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The RI System Software is an OS/2 application that can be loaded from a CD-ROM supplied by Roos Instruments. There are some changes that must be made to the OS/2 system in order for the RI System Software to run, which are described in this document. The RI System Software may be placed on any disk partition, but the partition you choose should have at least 200 MB free space to hold the RI System Software and permit some growth of files.


Make the changes to CONFIG.SYS with a text editor like "E.EXE" -- an editor that comes with OS/2. DO NOT USE EPM.EXE -- it will break long lines and make CONFIG.SYS unusable. Open an OS/2 Command Window and type E CONFIG.SYS at the [C:\] prompt. If the editor defaults to "word wrap ON" be SURE TO TURN WORD WRAP OFF. Failure to do so will make CONFIG.SYS unusable to the operating system. After the changes are made, the OS/2 system must be rebooted to make them effective.

1. Locate LIBPATH= statement. Add to the end of the statement: ;.\DLL;..\DLL;

2. Locate the HELP= statement. Add to the end of the statement: ;..\HELP;

3. Add anywhere in the file the statement: SET SMALLTALKVIRTUALALLOC=150

4. Add anywhere in the file the statement: SET RESTARTOBJECTS=STARTUPFOLDERSONLY

5. Locate the statement IFS=C:\OS2\BOOT\CDFS.IFS /Q Add to the end of the statement: /W

When saving the CONFIG.SYS file with the E.EXE editor, it will request you mark the file as "text," "OS/2 Command," or "DOS Command." Choose "text" or "OS/2" -- it doesn't really matter to the system.

Copying the RI System Software

Open the disk folder icon in the OS/2 Connections folder. Open the CD-ROM icon so you can see the directory tree on the CD. Copy the files by performing the following steps:

1. Drag the RiApps icon from the CD-ROM drive to the disk you will be using for the RI System Software.

2. After the files are copied, their "read only" flags must be reset (turned off). Open an OS/2 Command Window and change to the disk drive that contains the RI System Software. Execute the following command to reset all of the "read only" flags: ATTRIB -R RIAPPS\* /S

3. Make an icon for the RI System Software. Open the Templates folder (in the OS/2 System folder) and drag the "Command" template from the template icon to the desktop. When it opens, fill in the path name (first page) and icon name (last page). The path and file name should be: X:\RiApps\TestExec\VPM.EXE where "X" is the disk drive you selected for the RiApps directory tree.

Copying Other Files

Besides the basic RI System Software, you may need other files to form a complete software system. Other files include: a tester object, testplans, test executives, fixtures, devices, and device interfaces. These files can be obtained from a running system, or they may be on your CD-ROM in a separate directory.

To copy these files to the hard disk, use the disk browser (graphical view of the disk) and "drag and drop". Do not use the OS/2 Command Window to copy the files, because the file names will be truncated if you copy from, for example, a running RI Test System to a floppy disk. Drag and drop never truncates file names, so it is safe to use on all RI software objects. Here are some of the files you may need:

1. Tester object -- found in RiApps\Testsys. This object is divided onto 5 or 6 files, all with the same file name but different file extensions. The key file is called *.TSY -- for simulation it is the only tester file you need.

2. Testplan objects -- found in RiApps\Testplan. These objects have the extension *.DTP.

3. Test Executive objects -- found in RiApps\Testplan. These objects have the extension *.OI (for "operator interface").

4. Device objects -- found in RiApps\Device. These objects have the extension *.DUT.

5. Device Interface objects -- found in RiApps\Device. These objects have the extension *.DIX.

6. Fixture objects -- found in RiApps\Fixture. These objects have the extension *.SFX.

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