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rTalk is distributed via .rpm packages targeted to Redhat Enterprise Linux RHEL 7 (or el7+ equivalent OS like CentOS7). Contact [email protected] for a URL link to the latest version or repository.

  • Current user allowed to sudo and is in the users group (TIP! type groups command, if "users" is not listed, then sudo adduser <username> users)
  • Verify the USB is working correctly: from linux verify see the entry “1c40:0571 EZPrototypes” when lsusb command is issued
  • rTalk includes mosquitto service, a MQTT broker specifically configured for rTalk
  • USB access (/dev/udev) for RIFL control
  • Guru repository accessible (stores user data)

To Install rTalk Service and Configure Users/Groups:
  1. Download and copy the latest rtalk*. RPMs to the home directory
  2. Install RPM: sudo rpm -i rtalk-exp.YYMMDD.el7.centos.x84_64
    This installs RI maintained version of mosquitto and creates rtalkadmin user and rtalk group, sets the directory ownership and reloads the mosquitto service

To Install rTalk on a new system:
1. Download the latest rtalk*.rpm
2. Install rTalk: sudo rpm -i rtalk-exp.YYMMDD.el7.centos.x84_64
  1. Note: optionally use --replacepkgs if have an issue with pre-existing package
3. Reload system manager: systemctl daemon-reload
4. Start mosquitto service: sudo systemctl start mosquitto
5. Enable mosquitto service: sudo systemctl enable mosquitto
6. Check mosquitto service: sudo systemctl status mosquitto
7. If need to install Mosquitto service: cp /opt/mosquittoRH7/mosquitto.service /lib/systemd/system/.
8. Reboot the system

To Upgrade rTalk:
1. Download the latest rtalk*.rpm
2. If rTalk is running as a service then stop it using: sudo systemctl stop rtalk_service
3. Stop the mosquitto service: sudo systemctl stop mosquitto
4. Remove existing ralk Installation:
  1. Get existing package name: rpm -qa | grep rtalk
  2. Remove existing package: rpm -e <existing package name>
  3. If originally installed from user instead of sudo, remove contents: rm -rf /opt/rtalk /var/opt/rtalk
5. Install rTalk: sudo rpm -i rtalk-exp.YYMMDD.el7.centos.x84_64
Note: optionally use
--replacepkgs if have an issue with pre-existing package
6. Reload system manager: systemctl daemon-reload
7. Start mosquitto service: sudo systemctl start mosquitto
8. Enable mosquitto service: sudo systemctl enable mosquitto
9. Check mosquitto service: sudo systemctl status mosquitto
If need to manually install Mosquitto service: cp /opt/mosquittoRH7/mosquitto.service /lib/systemd/system/.
10. Reboot the system

RPM Contents:



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