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Cassini can use unique calibration data for each Tester and/or Fixture by including a "calPerTester=true" attribute in the Fixture and Device Interface Board (DIB) definitions by using hee Device Connection Editor App. This feature is used to force a unique set of calibration data based on the Tester's Serial Number and the ESN (SN Chip) found on the Fixture and/or DIB. There is also a "calPerFixture=true" attribute that can be added to the DIB definition that can pair a DIB to a particular Fixture.

WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS CAPABILITY unless you absolutely must. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED BY RI. This should ONLY be used when measurements require it due to mismatch because it reduces the portability of the calibration data by forcing it to work only with a specific individual Tester and/or Fixture. This unexpected behavior will have negative effects when in production without detailed training to explain the implementation and clear marking's on the physical Fixture and/or DIB to alert the technicians that this feature is enabled. This requires that Cal data be saved on EACH Tester and EACH Fixture. This can add unnecessary logistical challenges and production difficulties and should be avoided whenever possible.

IMPORTANT: Both the Name and Value are case sensitive. The Name must be "camel case" (calPerTester and calPerFixture) where the first letter is always lower case, but the first letter of each 'word' is capitalized for easy readability. The "true" value must be all lower-case.

WARNING: When using different Short Cuts that support this feature or not, different Calibration data can be loaded in unexpected ways and it could affect measurement performance.

Note: This feature is implemented in the Def's object, not a Guru attribute. So it can not be easily identified in Guru Browser or the Test Objects Browser. It is only edited with the Device Connection Editor or Guru Browser's Options > View Options > Attributes and Objects selected in the lower "info" pane. The RiDibCal and RiFixtureCal objects ALWAYS have the ri.hw.TesterSn attribute set with the value of the Guru ID of the tester and the RiDibCal object has the ri.hw.FixtureSn attribute set to the Fixture's unique ID. However, these attributes are only used when the feature is enabled (=true).

TIP! Clearly identify "Cal Per Tester" on the item's label to instruct operators about this specific behavior.

Requirements: Short Cut with Patch 238 Fixture & DIB Cal dependant on Tester (9/29/20)

To Enable calPerTester=true or calPerFixture=true Feature:
  1. Launch the Device Connection Editor from Guru > Apps.
  2. Choose the Fixture or DIB tab. (note: Fixture should be loaded before DIB).
  3. Load a Fixture or DIB ( Dev Conn > Load <<Item>> ) (<<Item>> is either Fixture or DIB)
  4. Right Click the Attribute Name column, choose Add.
  5. Select calPerTester (or for DIBs, you can also choose calPerFixture ) from the Name pull down menu. (See Figure 1)
  6. Type "true" (case sensitive) in the Value field.
  7. Choose OK.
  8. Choose Dev Conn > Save <<Device>> (Repeat for DIB, if Required)

To Disable calPerTester=true or calPerFixture=true Feature:
  1. Launch the Device Connection Editor from Guru > Apps.
  2. Choose the Fixture or DIB tab. (note: Fixture should be loaded before DIB).
  3. Load a Fixture or DIB ( Dev Conn > Load <<Item>> ) (<<Item>> is either Fixture or DIB)
  4. Right Click the calPerTester=true and/or calPerFixture=true Attribute Name column, choose Remove.
  5. Choose OK. (optionally, repeat for each attribute)
  6. Choose Dev Conn > Save <<Device>> (Repeat for DIB, if Required)

To Calibrate Fixture or DIB:
  • Assign the ESN (See and Calibrate the Fixture or DIB as you would normally by selecting the Fixture or Dut Interface instrument in the Configuration window and choose Instrument > Calibrate.
  • Alternatively, the operator can also use Instrument > Calibration > Restore and Instrument > Calibration > Save to associate previously generated Cal Data with the current Tester (and Fixture).

How Calibration Data is Loaded When calPerX is True:
  1. When the Fixture or DIB is latched to the Test Head and the operator chooses System > Check, the Cassini app will read the ESN of the Fixture (ri.hw.Esn attribute) to load the latest CalData and look up the FixtureDef or DibDef.
  2. If "calPerTester=true" and/or "calPerFixture=true" object attributes (i.e. not "ri.sys..." attribute) are enabled, the system then loads the latest Cal object also using the Tester's Serial Number (ri.hw.TesterSn=<GuruID>) and/or Fixture's Serial Number (ri.hw.FixtureSn=######## , not ESN) to load unique Calibration data.
  3. If no calibration data is found matching the enabled features, the "default" cal data from the Def is loaded and "No Cal found for this esn: DSN################" error will appear in red in the Message Window.

How to Identify RiDibDef and RiFixtureDef Objects with this Feature:
  1. Launch Guru Browser from the Apps button.
  2. Choose Options > View Options > Attributes and Object menu to enable the Object preview pane. (See Figure 2)
  3. Choose RiDibDef or RiFixtureDef under Key 1: ri.sys.ObjClass filter.
  4. Select the object in the list on the right.
  5. Inspect the ":INFO" paragraph in the object preview pane and look for "calPerFixture=true" and/or "calPerTester=true" attribute values. (See Figure 3)

To Identify Active Cal Data with Cassini Startup Messages:
  1. Open the Messages window by choosing System > Messages.
  2. Unlatch the Fixture/DIB and choose System > Check.
  3. Latch the Fixture/DIB and choose System > Check.
  4. The Cal Data Timestamp appears in the message window.

To Identify Active Cal Data with Cassini Config Log:
  1. Open the Configuration window by choosing System > Tester.
  2. Choose Tester > Create Config Log...
  3. Change the Drive and filename and choose OK to save the file. (Defaults to "<Tester SN> Description.txt")
  4. Open the file and

To Identify Active Cal Data with Guru Browser:
  1. Launch Guru Browser from the Apps button.
  2. Choose RiDibCal from the Key1 ri.sys.ObjClass.
  3. Choose ri.hw.TesterSn under Key 2 and then select the Tester's Serial Number (i.e. GEJRMPYA for AMP05)
  4. Choose ri.hw.FixtureSn and select the Fixture's Serial Number (i.e. RIURLWN0) It will list all DIBCals for all Fixtures with Cal Data for this Tester. The results will be all DIBs calibrated for that Fixture/DIB.
  5. Choose ri.hw.ESN and select the DIBs ESN. (i.e. DSN0000077DBBD00) This limits the list to all cal data (dates) for a specific DIB cal.
  6. Choose the most recent RiDibCal from the list, this will be the one Cassini loads. (See Figure 4)
    Tip: Use View Options > Attributes and Objects.

To Restore Cal Data & Assign to Tester/Fixture with Cassini:
  1. From Cassini, choose System > Tester to open the Configuration window.
  2. Choose Dut Interface and choose Calibration > Restore from the right mouse button menu.
  3. Choose Yes on the Replace Calibration Data prompt.
  4. Choose the cal data date and choose select. This loads the calibration data into memory and is not yet associated with the active Fixture & Tester.
  5. Choose Calibration > Save from the right mouse button menu. This creates a new Cal Data for now with the active Fixture & Tester that will be loaded automatically when Cassini launches and activates this DIB.

Figure 1: Adding calPerTester Attribute

Figure 2: Guru Browser > View Options > Attributes and Object

Figure 3: Viewing Object data in Guru Browser (View Options > Attributes and Objects).

Figure 4: Guru Browser to Identify Cal Data that would be loaded.

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