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Guru Categories and Permissions are used to organize test objects including Testplans, Test Execs, and all of the Definitions needed to connect it all together. Cassini uses the "Category" label while the Device Connection Editor uses the term "Permission", so these terms are interchangeable and both are stored in the "ri.sys.Permission" key. Permissions are used to limit visibility on objects, see Product DocsCreating and Editing Guru Permission/Categories for details on their use. Cassini automatically displays the ri.sys.Name value of a RiPermission object via its ri.sys.RevisionOf value. Using the RevisionOf key value guarantees that the assigned Permission is unique but also complicates how to use Categories with Guru Browser. When a Category is assigned to a Test Plan or Permission of a Definition (RiFixtureDef, RiDibDef, etc.), Guru Browser displays the 16 digit value of the ri.sys.RevisionOf key of the Permission in the object's ri.sys.Permission key. Because of this mapping, the preferred method is to use Cassini to browse Test Plans and Device Connection Editor. If you need to browse other ObjClasses. then use the Cassini App's Test Objects Browser to navigate objects of other ObjClass types, like Fixture/DIB/etc Definitions.

Note: Some legacy Testplans may have a human readable string as a Category. These are not mapped to a Permission CID and so Permission restrictions on visibility are not implemented.

To Browse Categories/Permissions with the Cassini App's Test Objects Browser:
  1. Launch Cassini via the Short Cuts button.
  2. Choose System > Test Objects to open the Test Objects Browser.
  3. Choose Categories from the right mouse button menu in the first navigation pane. (See Figure 1)
  4. Choose the appropriate Category/Permission name, then choose the ObjClass (RiTestplan, RiFixtureDef, RiDIBDef, etc.) in the middle pane then select an object in the right pane and the keys will appear in the lower pane.
  5. See Product DocsUsing Test Objects Browser in Cassini for more details on its functions, including using the Activate Latest function to open the selected testplan in a Testplan Editor window.
    Tip! Choose the Object keys function to toggle the lower pane to display Object partial (first 100kb or so) or Object contents (full object).

To Browse Categories/Permissions with Guru Browser:
  1. Launch Guru Browser from the Apps button.
  2. Choose RiPermission below Key1 ri.sys.ObjClass key filter.
  3. Choose the Category/Permission from the ri.sys.Name column (Tip: Click on the column header to sort alphabetically)
  4. Identify the RevisionOf from the ri.sys.RevisionOf= line in the keys in the lower column. (See Figure 2)
  5. Reference the ri.sys.RevisionOf column when selecting a Key value for ri.sys.Permission in the Key1 to Key4 filters in Guru browser to browse those objects in Guru Browser.
    For example, if browsing RiTestpan objects, change Key1 ObjClass to "RiTestplan", then set Key 2 to
    ri.sys.Permission and choose the 16 digit value identified in the table "G8Y3...BM400" (See Figure 3)

To Create a Quick Reference Table of Categories/Permissions with Guru Browser:
  1. Open a Cassini Virtual Workstation (preferred, see Virtual Workstation Install & Setup Instructions (VirtualBox)), or use a Cassini tester or Guru server.
  2. Launch Guru Browser from the Apps button.
  3. Choose RiPermission below Key1 ri.sys.ObjClass key filter.
  4. Choose Options > Config Table View and choose ri.sys.RevisionOf in the Available Keys column and press the right arrow to move it to the Viewed Keys column. Optionally, remove ri.sys.CreationDate and ri.sys.Title from the Viewed Keys column. Close the Config Table View dialog by clicking the close icon in the upper right hand corner. (See Figure 4)
  5. Click on the ri.sys.Title column header to sort alphabetically.
  6. Press CTL+A to select all (or hold CTRL to select individual rows or hold SHIFT and click on a start and end row to select everything in between.)
  7. Press CTL+C to copy to the clipboard.
  8. From your host OS, launch any spreadsheet or text editor and press CTL+V to paste the contents of the clipboard. (On a tester, open a command window and type "e" to launch the Text Editor application.)
  9. Reference the ri.sys.RevisionOf column when selecting a Key value for ri.sys.Permission in the Key1 to Key4 filters in Guru browser to browse those objects in Guru Browser.
    For example, if browsing RiTestpan objects, change Key1 ObjClass to "RiTestplan", then set Key 2 to
    ri.sys.Permission and choose the 16 digit value identified in the table "G8Y3...BM400" (See Figure 3)

Figure 1: Test Objects > Categories Selection on Right Mouse Button Menu

Figure 2: Guru Browser > RiPermission Objects

Figure 3: Example Guru Browser Filtered by ri.sys.Permission Key

Figure 4: Adding RevisionOf via Options > Config Table View

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