControl Vcc3 as the Colors Independent Variable. DutControl Vcc3 will be displayed as a series of colored test result traces, with each trace representing a different Vcc3 voltage value. Select the OK button.

        6) The System Computer will display the dialog box Select Viewer.

        7) Select [highlight] the data viewer choice Multiparameter and select the Select button.
Selecting a Multi-Parameter Data Viewer ( continued )

8) The System Computer will open the Multi-Parameter viewer and display the test results. The data viewer will display in its title bar: Output Power vs Frequency, colors Vcc3 to remind you that the Data Name for the DATA SAVE button you selected was Output Power, the measurement parameter you selected along the X axis was Source1 Frequency and the measurement parameter you selected to be displayed by different colored traces was DutControl Vcc3.

Viewing the Test Results with the Multi-Parameter Data Viewer
      The Multi-Parameter Data Viewer offers you the flexibility to display the test results in many different ways, depending on the data formats, min and max values and the scaling factors you select. The System Computer will initially set the Y Axis Scaling for you and display the test results trace for the highest DutControl Vcc3 voltage value. (The test results may or may not be visible depending on the scaling values selected. We will be using the Auto buttons again to auto-scale the test results plot.) To tailor your plot to your specific needs you again select the button setting you want to change and either enter the new value or select from the list of choices provided. Use the following procedure to practice changing some of the button settings offered with the Multiparameter Viewer.
        1) Select the Y axis FORMAT button (to the left of the bottom left corner of the plot). Select the FORMAT choice dBm to display the Output Power in dBm.

        2) Select the Auto button in the Y CENTER group button, to auto-scale the Y axis center line. The setting selected by the System Computer is displayed below the Auto button.

        3) Select the Auto button in the Y SCALE group button, to auto-scale the Y axis scaling factor. The setting selected by the System Computer is displayed below the Auto button.

        4) Select a colored square in the color bar to the left of the plot. The plot will change to show the test results for the Vcc3 voltage setting you selected. The Vcc3 voltage setting is displayed to the right of each colored square. Select another color. As you can see, you can display the Output Power vs Source1 Frequency for each of the Vcc3 voltage settings.

        5) To display all of the traces at the same time, place the mouse pointer on the XY plot and select the Mouse Button 2 menu choice: OverPaint. The OverPaint function will be enabled.

        6) Select the Auto or Redraw button to redraw all of the traces.

        7) Remember: To determine the X & Y coordinates of any location or test point on the test results plot, place the mouse pointer on the location desired and click mouse button 1.

        8) Select the MEMO button and enter the name of your test plan. Select the OK button when finished. The name of your test plan will be displayed in the center of the MEMO button. If you do not have a printer connected to the system computer, go to step 10.
Viewing Test Results w/ Multi-Parameter Data Viewer (continued)
        9) To print a copy of the plot you have created, place the mouse pointer outside of the XY plot and click mouse button 2. Select the pop-up menu choice: Print, or place the mouse pointer on the data viewer window's title bar and select Print Screen on the keyboard.
          Remember: The size of the printed plot is a direct function of the size of the Data Viewer window on the System Computer CRT screen.

        10) Close the Data Viewer Window by placing the mouse pointer on the down arrow in the upper left corner of the Data Viewer Window and double clicking mouse button 1. Repeat this process for all of the other open Data Viewer Windows.

Creating Test Limits
      Once you have compiled and run your test plan, you can add test limits (upper and/or lower limit values) to each of the test panels. The limit values can be saved in a separate test limit spec. Each test plan can have more than one set of test limit specs associated with the test plan. Use the following procedure to create a test limit spec for your test plan.
        1) Return to the Test Plan Editor Window by selecting the window's title bar or any other location on the window. Increase the size of the Test Plan Editor Window and place the window such that the title bar for the RI Message Window is visible. (You will be needing access to the RI Message Window later in the lab.)

        2) Select the Test Plan Editor's menu bar choices: Limits and New.

        3) The System Computer will display the dialog box: Title? Enter: Histogram for the name of your test limit spec and select the OK button. You can use any name for the set of test limits you will be creating, however we want you to enter Histogram because we will be using the Histogram tool later in the lab.

        4) The System Computer will create a test limit spec with the name you entered and this test limit spec will be saved with your test plan.

Adding Test Limit Values
      The test system only performs the test limit checks for those upper or lower test limits which have a limit value. Blank test limit values are ignored. Use the following procedure to add test limits.
        1) Select a test in the test plan outline.

        2) Place the mouse pointer on the Data Save button's Data Name and select the mouse button 2 function: Single-valued Limit.

        3) The System Computer will display the dialog box Set Test Limits.

        4) Select the entry field for the Minimum and/or Maximum test limit and enter the value desired.

        5) Select the OK button when finished.
      Practice these steps by adding the following test limits to your test plan.

        Test Limits to be Added to the Test Plan

        Test Data Name Min Max Format

        RF Gain RF Gain 15 25 log
        Output Power Output Power 0 10 dBm
        Noise Figure NF 0 3.5 log
        Input VSWR/Output Match IVSWR 0 2.7 Vswr
        Input VSWR/Output Match Output Match -100 -10 log mag

Modifying Individual Test Limit Values
      The previous procedure let you set a fixed test limit value for all of the test limits associated with a specific DATA SAVE button. Use the following procedure to set individual test limit values for any test point in any of the tests.
        1) Select a test in the test plan outline.

        2) Place the mouse pointer on the Data Save button's Data Name and select the mouse button 2 function: Multi-valued Limit.

        3) The System Computer will display the dialog box Set Limit Checks.

        4) Select the test point, followed by the entry field for the Minimum or Maximum test limit value you wish to change and enter the new value desired (or modify the old limit value).

        5) Repeat step 4 as required for the other test limits you wish to change.
          Hint: Use the scroll bar to view other test points in the Settings list.
        6) Select the OK button when finished.
      Practice these steps by changing the following test limits in your test plan.
        Test Limits to be Changed in the Test Plan

        Data Name(Setting,Setting) Value,Value Min Max Format

        Output Power(VCC3,Freq) 3.0, 1200 -1.0 9 dBm
        Output Power(VCC3,Freq) 3.0, 1300 -1.0 9 dBm
        Output Power(VCC3,Freq) 3.0, 1400 -1.0 9 dBm
        Output Power(VCC3,Freq) 3.0, 1500 -1.0 9 dBm
        NF(Freq) 1200 0 2.8 log
        NF(Freq) 1500 0 2.8 log
        IVSWR(Freq) 1500 0 2.5 Vswr
        Output Match(Freq) 1500 -100 -13 log mag
Saving Your Test Plan with the Test Limits
      To save the test plan and the test limits you created, use the following procedure:
        1) Select the menu bar choices: File and Save.

        2) The System Computer will save the test limits with your test plan.
Displaying an ASCII Text Listing of the Tests, Settings and Limits
      Once you have compiled your Test Plan you can display a machine generated ASCII Text Document that assigns a Test Number to each Data Save point for all the Test Panels created. For each Test Panel a header in the file will be created which includes all the setup information from the panel as well as any inherited information you set in the Section and Global default panels. Each unique Test Number generated for every data point will show what settings are changing ( for sweeps etc. ) and, as an added bonus, the limits associated with the data point, as long as you created and activated your limit file. This can be printed and released as a test documentation file. To Display the Listing file:
        1) Select your Test Plan and compile it.

        2) Select the Test Plan Editor's menu bar choices: Limits and Select.

        3) The System Computer will display a listing of all the available Limit Files. Select the file you created earlier: Histogram and select the OK button.

        4) Select the Test Plan Editor's menu bar choices: File and Listing.

        2) The System Computer will display a Dialog Box containing a listing of all the Test created. Scroll down to see all of the listing file and enter the Test Number assigned to the first data save: Output Match _____________________

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