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Automatic System Backups with Guru Server

A Guru Server configured as a Backup Guru provides automatic backup of all data and applications that are launched from the local Guru. See the training topic "Connect to a Guru Server with Guru Address Book" for specific instruction. All Guru applications save every revision of every file to their local Guru. When the Guru connects to a configured Backup Guru, it transfers all of the revisions to the Guru Server. If the connection is interrupted, click System > Backup (or Synchronize) from Guru to force the Guru Client to upload all changes to the Backup Guru and get all the updates from the Update Guru.

One exception is when a new Cassini system is installed, the local objects not owned by the tester are assumed to be already on the Guru Sever. Launch Sync Util (Apps button) choose the Server Name in as Guru B and press Connect, choose Compare Gurus then press Sync Up (Update Guru B from Guru A).

Restore a System Controller with Guru Server

The System Controller can be quickly and automatically restored by attaching the USB Guru Key to the new System Controller and verifying that the Guru Server is set as the "Update Guru" using the Guru Address Book. Once the user logs on, all applications will automatically load the needed objects from the Guru Server on demand. It is recommended to use the System > Restore command to move all the necessary objects to the local Guru to improve performance. After performing a System Restore, use System > Shutdown button from the Guru bar to restart Guru to load the most recent changes.

Restore Previous Version

To restore a file from a local Guru or a Guru Server, follow the instructions for Recovering a Guru Object.

Backup Guru IDs for Virtual Workstation

The "self generated" Guru ID should be backed up, see Virtual Workstation installation recommendations. All Guru Server and System Controller Guru IDs are archived at Roos Instruments.

Archive Desktop UI

The location of icons and look at feel of the eCS desktop (PM or Presentation Manager) can be Archived in case the desktop fails to load. This should be done after major UI changes.

Right click on the desktop and select "Properties", then select "Archive" tab and check "Archive Desktop" and "at next Desktop startup only".

To restore, press ALT+F2 during startup, select "1" from the Recovery Choices screen to load the last Archived Desktop.

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