Capture what is visible on the screen into a OS/2 Bitmap format (.bmp) with the following programs: PM Camera/2 (recommended) or Gotcha. PM Camera can be updated to save as compressed PNG files. Please note that this is 3rd party software not supported by Roos.
Install pmCamera:
1. Unzip the attachment above to to c:\ drive and run "c:\pmCamera\PMCAM200.exe".
2. To create a desktop icon, choose "Create Shadow" from the right mouse button menu with pmcam200.exe selected, add to Desktop.
Patch PM Camera to save as PNG
PMCamera is a screen capture program for OS/2,normally installed in the C:\Programs\PMCamera directory. However the default captured image is in the a large, un-compressed Bitmap format. The attach files will add an auto convert capability to convert the image to PNG format.
To install, close the PMCamera if it is running.
Copy the attached file to the c:\Programs\PMCamera directory
Open an command window and type
cd Programs\PMCamera
copy gbm.dll c:\os2\DLL\gbm.dll
replmod gbm.dll c:\os2\DLL\gbm.dll
The next time you use the PMCamera, it will capture the image and convert it to PNG format.
Install instructions: Unzip and run "install.cmd" to add Gotcha to Programs folder.