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This general procedural flow chart is to be used in the diagnoses and communication of system problems.

Handler Issues
    • Handler cable wiring
    • Handler Pod defines unique settings for a handler
    • Signals exchanged by handler and system
      • Start test
      • End test
      • Bin part
    The Hander Pod is configured at the factory and its configuration stored on the device itself. Hander Pods are available with different interface options: Parallel (RI8517A1), Serial (RI8516A1), or GPIB (RI8552A0). Handler issues are generally resolved by checking the connection between the handler and the RI ATE System or a re-configuring the handler. A ground wire may be necessary between the test system and the handler to prevent power spikes that the handler or tester misreads as a signal.

    Fixture Issues
      • Auto-detection depends on serial number
      • Fixture and DUT I/F have serial chip
      • If both are new, Fixture must be "taught" before DUT IF
      • Connector Hygiene

    A RI Test Fixture typically has a serial ID stored as embedded flash that has a unique serial number that comes pre-programmed from the factory. The RI System Software reads this ID on system Startup and will attempt to locate a Test Fixture software file that matches that ID. If a Test Fixture file is found the RI Software will activate that Test Fixture File.

    The RI System Software has the same auto detect feature with the Device Interface and can locate a specific Device Interface file bases on the ID read from the physical DUT board serial ID embedded flash.

    The Test Exec when executed will check if the current Test Plan is able to use the active Test Fixture and Device Interface and give a warning message if there is not a match for either.

    It is a good idea to always visually inspect the Test Fixture connectors prior to connecting to the ATE system looking for any damage or contamination.

    GPIB Instrument Issues
      • GPIB cable length limit (4 Meters)
      • Don't extend GPIB cables to make a longer run
      • Instrument made "inactive" if it fails at Startup
      • GPIB instruments must have a unique address
      • GPIB address must match stored address in Tester software object

    If there are any non-RI instruments that have been added to the RI ATE System that are controlled through the general purpose GPIB bus, then an inspection of the connections should be routinely made. These types of instruments have a tendency to be a shared resource and therefore the probability of an error being introduced is greater every time the instrument is reconnected. When a GPIB instrument is selected to be available to the system, a system startup should be executed to check if the instrument is connected correctly and it's GPIB address is correct. If there is any issue with the GPIB programming of the instrument, it will be marked "Inactive" and a warning message will be placed in the Message Window.

    If there is a GPIB issue always check:
      • The GPIB Address
      • That there is no "Daisy Chain" of the GPIB Cables
      • The correct driver was selected

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