These steps outline the process to migrate a live Guru Server to a new OS without any downtime. This includes an evaluation period where specific functions are verified prior to a changeover event that occurs at one time.
Prepare New Server
1. Provision a server with adequate resources. (See

Note: Recommend using LVM to create separate root (/) and home (/home) partitions with sufficient storage for both. Optionally, mount a shared folder to save datalogs (STDF/RITdb).
2. Assign a temporary static IP address for this server and use this for evaluation and migration.
3. Deploy using the latest long term support version available. (i.e. xUbuntu LTS)
Note: RI recommends installing from the latest xUbuntu ISO/USB deployment method and creating a new "guru" user configured with automatic logon.
4. Follow the Install procedure to configure user to be able to access /dev/loop device (Guru ID) and other OS customization.
5. Setup any local mount points (i.e. ~/testdata) that are used by the STDF Copy Guru Agent(s).
6. Launch Apps > Guru Agent Editor > select Agent to open the configuration and identify expected paths from the Destination tab.
7. Setup the Desktop GUI specific startup process (See xUbuntu and CentOS 'Gnome' startup instructions)
8. Copy (or Rsync) the ~/RiApps and ~/RiGuru directories from the current server to the new server. Since Guru only modifies the ~/RiGuru/local files, this can be done while the server is running.
Evaluate New Server
1. Test using a Virtual Workstation to connect to the new server's IP address or hostname. Successful connection will remain Green and the client will have access to the latest guru objects
Switch Over
1. Use the Sync Util to migrate all objects from the live guru server to the new guru server.
2. Power down live guru server.
3. Monitor live Cassini system and Virtual Workstation. System/Logon button should change to Yellow.
4. Change IP address and hostname of new guru server to match the live one.
5. Press the System/Logon button on the Cassini system and/or Virtual Workstation to force the Guru client to attempt to reconnect. If the server is available, the button should turn Green.
6. Monitor all running Cassini systems. If the System/Logon button stays yellow, then there is a connectivity problem accessing the Guru Server.
7. Verify any Agent activity by enabling logging.