Guru Enterprise Server is hosted on Xubuntu 14.04 LTS. Topics included below explain the procedure to change common settings in the OS. Any topic not listed below is covered by instructions available by searching the internet for "<topic> ubuntu". Guru Enterprise server is configured at the factory to integrate into the destination's network architecture, see Guru Enterprise Planning Checklist. Servers can be accessed using the local workstation (monitor and keyboard) or remotely via VNC (remote desktop UI) or SSH (command line). When possible both command line and GUI instructions are provided. Instructions not provided below can be found by searching online for "<topic> ubuntu" to access a vast amount of information.
Topics Covered: Server Administration, Desktop (KVM or VNC), Network Settings, NTP Settings, Timezone, VNC Server Settings, Mount Shared Network Drives (NFS), Shared Folders, Change OS Update Country, OS Update, Guru Server Launch Script, Identify Guru Server Version, Hardware Monitoring.
Server Administration
There are 3 interfaces used to administer Guru Enterprise Server. Local Workstation (KVM), Remotely via VNC (Remote Desktop), SSH (command line terminal) or IPMI and HTTP (for hardware administration via Dell's iDRAC system). Each system has 3 IP addresses, one to access LAN, the second for the IPMI interface, and a third for GuruNet (server to server cluster). RI manages the GuruNet static IPv4 interface, the customer provides DHCP or static assigned addresses for the other two interfaces.
Default username/password = guru/Cassini16
(note: IDRAC interface requires login with "root")
(note: SSH prevents "root" logon, use "guru" then prepend commands with "sudo")
Desktop (KVM or VNC)
The the ONLY way to interact directly with GURU is via a GUI from a local terminal (KVM) or remote terminal (VNC). The command line interface (terminal or ssh) can only be used for OS activities. Command line interface can be opened via the local and remote terminals, however SSH is recommended for best remote admin performance. The hardware administration interface (IPMI) can be accessed from any web browser (HTTP) EXCEPT the local terminal, prevented by network hardware limitations. For example, the IPMI inteface for guru-srv1, host name of "ipmi-<serviceTag>" can not be accessed from a local web browser.
Since many of the configuration changes do not have a graphical user interface. Use "sudo mousepad /path/to/file" from a terminal to open a graphical based text editor.
To connect remotely, use any VNC client, connect to the hostname (guru-srv1) or IP address with the default port (5900).
From a command line: "ssh guru@<hostname>" and follow "from Terminal" instructions (where available).
Network Settings (IP Address, DNS, host name, etc.)
"NetworkManager" is used to connect to LAN and GuruNet. LAN is managed by company IT, GuruNet managed by RI and should not be changed. GuruNet is a dedicated, physically isolated Gigabit switch connection to other Guru Enterprise Servers acting as a cluster for redundancy and load balancing. See also Xubuntu Documenation - Network Connections.
From Desktop:
- Click on the NetworkManager icon in the task bar. Click "Edit" to change settings, "Information" for IP address information. Follow the dialog prompts to make any changes.
From Terminal:
- "sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/LAN"
For Static IP: edit "[ipv4]" to include "method=manual" and "address1=," (address/net, default route)
Proxy Setting
Collect your network's proxy information. There may be differences between HTTP, HTTPs and FTP. replace localaddrses with the IP address of your machine, and with your domain's global DNS.
From Terminal: "sudo nano /etc/environment", add the following lines. Note: You must duplicate upper case and lower case because some programs only look for one or the other.
- http_proxy=
Some newer GTK3 programs rely on the Gnome settings instead. To make sure they are covered, open a terminal and paste the modified lines below, one at a time:
- gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'manual'
gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.http host ''
gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.http port 8080
- Acquire::http::proxy "";
Acquire::ftp::proxy "";
Acquire::https::proxy "";
NTP Setting
From Terminal: "sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf", update "server <hostname>" where <hostname> is the IP address or host name of the local NTP server..
See also Ubuntu Official Documentation - Time Synchronization with NTP.
First click "Unlock", enter password, then click on the "Time zone:" field to select the appropriate time zone.
See also Ubuntu Community - UbuntuTime.
VNC Server Settings (Remote Desktop)
From Desktop, Open a Terminal session and type: "vino-preferences", Then change password or update any other settings.
To connect, use any VNC client to connect to IP address or hostname (guru-srv1) with port 5900 (default).
Restart VNC Server via SSH
If the VNC server is not working but you can connect via SSH.
To kill the currently running vino-server (if it is running), use pkill:
$ sudo pkill vino
Then to start it again,
$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
$ nohup /usr/lib/vino/vino-server &
Mount Shared Network Drives (NFS or SMB)
From Terminal: "sudo nano /etc/fstab"
- Then add a line with this general syntax to connect to NFS server. /local/ubuntu nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
Then add a line with this general syntax to connect to SABMA or Windows server.
//myserver_ip_address/myshare /media/samba_share cifs credentials=/etc/samba/user,noexec 0 0
Shared Folders (Samba)
From Terminal: ""sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf" Modify [global] or [Public] with changes.
See also Ubuntu Official Documentation - Samba
Change Software Update Country
NOTICE: Regular software updates are NOT recommended. You can apply urgent security updates or when requested by Roos Support.
Software updates are configured for United States. To improve update performance, change "Download From" to your country name.
From the Updates tab, uncheck "Recommended" and "Unsupported" from the Updates tab to only include important security updates.
See also Xubuntu - Managing installed applications
OS Software Update
Notice: Security updates should be applied, unless instructed by Roos Support, regular updates do not need to be applied for reliable functionality.
With a internet connection to port 80 & 443 (https), software update dialog will appear based on the frequency it is set to check.
Update can be run anytime:
See also Xubuntu - Managing installed applications
Guru Server Launch Script
Guru Server requires a GUI (X) session to be running, so the "guru" user is set to autologin and Guru Server is set to start from the Xfce Application Autostart settings. DO NOT change these settings unless instructed by Roos Instruments. This information is provided for disaster recovery purposes only.
Guru Server is launched from the
Select "RI Guru Enterprise Server (Roos Instruments Guru Server)" and press Edit. Command = "/home/guru/RiApps/guruServer/"
"guru" user is set to automatically log on via configured file "/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" under the "[SeatDefaults]" section.
Identify Guru Server Version
Identify the version of Guru Server that is currently running by hovering over the "[RI Guru Server..." task along the Task Bar.
Determine the OS version with "lsb_release -a" command.
Using Hardware Monitoring (Dell iDrac7 Express, HTTP interface, Email Alerts)
The iDRAC provides operating system independent comprehensive monitoring of all system components, so you can be alerted via email about a RAID or Power Supply failures. Access the systems iDrac interface (defaults to DHCP) via "https://idrac-<ServiceTag>".
In order to use the notification capabilities, a DNS name and a DNS domain need to be configured in the network settings of the iDRAC. To configure this, enter the webinterface and go to iDRAC Settings and thenNetwork. Here, you can enter a domain that you managed under the static DNS domain name. For example:
- DNS DRAC Name: idrac-<ServiceTag>
- Static DNS Domain name:
The system will now send emails with the sender address "idrac-<ServiceTag>".
Now, you can both add destination email addresses and configure an SMTP server, all via the menu Alerts ->SNMP and E-mail Settings.
Here, you can enter email addresses to be notified of system events in the E-mail Alert 1 to E-mail Alert 4fields. Be sure to check the "state" box to enable those addresses.
Under SMTP (E-Mail) Server Address Settings, you need to configure the appropriate SMTP server.
Finally, by clicking on the button send, you can send a test email to the addresses you entered. If the email is temporarily not delivered (eg. due to greylisting) you will receive an error message. In this case, the email will be cached for later delivery.