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The first step in writing a new test plan is assigning tester resources to the DUT pins. The physical interface is handled through the Fixture, the software definitions map logical names to the physical connections made to the DUT by the fixture. These path names are used in the test plan to manipulate the resource settings. All of these objects are loosely associated by "family" name and individually specified by the objects Title.

1. Create a Permission/Category to be used by using the Guru Permissions Admin application. The permission is used for categorizing objects.

2. Create a Device definition by using the Device Connection Editor. A device is the underlying object which one must define prior to define anything else such as fixture, device interface board, device pins or device control definitions. When creating a device, one must specify the device family which ties all definitions together. The device family also ties the test plan to the device object.

3. Create a Device Pins definition (if exists) by using the Device Connection Editor. A device pins object defines all the available pins and pin groups for the device and device pins families. Device pins connect between DIB and fixture. When creating a device pins, one must specify which device family to tie the device pins to along with specifying a device pins family.

4. Create a Fixture definition (if exists) by using the Device Connection Editor. A fixture connects the DIB to the instrument resources. When creating a fixture, you must specify the fixture family which is used to tie all definitions to the fixture. You must also specify which device family to tie the fixture. The fixture family is used by the DIB definition to tie the DIB to the fixture.

5. Create a DIB (Device Interface Board) definition (if exists) by using the Device Connection Editor. A DIB connects the device by using the device pin to the fixture. When creating a DIB, one must specify the DIB family which is used to tie all definitions to the DIB. You must also specify which device family to tie the DIB. Although it is not a must, but it is preferred that you specify which device pins family the DIB refers to. Without knowing the device pins family, it does not know which device pins set to use for defining its paths. Specifying the fixture family is recommended, otherwise the DIB does not know which fixture the DIB is used for. The device object must be defined prior to defining a DIB. It is recommended that the device pins and fixture objects are defined prior to defining the DIB.

6. Create a Device Control definition by using the Device Control Editor. It defines the registers, serial and parallel information. The register is a set of bits sent to the device. The timing is determined by the serial format and the clock period. A field is a logical collection of bits within the register which the user can specify. Each field is represented by a button in the testplan editor. The compound field is a set of one or more fields which are tagged by a single button in the testplan. This allows the programming of multiple fields using a single entry. These values can be imported from a comma separated file.

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