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RF Power

RI Vector Corrected RF Power Measurements

Bandwidth Selectable Absolute RF Power (dbm, watts, etc.)

True RMS RF Power of Wideband Digitally Modulated Signals

S Parameter Detection Hardware
Amplitude Only Measurement
IF Measurement
Wide Dynamic Range
Automatically Corrects for Signal Path Losses

RI ATE systems provide high performance frequency selectable absolute power measurement capability using the S parameter measurement hardware previously discussed and displays the results in the units desired, including dBm and watts. By performing the measurements at IF frequencies, the system offers very fast measurement rates of less than 100 μsec per measurement over the entire frequency range of the system and over a broad dynamic range from RF levels less than -80 dBm to greater than +40 dBm. The true RMS detector used for Noise Figure Measurements can be used to measure wideband RF Power on digitally modulated signals such as CDMA or EDGE. Using sophisticated error correction algorithms and the data from the S Parameter calibrations, the system automatically compensates for changes in the insertion loss through the system.

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