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This note describes how to install and operate a program which renames the STDF data files generated by the RI7100A System Software and moves them to another directory. Cassini systems should use the Guru STDF Copy Agent functionality. The program is written in the Python language which makes it portable across operating systems. This program could be run on the tester, or it could be run on a Windows or Linux machine used to hold the data files.

The RI System Software should be running Release 21C, patch level 226 (System Name in STDF file) or greater.

When started, the program runs continuously (like a UNIX "daemon" process) and looks for files in the RiApps\Testdata\STDF directory. When it finds a file, it reads the header information of the file and uses that information to rename the file and move it to the destination directory. It names files using the device name, lot and sublot names, date and time of the test, and the system number. In addition, it adds a suffix if all of these parameters are the same.

Because Python does not come standard on the OS/2 operating system, the files needed to install Python and its support libraries (called EMX) are attached below. These must be installed before the new program will run. To make installation easier for EMX and other supporting files, an installation program called WarpInstaller was used, and is also included below.

The installation of this program is done as follows: (Note, eComStation based installations may already have WarpIN installed. The setup program CAN be run without harming the system.)

1. Install WarpIN (the installation support program)

2. Install EMX using the WarpIN program

3. Install Python 2.2.3 by unzipping it to a directory

4. Install the new program by unzipping it to a directory

5. Create an icon to run the program automatically, and put a copy in the OS/2 Startup folder

Install WarpIn:

To install the WarpIn installer, just run the EXE program from an OS/2 Command window and follow the instructions. It defaults to installing the program on drive "C".

Install EMX:

Again just run the EXE program provided for installing EMX from an OS/2 Command window and follow the instructions. It also defaults to installing the software on drive "C".

Install Python:

Python is supplied as a ZIP file. To install it, open an OS/2 Command window and change to the directory C:\ (the root directory of drive C:). Type the command "unzip python223". This will create a directory called C:\python223 and put all Python files in it. You must edit CONFIG.SYS and add the directory C:\python223 to the LIBPATH variable (at the end). You must reboot the computer to make the changes effective.

Install Script:

Unzip the "Rename Daemon" script, "renamed.zip" to a directory under RiApps. I recommend a new directory called D:\RiApps\Scripts. There are two files in this zip file, "renamed.py" and "stdf.py". Both are needed for this script to run.

Create a new "program" icon and open its properties. Make the following changes to the properties:

Select the tab "Program":
"path and file name" c:\python223\python.exe
"working directory" d:\riapps\scripts
Select the tab "Session"
"os/2 window"selected
"start minimized"checked
"close window on exit"checked
Select the tab "Icon"
"title"Rename STDF Daemon

Close the Properties box and move the icon to the folder named "Startup" insided the folder named "OS/2 System".

Finally, open the file "renamed.py" with an editor (suct as EPM.EXE, or E.EXE) and customize its values. There are constants in the beginning of the program that control where it looks for files, where it puts the renamed files, and whether it keeps a backup copy in a ZIP file or not. Here are the lines from the program:

# The original directory of the STDF files:
srcDir = 'd:/riapps/testdata/stdf'
# The final destination of the renamed files:
destDir = 'd:/customer'
# The final destination of the zip files:
zipDir = 'd:/riapps/testdata/zip'
# Set the variable below to 1 to enable zip file creation, 0 to inhibit zip file:
saveZip = 1

Make changes to the variables "srcDir", "destDir", "zipDir", and "saveZip" and customize them for your tester. The "saveZip" variable causes the system to save the original file in a weekly zip file. The original file is moved from the "srcDir" directory to the "destDir" directory and renamed at the same time. If the "destDir" or "zipDir" directories do not exist, they will be created by the program.


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