The Test Objects Browser displays Guru objects from within the Cassini application, sorted by Device. This is intended to help developers easily navigate the various projects they are working on with a quick user interface. Using a three pane navigation system organized by Device Family name, Test Plans, Test Execs and their supporting Fixture, DIB, and DevicePin definitions can be easily created, activated or edited. Unlike the main Cassini window's Test menu, selections persist in the Test Browser window between selections. Test Objects window is accessed through the System > Test Objects buttons from the main Cassini window and is hidden from users with an 'operator' user role.
Figure 1: Test Browser Window Example
The Test Objects window, shown in Figure 1, displays objects created in the last month in the list pane on the right after selecting the Device in the left 'Key 1' filter pane. The window title shows the length of time as 'last month', 'last year' or 'All Selections'. Continue filtering the list of objects on the right pane by selecting an ObjClass (or Name) in the middle 'Key 2' pane. Left-clicking an object in the right pane will highlight the object and preview all the object attributes or contents in the lower pane. Left click a selected object to toggle the selection. The lower pane displays Attributes when "Object keys" is enabled to provide the user with more information about the object such as: status, serial number, object size, object class, the object’s creation date, owner (Guru ID of the system that created it), and more. Right clicking in any pane opens a menu with options to change what is displayed or some action to perform on the selected object(s).
The New menu is used to create a new Device, Test Plan or Test Exec and is also accessed by right clicking on anywhere in the middle 'Key 2' pane. Choosing New > Change Key 2 will change the values of the middle 'Key 2' pane from the Object Type (ri.sys.ObjClass) to whatever attribute is selected. If the first pane is changed to Object Types, then the middle pane displays Names. So if the user wants to filter the objects by Guru ID, select "ri.sys.Owner" to display the list of Guru IDs. Left click on the middle entry to filter the list of objects by that value.
The Objects menu is used to perform a function based on what is most recently selected in the right "Object" pane or right mouse clicking anywhere in the right "Object" pane.
The following actions are available for any selected object from the Objects menu:
- Activate Latest opens the latest revision of the selected RiTestplan or RiTestSessionDef (Test Exec). Selecting a "Cal" object type will load that calibration data and add the associated Fixture or DIB to the tester's configuration. A dialog error stating "does not work for this object type" is displayed if the object can not be activated.
- Activate History displays a "Pick history" window that displays the creation date of every entry in the revision history for the selected object. Select the date and time and choose select to open the graphical editor or cancel to abort.
- Edit Multisite opens the latest revision of the selected RiTestplan (only) with the special Multisite Test Plan editor that allows duplicating a testplan and limits to different sites while changing the test plan button 'owner' to be reassigned to a new Instrument based on site.
- Edit Text History displays a "Pick history" window that displays the creation date of every entry in the revision history for the selected object. Select the date and time and choose select to open the text editor or cancel to abort.
- Edit Latest opens the latest revision of the selected object with a text editor. (See WARNING below)
- Inspect Cff opens the latest revision of the selected object with a Cff editor. (See Cff Editor section)
- ShowAll displays more than the first 50 objects returned from guru. (See Features)
- Jump to CID prompts for a 16 character ri.sys.CID (i.e. "GCUR5AYAEE7IB300'), choose Ok to display the single object in the right 'Objects' pane for selection or Cancel to abort.
- SelectAll selects all the objects displayed. (note: only Delete and Remove From Local can apply to multiple objects)
- Delete causes the object to be obsoleted (ri.sys.Obsoleted=True) and removed from everywhere. (See
How to Obsolete objects in Guru)
- Remove From Local will remove the object from the local Guru but not obsolete the object to hide it from everyone.
- Sort > Alpha or Sort > Date will rearrange the objects by alphabetical order (default) or chronological order by creation date of the latest revision (oldest to newest).
Activating Test Plans and Exec
Selected RiTestplan and RiTestSessionDef (Test Exec) objects can be Activated or Edited. Selecting Activate Latest will open the most recent revision with the object's graphical user interface, while selecting Edit Latest will open a text based representation of the object that can also be edited.
Other ObjClass objects are not yet supported and will require being opened by the App or Apps designed to modify them. For example, DevicePinsDef, DeviceDIBDef, and FixtureDef objects need to be opened by the Device Connection Editor application.
Each pane can be changed to display different information to allow the user to navigate Guru objects.
The left 'Key 1" pane defaults to listing 'Device Family' values. Right click to display a list of Device Family, Dib Family, Fixture Family, Object Types (ri.sys.ObjClass), Categories (ri.sys.RiPermission), Key 1 to select any attribute, or Trash Can for obsoleted objects.
The middle "Key 2" pane defaults to listing the Names of the objects selected in the left "Key 1" pane. This can be changed by right mouse clicking anywhere in the middle "Key 2" pane and choosing Change Key 2 from the New menu that appears.
To improve responsiveness, the objects may be limited to "last week", "last month", "last year" or "first 50" when the first fifty (50) objects are displayed. Choose Objects > Show All to display all objects. The active limit is displayed in the Test Objects window title and resets whenever the first two filter panes (Key1 or Key2) are changed.
Toggle between "Object keys", "Object partial" and "Object contents" under the left "Key 1" pane to change the information displayed in the lower pane based on what was last selected in the right "Object" pane. 'Object Keys' displays the Guru Attributes and their values. "Object Partial" displays the first few hundread kbytes and is often enough to help identify the selection. "Object contents" will retrieve the entire contents from guru and display them below.
Toggle between "all" and "local" under the middle "Key 2" pane to limit the scope from displaying Guru objects from both the local and remote server or just local. This is useful for identifying objects that will work with the Objects > Remove From Local action.
Cff Editor
CFF is a Cassini open standard ASCII (UTF-8 compatible) based "code file format" that is used internally for most RI implemented Guru objects. The Cff Editor parses these objects and displays them in a three pane window that allows advanced development and debugging. CFF sections are displayed on the left pane and a hierarchical view of the objects assignments displayed on the right pane. Selecting a key=value assignment displays the value in the lower pane and allows it to be edited. This is an advanced development tool that is not intended to be used by end users unless specifically instructed to do so by Roos Instruments.
WARNING: Editing the Text or Cff directly is not supported by RI and can cause errors if not done properly. Please avoid use unless specifically instructed to do so by Roos Instruments.
The following Object Types (ri.sys.ObjClass) can not be Activated (run or opened) or added to the testers configuration: RiAdminLog, RiAppDependant, RiApplication, RiAutoStart_OFF (Disabled Guru Agent), RiBaseInstDef, RiCalibrationKit, RiCalList. (... not a complete list... )
At this time, the objects that can be Activated are: RiTestplan, RiTestSessionDef, RiSimulationDef.