Some installations of Guru Apps(ObjClass=RiApplication) may be missing dependancies or OS utilities. Check your install directory (i.e. ~/cassini or C:/Users/Public) for these dependancies. Also debug application launch issues by inspecting and watching the output of the "init" script.
The ri.sys.Type attribute describes the minimum system requirements for Java ("java##") or Visual Age SmallTalk ("vast##"), where ## is the version. So ri.sys.Type=java16 requires Java JDK 1.6 or greater.
For Guru Apps ri.sys.type = java14, java16, java17; Java JRE should be installed in the default OS location or in %RIAPPS%/java##
For Guru Apps ri.sys.type = vast55, vast60, vast91; VisualAge SmallTalk runtime libraries should be installed in the ~RiApps/vast##rt directories.
For Windows applications, this .vbs script is needed. (See Figure 1 for an example.)

Figure 1: Example Error Missing MxKRN66 in krn, See the file 'walkback.log' for more information. Do you wish to exit?