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For systems with software patch 502 and later, there is a special dialog used to set the Special Fail names, soft bins, and hard bins. The new dialog is accessed by choosing the menu selection "Options/Edit Handler Bins" from the Test Executive window (either Package Exec or Wafer Exec). The menu selection is shown below:

The editor dialog allows you to change the name of the Special Fail, as well as the soft bin and hard bin associated with each Special Fail. To edit the information, you must hold down the "Alt" key when you click on the field with the left mouse button. Under the File menu, you can choose to Export CSV or Import CSV. This will read and write a file format which is compatible with Microsoft Excel and many other spreadsheets, such as the freely available open-source Open Office product (http://www.openoffice.org).

When you have finished editing the table, close the window and "save" the changes. You can also save the changes using the menu selection "File/Save" from the table view.

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