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Every object is saved in Guru so that a previous version can be easily recovered with the "Make Last Revision of" action. Similarly, "obsolete" objects are never seen by Guru Applications, they are effectively deleted. When an object is obsoleted, the last revision is saved and all previous revisions are immediately discarded from the local Guru. When the "obsolete" object is backed up to the Guru Server, all the previous versions are then discarded. Once the server gets the "obsolete" version of the object, it will no longer be seen by any client connected to that Guru server. When an object is loaded in a "open" dialog, for example, the obsoleted object is then sent to the client and the local Guru immediately removes all previous versions and hides the object from view. Only users with Engineer or Maintenance role can access the Apps menu to launch Guru Explorer or Test Objects Browser in Cassini.

Note: Objects can also be obsoleted via the Test Objects Browser window in Cassini application. Using Test Objects Browser in Cassini App https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-AYETZ5

To Obsolete Object(s)
    1. Log on to Guru with Engineer, Maintenance or Debug user.
    2. Launch Guru Explorer by choosing Apps button on Guru.
    3. Select the object(s) to be obsoleted by manipulating the Keys column to filter guru objects.
    4. Choose Admin > Obsolete Object(s). (See Figure 1)
    5. Then click on OK to confirm or Cancel to abort. (See Figure 2)

To Restore Obsolete Objects
  1. Obsolete objects can be recovered by choosing "ri.sys.Obsoleted = True" in the Key 1 selection.
  2. Highlight the object and choose Edit > Attributes Only from the right mouse button menu (See Figure 3).
  3. Remove the "ri.sys.Obsoleted=true" attribute line (See Figure 4) and choose File > Save (See Figure 5).
  4. Finally, after editing the attribute, right click and choose Make Last RevisionOf.

Figure 1: Obsolete Object(s) menu selected
Figure 1
Figure 2: Obsolete confirmation
Figure 2

Figure 3: Edit > Attributes Only
Figure 3
Figure 4: ri.sys.Obsoleted=true
Figure 4

Figure 5: ri.sys.Obsoleted=true Attribute Removed
Figure 5

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