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This document describes how to create and edit a fixture definition. A fixture connects the DIB to the instrument resources. When creating a fixture, you must specify the fixture family which is used to tie all definitions to the fixture. You must also specify which device family to tie the fixture. The fixture family is used by the DIB definition to tie the DIB to the fixture.
This documents assumes you have launched the Device Connection Editor. Refer to the the Device Connection Editor User's Guide for details of launching the Device Connection Editor.


A fixture definition consists of attributes, resource mappings, fixture paths definitions, resource connections, default calibration, and calibration testplans. The resource mappings, resource connections, default calibration and calibration testplans are not shown in the main window of the Device Connection Editor; you can update these from the Dev Conn > Edit Resource Mappings..., Dev Conn > Edit Resource Connections..., Dev Conn > Edit Default Cal... and Dev Conn > Edit Cal List... menus respectively. The attributes are displayed on the top of the window.

For creating and editing fixture, make sure you are on the device page by clicking the Fixture tab.


To create a new fixture, click on the Dev Conn > New Fixture... menu.

FixtureTitle is the name of the device. It is used for device selection.

Fixture Family is used to tag all items that are related to the device. This tends to be very generic as it is used to filter choices to those related to the currently loaded fixture. Different variants of the device are identified by its Fixture Title. There can only be one fixture definition for a given fixture family.

Multisite is to identify if the fixture is for multisite fixture definition. For single site fixture, choose No and move on to the next entry. For multisite fixture, choose Yes, and enter the Site Identifier string. Each site has its own fixture definition.

Fixture Class Selection is to identify what type of fixture you are defining. By selecting the fixture class, the Interface field is also defined.

Device Familyspecifies which device family the device pins is associated with. A device must have been defined prior to creating a new DIB. Refer to the Creating and Editing A Device document for details on how to create a device definition.

Tester is used to identify which tester the fixture definition intended to be used for. The tester definition is needed so that the Device Connection Editor knows the instrument pins which the fixture can use.

Interface is defined by selecting the fixture class.

Serial Number specified the serial number of the fixture. You can leave this entry as is or enter a fixture serial number.

Category is used for organizing the Guru objects. The categories must exist; one can create a new category by using the Guru Permissions Admin application.

Version is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc.

For the Status field, the choices are alpha, beta, or released. alpha fixtures are in the initial stage of development, beta is intended for fixtures that are almost ready for production, and released fixtures are ready for production.

When done with entering the fields, click the OK button and the newly created fixture is available in Guru and displayed in the Fixture page.


To load a fixture for viewing or editing, click on the Dev Conn > Load Fixture... menu to see a list of available fixtures in Guru.

Select the fixture to load, then click the OK button or double click on the selection to display the selected fixture in the Fixture page.


Fixture objects consists of several paragraphs: attributes, modules, resource mappings, paths, resource connections, default calibration, calibration testplans.


Once a fixture is loaded, you can modify the contents of the fixture. The attributes paragraph can contain any information the user would like to have. Select the attribute row which you want to modify from the display, then click with the right mouse button (RMB) to see the editing options. One can edit, add, copy, and delete an attribute. The fixture attributes are displayed in the Fixture Attributes section of the Device Connection Editor window.

The following is a list of reserved keywords for device attributes.

category -- is used to organize the Guru objects.
class -- fixture class family. It is used to identify the fixture pins and which interface to use.
device family -- is used to identify which device the device pins is associated with.
fixture family -- is used to tag all items that are related to the fixture. This field is used by the DIB which belongs to this fixture family.
interface -- defined by the selected fixture class.
status -- status of the device (alpha, beta, or released).
tester -- which tester is this fixture intended for. Without a tester definition defined, the fixture definition does not know the instrument pins.
title -- is used for fixture selection.
version -- is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc. EDIT

The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected attribute row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu. There are two possibilities of edit window. For some attributes, the edit window shows a drop down list of values to choose or allows a new value to be entered. The following window is an example when you edit the "fixture family" attribute and it gives you a list of the available selections from Guru.

Other attributes require a typed in text value.

You can either select from the list or type in a new Value. When done modifying the Value field, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Device Connection Editor window. ADD

The Add menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. To add an attribute, RMB and select the Add menu.

When done entering the Name and Value fields, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Device Connection Editor window. COPY ROW

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. Instead of starting with blank window where you type in both the Name and Value fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the edit window. You can modify the Name and Value fields. The currently selected row's Name and Value are displayed in the Copying/Adding Device Attribute window.

When done changing the Name and/or Value fields, click the OK button. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove an attribute entry. To delete an attribute, select the row which you want to remove, RMB and select Delete.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the attribute; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process.


To edit the interfaces or modules to be included in the fixture definition, click the Dev Conn > Edit Instruments... or Dev Conn > Edit Modules... menu respectively. You can add an instrument by clicking the Add menu from the Edit Instruments window.

Select the instrument you want to add and click the OK button. If there is an associated module for the selected instrument, it will be added to the module list as well. Clicking the Cancel button does not add the instrument to the list.

The windows for the modules are similar to the instrument windows. To remove an instrument or a module from the list, select the number on the left list and RMB Delete.


The purpose of the resource mappings paragraph in the fixture definition is to map the instrument resource names to user names. This is useful for multisite definitions. For example, for site 1, you have Digital instrument1 with pins D1-1 and for site 2, you have Digital instrument2 with pin D2-1. Since each site has its own definition, you can map both Digital instrument1 and Digital instrument2 to Digital. The resource mapping paragraph is not displayed in the main window of the Device Connection Editor. To edit the resource mappings, click the Dev Conn > Edit Resource Mappings... menu. You can sort the display of the resource mappings by each column by clicking the Sort By menu and select which column you want to sort it by. When you have finished updating the resource mapping, click the OK button of the Resource Mapping window. Clicking the Cancel button of the Resource Mapping window will discard any changes made. For any definitions within the fixture definition which refers to any instrument names, you will be given the selection of the user resource name from the mapping definition.

The resource mapping definition consists of:

tester resource name -- the actual hardware resource name.
model -- the model of the hardware resource.
location -- the location of the actual hardware resource.
user resource name -- the user mapped resource name. All fields which require resource selection will use the user resource name for selections. ADD RESOURCE MAPPING

Click the Add menu from the Resource Mapping window to add a mapping entry.

Select the Tester Resource Name which you want to map. The Model and Location entries are filled automatically. If the resource has more than one model available, the list of the models will be displayed and you can select which model to map. Enter the User Resource Name for the mapping name for this resource. Click the OK button to add the mapping, click the Cancel button to ignore any changes made. EDIT RESOURCE MAPPING

Select a row which you want to edit, and click the Edit menu.

When done making the changes, click the OK button. Clicking the Cancel button will ignore any changes made. COPY RESOURCE MAPPING

Select a row which you want to copy from, and click the Copy Row menu. This works the same was as the add procedure, except instead of starting from a blank add window, all the information from the selected row is filled in.

When done making the changes, click the OK button. Clicking the Cancel button will ignore any changes made. DELETE RESOURCE MAPPING

Select a row which you want to copy from, and click the Delete menu.

It asks you if you really want to remove the mapping. Click Yes to delete it, No to keep it.

2.4.4 PATHS

The fixture paths connect the instrument resources to the DIB; they are displayed at the bottom of the Device Connection Editor window. You can sort the display of the path by clicking the Sort By menu, then select which column you want to sort it by. Select a path row and click the Edit menu to edit an existing path.

The fixture path definition consists of:

resource name1 -- the user mapped resource name for resource 1.
resource model1 -- the resource model for resource 1.
resource location1 -- the resource location for resource 1.
testhead pin name1 -- logical pin name for resource 1.
physical pin1 -- physical pin name for resource 1.
resource name2 -- the user mapped resource name for resource 2.
resource model2 -- the resource model for resource 2.
resource location2 -- the resource location for resource 2.
testhead pin name2 -- logical pin name for resource 2.
physical pi2n -- physical pin name for resource 2.
state name -- the name of the state var used to select this path. This field is optional.
state value -- the value used to select this path. You must enter a state value if a state name exist.
state value default -- if this is a default value for the state, select Yes; otherwise select No.
switch -- command to the fixture modules for state change. This field is optional.
calibration name -- the name of the calibration entry. Leave it blank if there is no calibration for the path.
calibration type -- calibration type. You must select a type if calibration name exist.
path name -- the name of the path. This field is optional.
description -- description of the path. This field is optional. ADD PATH

Click the Add menu from the Fixture Paths section of the Device Connection Editor window.

Enter and/or select all the information to define the path, then click the OK button to apply the changes. Clicking the Cancel button does not add the path. The state information is optional. If a state name is entered, a state value is expected. You can select the state value to be default value. Enter the switch value if there is one. If a calibration name is entered, you must select a calibration type. Path name and description are optional fields. The newly created path is displayed on the Device Connection Editor window. EDIT PATH

Select a row which you want to edit, and click the Edit menu.

Select and/or enter all the information for the path, then click the OK button to apply the changes. Click the Cancel button to ignore the update. The state information is optional. If a state name is entered, a state value is expected. You can select the state value to be default value. Enter the switch value if there is one. If a calibration name is entered, you must select a calibration type. Path name and description are optional fields. COPY PATH

Select a row which you want to copy from, and click the Copy Row menu. This works the same was as the add procedure, except instead of starting from a blank add window, all the information from the selected row is filled in.

Change any of the information for the path, then click the OK button to add the path. Click the Cancel button does not add the path. The state information is optional. If a state name is entered, a state value is expected. You can select the state value to be default value. Enter the switch value if there is one. If a calibration name is entered, you must select a calibration type. Path name and description are optional fields. DELETE A PATH

Select a row which you want to copy from, and click the Delete menu.

It asks you if you really want to remove the path. Click Yes to delete it, No to keep it.

Removing a path does not remove the default calibration entry associated with it. To remove a default calibration entry, click the Dev Conn > Edit Default Cal... menu, or RMB from the Fixture Paths window and click the Edit Default Cal menu. From the RI Default Cal Data window, select the calibration name, then click the Delete button to remove the default calibration entry.


Resource connections connects two instruments. These are differ from the paths as connections connections are considered static while paths can be changed based on fixture state. The resource connections paragraph is not displayed in the main window of the Device Connection Editor. To edit the resource connections, click the Dev Conn > Edit Resource Connections... menu. You can sort the display of the resource connections by each column by clicking the Sort By menu and select which column you want to sort it by. When you have finished updating the resource connections, click the OK button of the Resource Connection window. Clicking the Cancel button of the Resource Connection window will discard any changes made.

The fixture connection definition consists of:

resource name1 -- the user mapped resource name for resource 1.
resource model1 -- the model of the resource for resource 1.
resource pin1 -- logical pin for resource 1.
resource name2 -- the user mapped resource name for resource 2.
resource model2 -- the model of the resource for resource 2.
resource pin2 -- logical pin for resource 2.
description -- description of the connection. This field is optional. ADD CONNECTION

Click the Add menu from the Resource Connection window.

Select the resources for both resources, click the OK button to add the connection. Clicking the Cancel button does not add the connection to the list. EDIT CONNECTION

Click the Edit menu from the Resource Connection window.

Make any changes to both resources as needed, click the OK button to apply to update. Clicking the Cancel button ignores all the changes. COPY CONNECTION

Select the row you want to make a copy from, then click the Copy Row menu from the Resource Connection window. It works similar to the Add menu; except it fills up the information from the selected row instead of starting from blank.

When done making all the changes, click the OK button to add the connection. Clicking the Cancel button does not add the connection to the list. DELETE CONNECTION

Select the row you want to remove, then click the Delete menu from the Resource Connection window.


The fixture definition also contains the default calibration data. These data is used to reset the calibration values. You can modify the calibration data by using either Dev Conn > Edit Default Cal... or by selecting a row of the fixture path and select the Edit Default Cal menu. Not all default calibration data belongs to a path definition; it can be a calibration factor.

If you have defined paths with calibration names and types, the list of the calibration names is displayed in the Cal Name list. EDITING DEFAULT CALIBRATION

To add a new default calibration entry, click the Add button. Or if you want to copy from an existing entry, select the calibration name which you want to copy from, then click the Copy Row button.

Cal name -- is the calibration name
Data class -- is the calibration type. The selections are RiFrVsComplex (AC), RiFrVs2pS (RF), RiFrVsLog, RiComplexD (Complex), RiRealD (Scalar), or THRU. THRU is the same as RiFrVs2pS calibration type; except it is from pin to pin calibration data.
Data size -- how many rows of data you want to be for the default calibration entry.

Click the OK button to add the entry. Clicking the Cancel button ignores all the changes.

To edit a default calibration entry, select the calibration name which you want to copy from, then click the Edit button. You can modify the cal name, data class and/or data size. Click the OK button to apply the changes; Cancel to ignore.

To remove a default calibration entry, select the calibration name which you want to copy from, then click the Delete button. This only removes the entry from the default calibration paragraph. If the entry belongs to a fixture path, you should edit the path and remove the calibration name entry from its path. EDITING DEFAULT CALIBRATION DATA

To update the default calibration data, select the calibration name which you want to modify. The default data associated with the calibration name is displayed on the RI Default Cal Data window. The left side is a list of index of the calibration data. By selecting the index, the data is displayed on the right side. RMBC on the index list gives you selections to either add or remove a data.

To add another row of the default calibration data, select the Add menu.

Enter the number of rows to add and the starting index where you want the row to be added. Click the OK button to add the default calibration data. Clicking the Cancel button does not add any default calibration data.

To modify a specific row of the default calibration data, select an index which you want to modify, the default calibration data is then displayed on the right side of the window. Select the default calibration data which you want to modify, and select the Edit menu. There are two types of the edit windows, one for scalar and one for complex.

For a scalar entry, enter the new value of the default calibration data, then click the OK button to apply the update. Clicking the Cancel button will keep the existing value.

For a complex entry, enter the real and/or imaginary values of the default data, then click the OK button to apply the update. Clicking the Cancel button will keep the existing value.


The fixture definition can include a list of the fixture calibration testplans. To edit the list, select the Dev Conn > Edit Cal List... menu.

You can add an entry to the list by selecting the Add menu.

Select a type (calibration, diagnose or validate). Select the device, DIB, and fixture families where applicable to narrow down the list of testplans being displayed. Select the category and version to narrow down the list further. Select the testplan which you want to add to the list, and click OK to add. Clicking the Cancel button will not add the selected testplan to the list.

You can delete an entry by selecting the entry from the list, then select the Delete menu.

Order matters in the list. You can select an entry from the list, then move the selection up or down by selecting Move Up or Move Down menu.


When done making the changes, save the fixture by clicking the Dev Conn > Save Fixture menu.

It asks you to enter the Version and select a Status and click the OK button to save the device to Guru.


Once the fixture is loaded, you can modify any of the attribute entries. When you're done modifying it, you can save it as a different fixture by selecting the Dev Conn > Save Fixture As... menu.

Since title is used for selections, it is preferred that title is used for the key differentiator. You can change the Title, Fixture Family, Multisite information, Fixture Class selection, Device Family, Tester, Category, Version, and/or Status fields. Click the OK button to save the device and the newly saved device is displayed in the Device Connection Editor window.


This section goes thru some exercises for fixture.


Create a new fixture with Fixture Title of ExampleFixture001, Fixture Familyof ExampleFixture001, Device Family of ExampleDevice001, Category of RI_DEMO, Versionof 1.0, and Statusof alpha.


Load an existing fixture, such as, ExampleFixture001, all duts, etc.



Load the ExampleFixture001 fixture. Add an attribute called newAttr01 with value of newValue01.


Select the attribute newAttr01 and update the value to newValue03.


Then, copy this new attribute to a different attribute copyAttr01 and value of newValue02.


Delete the newAttr01 attribute.

Then save the fixture.


After completing the above tasks, save the fixture.


Copy the ExampleFixture001 device to LabFixture002 and change the Fixture Family to LabFixture002.


Refer to Device Connection Editor User's Guide for detail of the Device Connection Editor.

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