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DRAFT: This document is still being modified by the author. Any information here is subject to change.

A Zip file of all PDFs needed to build the Basic Training Seminar. URL: http://www.roos.com/web/cassini-v1.7.zip (17.4 Mb)

Please call Ryan Benech if you have any questions (cell 408-621-7610). (These instructions are in the .zip as "readme.pdf")

Due Date: _________________ Time: __________ QTY: __________
The PDFs listed below should all be placed in one white binder.

Binder -----------------------
White 3" 3-ring binder (provided by us)- cover and spine printed in Color
PDFs contains: "Cassini Basic Training, Cover..." & "Cassini Basic Training, Spines..." binder spines (4 per page) to be inserted into the front/spine plastic sleeve of the binder.

Sections -------------------
Tabs - Each section (may have multiple pdf files) should have a section tab (divider) with the appropriate label. This binder has 10 tabs.
We pay for set-up of tabs, request tab file sent to [email protected]... Arial Font, size to fit. Facing In...

All pages are B&W, 3-whole drilled, 40#+ (or similar, just so you don't see the ink from the other side) white paper stock, Double Sided. Slide pages (Landscape) should be oriented so the holes appear above the title of the slide. One A3 Z-folded page is clearly referenced in the PDF (CH 1, pg 61) and mentioned below, should be added next the equivalent page, because they are double-sided, it's ok to leave the letter sized page.

Use "Cassini Basic Tabs v1.7.pdf" for printing tabs. (B&W)

Tab Label

Insert the PDF contents behind the tab

# of Pages

(cover and spine)

Cassini Basic Training,Cover....pdf (color, card stock)
Training, 2 inch Spines, 4 per page....pdf (color)

1 (color)
0.25 (color)

(in front of all tabs)

Cassini Basic Training, TitlePage.....pdf
Cassini Basic Training, TOC-v1.7.pdf (ignore .odt)

1 (color)
3 (b&w)

1. System Operation

Cassini Basic Training - CH 1.pdf
INSERT Z-Fold 11x16 "Appendix/Cass16 Demo Configuration.pdf " @ page 61/62


2. Admin & Maint

Cassini Basic Training - CH 2 A4.pdf


3. Concepts

Cassini Basic Training - CH 3 A4.pdf


4. Science

Cassini Basic Training - CH 4 A4.pdf


5. Device Definitions

Cassini Basic Training - CH 5 A4.pdf


6. Example Apps

Cassini Basic Training - CH 6a.pdf
Cassini Basic Training - CH 6b A4.pdf


7. Test Fixture

Cassini Basic Training - CH 7 A4.pdf


8. Best Practices

Cassini Basic Training - CH 8a.pdf
Cassini Basic Training - CH 8b A4.pdf


9. User Guides

Cassini Basic Training - CH 9 A4.pdf



Any PDFs in "Appendix.....zip" (any order ok), including another copy of the one printed in ch 1.


TOTALS: 731 B&W A4 pages, 5+ B&W A3 pages, 3+ Color A3 pages, 3 Color A4 pages (including cover and spine) = 745+ total pages (estimate), 10 tabbed dividers

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