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If any Guru application (like DB Manager) or object (like a calibration Testplan) fails to open after selecting it from the Apps button or when running a Cal Exec, it may have to be manually removed from Guru. This issue could indicate that the local Guru object (.gob) or it's attributes (.gab) are corrupt or otherwise being blocked from use. Once it is manually removed, it will be retrieved again from the update Guru Server during the normal process. This issue can be fixed by using Guru Browser to identify and remove the local object. In some cases, the Remove From Local action also fails. In that case, then the object's .GAB and .GOB files can be removed from the file system. Those pair of files are found by matching the ri.sys.Cid attribute value and then restart Guru from files after removing the journal used to remember

Since local guru file corruption is unexpected, please report this issue to [email protected], including the version of Guru that is in use, a description of the symptom that would include steps used to recreate the issue. Note: Once the object's Cid is identified, RI Support may provide commands that would accomplish the same task described below.

To Remove the Guru Object from Local: (Example DB Manager)
    1. First, confirm that a connection to the update Guru is active by checking that the color of the System/Logon button is green.
    2. Choose Apps > Guru Browser.
    3. Choose Object(s) > Scope > Local to only display objects that have been copied to the local Guru.
    4. Use Key1 to filter all Guru objects to find the one appropriate for your symptom. (i.e. choose RiApplication from the pull down list below Key 1 ri.sys.ObjClass. For RiApplications, it may be helpful to choose Key 2 as ri.sys.OpSys from the pull down list and OS2 from the pull down list below that. Other common ObjClasses is RiShortcut or RiTestplan.)
    5. Identify the object from the ri.sys.Title column and select it with a left mouse button click. (See Figure 1, for example removing DB Manager).
    6. Choose Remove from Local from the right mouse button or Object(s) menu. This will remove the object from the local Guru.
    7. Attempt to recreate the symptom.
      (i.e. choose Apps > Db Manager to retrieve it from the update Guru and launch the application or run the Cal Exec).
    8. If that does not resolve the issue, copy the 16 character the value to the right of the equal sign (=) for ri.sys.Cid, (i.e. G6URI4CAD4HADM00) (See Figure 2)
      Tip! Use CTL+C keys to copy selected text to the clipboard. Then CTL+V keys to paste it into the Find Objects field in the next step.
      Note: It is OK to use Guru Browser from any location/device since the Cid and repository directory location will be the same.
    9. Proceed to the "To Remove Local Guru Files.." steps below.

To Remove Local Guru Files and Rebuild Guru Main Journal from Files: (Example DB Manager)
    1. From the OS task bar, choose the magnifying glass icon to open the Find Objects window. (See Figure 3)
    2. Choose D:\ from the Start folder drop down list and type the value from step 6 with asterisk (*) appended to the end. , (i.e. G6URI4CAD4HADM00*)
    3. Choose Find to open the Find Results window, displaying two files; a .gat (attributes) and .gob (object).
    4. Select both files and choose Delete form the right mouse button menu, then choose Return to go back to the Find window. (See Figure 4)
    5. Choose System > Shutdown to safely close Guru. Quickly perform the next step before the GuruServer Startup script launches Guru again.
    6. From the OS Task bar, choose Close from the right mouse button menu when clicking on Guru Server Startup. (See Figure 5)This will prevent Guru from restarting and leave all Guru Apps running.
    7. Enter "main*" and choose Find to show the Find Results window with main.bak and main.jnl files.
    8. Select both files and choose Delete form the right mouse button menu, then choose Close. This removes the journal used to improve Guru startup times, but since we manually removed files from the repo, we have to tell guru to restart this task.
    9. From the OS Desktop, choose Computer > Startup > GuruServer Startup to launch Guru. It should display "Loading Guru from Files" while it rebuilds journal (main.jnl) which is a cache of all the attributes for the local guru objects.
    10. Confirm that the application launches or Guru object opens or expected functionality is restored.
    11. Since local guru file corruption is unexpected, please report this issue to [email protected], including the Cid of the object removed, the version of Guru that is in use, and a description of the symptom that would include steps used to recreate the issue.

Figure 1: Example Guru Browser Remove DB Manager from Local

Figure 2: Guru Browser, Cid selected

Figure 3: Find Objects

Figure 4: Find Results - Delete

Figure 5: Close GuruServer Startup

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