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The RI8587A Receiver TIM has two auxiliary RF out ports that route RF signals from C13 High BandIn to C14 Aux Rf Output (Aux Out A) or C15 Aux Rf Out2 (Aux Out B) that may be swapped (see Figure 1). Only RF System configurations with bottom plate connections from Receiver block ports C13 or C14 (typically T3) and Testplans with states Receiver | Input=.1-20 to aux Out or Receiver | Input=.1-20 to aux Out2 are affected. This document provides instructions for detecting when the ports were swapped during assembly. Use the procedure below to confirm RF signal out of the AUX Out A port (see Figure 2) using the control panel and a power meter. If signal is not detected, then the TIM should to be sent back to RI for repair so the cables going up to the RF block need to be reversed.

DUT input signals are affected when another TIM in the RF System is configured to use the Receiver's C13 or C14 port. The other TIM may not emit RF Signals as expected. Inspect the Diag/Cal Interface plate or Fixture bottom plate documentation looking for RF input routed through the Receiver's AuxRf Output and AuxRF.

Affected TIMs
18 TIMs have been assembled and shipped prior to December 2017 that may have these ports reversed. 15 untested, 3 known good.
TIM Model Numbers: RI8587A1, RI8587A2, RI8587A3, RI8587A4, RI8587A5
Verified GOOD AUX Ports TIM Serial Numbers: RINX0VF0, RU3H9L0A, RRZSPC0A

Tools Required
Power Meter (note: GPIB Instrument POD not required)
PKZ to SMA cable or adapter needed to connect to the Power Meter
Diag Interface Plate that routes Source 1 (T15) through an optional Src12 Combiner (T14) and a 20 GHz TestSet (T12) to the Receiver (T3). Note: TIM T-Locations may vary.

Measure RF Power from AUX Out A Port
  1. Power On the Power Meter start a 20 minute timer (if the Power Meter is not already warmed up).
    (Note: Power Meter does not have to be connected via GPIB Instrument POD to the tester)
  2. Log in to Guru and launch the latest Short Cut.
  3. Choose System > Tester from the main Cassini system window to open the Configuration window..
  4. Choose Tester > Control menu to open the Control window.
  5. Route a 1 GHz signal to the Receiver instrument from the Control window. (please leave all other states as default)
    1. Choose Source1 > control panel to set the following states: Frequency: "1000", Power: "-10", RF State: "On"
    2. Choose Testhead > Rf control panel to set the following states: Rf3: "src1-Noise"
      note: Src12 instrument default state is appropriate for routing Source1 through the Testhead.
    3. Choose Receiver > control panel to measure the following: Press the POWER DBM button to make a measurement. Confirm that it is approximately "-10 dBm". This confirms that we have a 1 GHz signal going to the receiver.
    4. If you do not read approximately -10 dBm, repeat step 6.
  6. After the Power Meter has warmed up, Zero the Power Sensor (follow OEM instructions).
  7. Attach a PKZ cable or adapter to the Power Sensor.
  8. Connect the Power Meter to Receiver's AuxRfOut C14 via PKZ cable. The Power Meter should display very low power, less than "-30 dBm".
  9. Choose Receiver > control panel, change Input to ".1-20 to aux Out". Now the signal that is entering the receiver is being routed to the Aux Out. The Power Meter should display a value between "-15 dBm" and "-20 dBm".
  10. Now change the Receiver's Input to ".1-20 to aux Out 2". The power meter should now read low power again, "-30 dBm".
  11. Move the PKZ cable connected to the Power Meter to the Receiver's AuxRfOut2 (C15) and the Power Meter should now display the a value between "-15 dBm" and "-20 dBm".
  12. This confirms that the Receiver's Aux Out connectors are routed correctly. If signal was not present, then the cables are likely swapped, please contact [email protected] for replacement TIM.
  13. Set the tester back to its idle state by choosing System > Reset menu from the main Cassini window.

Figure 1: Receiver TIM Block
Figure 2: Receiver Block diagram with Input / Output in green box

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