The following pdf file contains viewable pictures. To view them, double-click on the icon. Then, when the 'view-launch-detach' window appears, select 'launch'.
Misc. Notes:
1) The step attenuators go in easier if first the switches are mounted and the little U-shaped cables are installed.
2) 9/99, we now use a different plastic piece to loop the switch wires. It is solid and holds the wires better.
3) There is a pdf file with pictures of the M96JBB1A amp assembly. It is in a separate document in this database.

The following files are the jpg files from which the above pdf file was made. These files only are needed if the pictures are edited. Note that normally these would be Adobe Photoshop 5.0 files, but this was Ray's first try at pictures and the photoshop files are gone. If a file is edited, be sure to re-insert the picture into the pdf file.