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The purpose of this document is to describe how to CONFIGURE the RI8503A0 handler pod. It also
describes how to BACK UP and RECOVER a handler pod configuration.

  1. Connect the pod using the supplied RIFL2 cable to the "HANDLER" connector on the side of the test
  2. Do a system startup.
  3. From the Programmer Message Window select "Test" and then "Equip" to open the Equipment Pool
  4. From the Equipment Pool window select "Nodes" and then "Control Modules" to open the Module
    Browser window.
  5. In the Module Browser window, in the left section, find and highlight the Handler Interface Module
    "XXXXXXXX Name" were name = the name of the handler ( ie.....Sowa ).
  6. In the middle section highlight "handler".
  7. In the lower section enter the proper values for polarity or timing in the yellow boxes. (Figure 2)

    Caution: Do not change any of the default BIN assignment values. Bin assignments should be done
    in the
    "Test Exec" Window under "Options"/"Edit Handler Bins".
  8. After all changes have been made in the Module Browser window select "Modules" and then
    "EE Save Modules". Configuration is now complete.

  1. To BACKUP a handler pod RI8503A0 follow steps 1 through 5. Then in the Module Browser select "Node" and then "Save CFF". This creates a text file containing the handler pod configuration. This can provide an emergency starting point for the user if the pod configuaration becomes lost at a later time.
  2. To RECOVER a handler pod RI8503A0 follow steps 1 through 5. Then in the Module Browser select "Node" and then "Import CFF". Select the file that matches the pod type. This imports a text file containing the handler pod configuration. This can provide an emergency starting point for the user in the case of a lost configuration.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 2 (detail)

Figure 3

(NOTE: Buttons will differ based on interface Type)
  1. WAITFORSTART: This button provides the BIN number to be sent to the handler from the ROOS after a START TEST is received from the handler. Used as a debug tool.
  2. PULSEBIN: Defines which bin is to be pulsed to the handler. Used as a debug tool.
  3. SWITCH: Displays driver register data.
  4. EOTWIDTHSECONDS: Defines the width in seconds of the End Of Test Pulse provided to the handler.
  5. BIN POLARITY: Describes when the BIN signal is considered active. Choices are activeLow and activeHigh.
  6. EOTPOLARITY: Describes when the EOT signal is considered active. Choices are activeLow and activeHigh.
  7. STARTTYPE: Describes how the handler issues the Test Ready signal. The choices are level or pulse.
    A level choice means that the handler will provide a signal level. A pulse choice will configure the tester to expect a pulse of Xms long as described in the handlers .ini file.
  8. STARTPOLARITY: Describes when the START signal is considered active. Choices are activeLow and activeHigh.
  9. HANDLER: Gives the name of the handler type.
  10. MAXSITES: Multi-site handler support. 2 = dual site, 4 = quad, etc.
    If you are doing dual-site PARALLEL testing on an Epson handler (as opposed to PING-PONG) then you must name the handler "Epson Parallel" (without the quotes)
  11. MAXBINS: Defines the maximum number of bins supported by the handler.
  12. MINWAITSECONDS: Defines the minimum time the tester will wait for a start pulse.
  13. MAXWAITSECONDS: Defines the maximum time the tester will wait for a start pulse.
  14. EOTDELAYSECONDS: Determines the delay time between the bin signal and when the EOT signal is sent.

HANDLER INTERFACE CONNECTIONS Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'Handler Control Pod Pinouts'

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