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A Guru ID is distributed along with a virtual appliance as a collection of .zip file archives that can be unpacked to assign the Guru ID. Use the "unzip" command or graphical Unzip tool to extract the contents to the "D:\RiGuru\GuruID\" folder. Guru has to be restarted to load the newly assigned Guru ID. These steps need to be followed for each new guest OS deployed and can be performed by the end user. Use the latest template or standard .ova provided by Roos Support.

To Initialize or Change a Guru ID?
  1. Start the Cassini VM from the Oracle VM Virtualbox Manager.
  2. From the ArcaOS taskbar, choose the Guru ID from Drives > Drive D > GuruKeys > [GuruID].zip to open the Archive Tool.
  3. Select the blue Extract files to icon (or File > Extract To menu) and enter "D:\" for the destination path, change File Paths to Extract full paths and press Extract button, then Yes to confirm replace existing file.
  4. Restart Guru with new ID by choosing the Logon button on Guru, enter "roos inst" :"cathy" and then choose System > Shutdown to restart Guru.
  5. Confirm the newly assigned GuruID from the Guru Logon prompt, enter "roos inst" :"cathy".
  6. Depending on if this Guru ID has been initialized before, you can add a new connection (A for new Guru IDs) or restore the connections from the server (B for already deployed Guru IDs).
    1. To add Update/Backup Guru Server connections
      1. Choose Apps > Guru Address Book Admin > New Remote Address.
        Name = <Site>Guru, Address = <IP or hostname of guru server>, Address Type = Backup, then press Save.
      2. Then select the newly added connection, choose Edit Selected, change Address Type = Update, then Save As.
      3. Confirm there are now two entries in the list. Close the Guru Address Book Admin app with File > Exit.
      4. Restart Guru again with System > Shutdown. Confirm that it restarts automatically with a green Logon button, indicating a valid Update connection to an Guru exists.
      5. Confirm that more Guru Connections were not updated from the server connection by choosing Apps > Guru Address Book Admin and confirming that only two entries exist. If multiple entries exist, use the Delete Selected with the duplicate selected until there is only one "backup" and one "update" connection.
    2. To restore Guru Server connections:
      1. Close Ri Guru Startup program by right clicking on the task named "Ri Guru Startup" from the OS task bar or Window List (CTRL + Esc) and choosing Close "Ri Guru Startup" to shutdown Guru.
      2. Open a Command Prompt window, type "d: [enter]" then "cd riapps\guruserver [enter]"
      3. Type "startApp.cmd -RiBackupGuru <guru hostname> -RiUpdateGuru <guru hostname> [enter]" to start Guru, replacing "<guru hostname>" with the IP or host name of the guru server, no brackets).
      4. Choose Logon button on Guru and confirm the assigned Guru ID in the Logon prompt.
        Enter "Engineer" : "password" and continue. (note: "roos inst" :"cathy" may be disabled as soon as you connect to your corp guru sever)
      5. Restore Guru settings by selecting System > Restore. This should copy the last version of every guru object "owned" by the Guru ID, including the pair of RiGuruAddress objects. There is no progress bar, but the CPU graph should return to 0 when it completes.
      6. Restart Guru (System > Shutdown) and launch Guru Autostart from Desktop > Computer > Startup > Ri GuruServer Startup. Confirm that it restarts automatically with a green Logon button, indicating a valid Update connection to an Guru exists.
  7. Restart Guru again with System > Shutdown. Confirm that it restarts automatically with a green Logon button, indicating a valid Update connection to an Guru exists. Shut down the OS.
  8. Activate a Tester Def and permanently associate with this Guru ID. (Skipping this step will have Cassini software activate the "latest" Tester Def.)
    1. Launch the latest Short Cut and wait for the startup to complete.
    2. Choose Test > Tester and select an appropriate Tester config.
    3. Choose Options > Save State. The next time Cassini is launched, it will automatically load the currently configured tester.
  9. Export the newly initialized VM using the File > Export Appliance... menu option and name it "CassiniVM <Location> <GuruID>.ova" (ie. "CassiniVM CoName GE234ZCA.ova"). and use this newly created file to install and recover this individual's initialized Guru VM in the future.

What is a Guru ID?
Every Cassini Virtual Workstation (RIK0126A) licensed user should have a unique Guru ID to prevent Guru Server connections issues and object Creation ID collisions when running multiple Guru clients with the same ID. The Guru ID is used to cryptographically sign and uniquely identify all files and objects generated by Guru Applications. The ri.sys.Owner attribute is used to identify the Guru ID used to create that object and is used by Guru to Restore objects to a locally when System > Restore is pressed. The Guru Server maintains only one connection to each unique Guru ID, if multiple connections are attempted, the oldest connection is dropped and the client has to reconnect. In other words, do not "Clone" a Virtual Workstation that has already been initialized. You can think of the Guru ID as the systems Serial Number or unique identifier that is used to define ownership, permissions, and local security. The Cassini software uses the GuruID to activate a default Tester Definition or the latest Tester Def if one has never been associated.

How to find my Guru ID?
The local Guru ID is visible on the logon prompt. It is save to use System > Logoff then press Logon again.

It is also visible on the Guru Browser's status bar. Choose
Apps > Guru Browser to launch.

When is the Guru ID created?
The Guru ID is generated automatically by the Guru client when it is first started or it can be unzipped from a .zip file, read from a USB Drive or Floppy image containing a Guru ID assigned by Roos Instruments.

Guru ID Types
There are 3 types of Guru IDs: Server (SA), Client (CA) and Automatically generated (XA). The Guru ID type is identified by the last two characters of the Guru ID (i.e. ######XA). The Server and Client Guru IDs form a trust relationship by having their encryption keys generated by the same certificate. This trust is used to by Guru's automatic discovery algorithm that allows trusted clients to connect automatically.

Client Guru IDs use certified encryption certificates end with "CA", whereas Server Guru IDs end with "SA". Server Guru IDs are cryptographically able to validate and trust Client Guru IDs generated for it. All Cassini testers require a valid Client Guru ID to function securely. Automatically generated Guru IDs end with "XA" and may not be trusted by the Guru Server because it uses a self-signed encryption keys. All licensed Guru IDs (Virtual Workstations/Simulators) and Cassini testers are expected end with "CA".

Backup & Recovery Guru ID
The Guru ID can not be re-generated, so it is STRONGLY recommended to backup the virtual machine's data drive or the contents of D:\RiGuru\GuruKey\ directory. The Guru Server does NOT backup your Guru ID and the private encryption keys. You can recover a Guru by removing the D:\RiGuru directory and restore the contents "D:\RiGuru\GuruKey". Then use System > Restore, once a connection is set up to retrieve that latest version of every file owned (created) by this Guru ID. Since files in the repository can be encrypted with the Guru ID's private key, those objects can only be read with the same Guru ID.

Please contact Roos Instruments Support ([email protected]) for help recovering from a failed Virtual Workstation.

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