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This document describes how to use the Test Session Editor application. This application allows you to create and edit test session definitions.


First, make sure you have the Guru running on your machine locally and you have the Guru key. You must log-on to Guru with privilege of Programmer or above. After logging on successfully, you can launch the Test Session Editor application. Click the Test Session Editor from the Select Application window.


It will display as follows.

The Test Session Editor has two main menus: System and Test Session.


The System menu consists of four menus: Logon..., Logoff, Messages, and Exit.

The Logon menu provides a way to log on differently from the global Guru logon. This does not change the logged on user on the Guru itself. It works the same way as logging on from the Guru bar. The Logoff menu lets you log-off from Guru (only applies to this application). This does not log-off any other user currently logged on to the Guru itself. It works the same way as logging off from the Guru bar. The Messages menu displays the messages between the Test Session Editor application and the Guru, primarily for debugging purposes. The Logged Events Window displays some messages being sent between Guru and Guru applications. It works the same way as messaging from the Guru bar. The Exit menu exits the tool. If there are any objects which are not saved yet, it will ask the user if they want to save or ignore the changes.


The Test Session menu consists of several menus: New..., Load..., Unload, Edit Description..., Save, Save As....

The New menu creates a new test session definition. The Load menu loads an existing test session object. The Unload menu unloads the currently displayed test session; if the object is not saved, it asks the user if they want to save or ignore the changes. The Edit Description... menu allows the user to enter a description for the object. The Save menu saves the current test session object to Guru. Note that if the status is released, you cannot save the object; you have to do a Save As. The Save As... menu allows the user to save the test session object to a different title.


To create a new test session object, click on the Test Session > New... menu.

Title is the title of the test session. It is used for test session objects selection.

Device Family specifies which device family the test session is associated with. A device must have been defined prior to creating a new test session definition. If you don't find the device family which you want to use on the list, you can create one using the Device Connection Editor. Refer to the Creating and Editing A Device document for details on how to create a device definition.

Inline-QA is used for identifying if this object is for Inline-QA definition. Set it to True if the object is to be used for inLine-QA; otherwise set it to False.

Policy defines the policy type for this test session object. If it is Multisite type, you need to select the group title (defined in the testplan objects), which is part of the multisite testplan and also select the Number of Sites. If the Inline-QA is set to True, the Policy is disabled and is set to Standard and you cannot change it.

Type is the type of the test session object. It can be either Development or Production.

Version is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc.

For the Status field, the choices are alpha, beta, ready, or released. alpha objects are in the initial stage of development, beta is intended for objects that are almost ready for production, ready is intended for objects that are ready for production but can still be modified and saved, and released objects are ready for production, no more changes and can no longer be saved.

Description/Notes area is used for user to make any notes pertaining to this test session object. This field is optional, it can be left blank.

When done with entering the fields, click the OK button and the newly created test session is available in Guru. The attributes paragraph is filled in with the necessary information to identify the test session when a new test session object is created. After creating a test session object, the user can then define which testplans to use.


To load a test session object for viewing or editing, click on the Test Session > Load... menu to see a list of available test session objects in Guru.

One can filter the list of available objects by selecting different device family. To see all of the available objects without filtering, select the -all- for the device family selection.

You can sort the display of the load object window by doing RMB on the list of the available test session objects and select the Sort By menu. You can sort it by each column, in this case Title, Device Family, Device Permission, Version, Status, and Creation Date.

Select the test session from the Load Object window to load, then click the OK button or double click on the selection to display the selected object in the Test Session window. Clicking the Cancel button aborts the loading process.

By default, the latest revision of the selected object is loaded. One can select a different version of the selected object by selecting the object you want to load, and click the History... button of the load window.

You can sort the display of the load object window by doing RMB on the list of the available test session objects and select the Sort By menu. You can sort it by each column, in this case Creation Date and Version.

Once you select which version to load, click the OK button. This will also dismiss the Load Object window and display the selected object in the Test Session window.

Another way to create a new Test Session object is by clicking the New... button from the Load Object window. This acts the same was as clicking the Test Session > New menu from the Test Session window. See Section 3.3 Creating A New Test Session for details on creating a new Test Session object.


Test session objects consists of several paragraphs: attributes, description (optional), resources, and objects. The objects paragraph consists of limitsmap and binmap.


The Test Session Editor application uses many spreadsheet for display. The application allows you to export and import to/from CSV file. EXPORT TO CSV

There are two choices for exporting, with header or without header. The header is the title of each column of the spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet has its own header which will be mentioned throughout the document when it is applicable. When exporting with the header, the first row of the CSV file is the header; otherwise, the CSV will only have the data.

To export a given spreadsheet to CSV, RMB in the spreadsheet display area, and select the Export To CSV With Header... or Export To CSV Without Header... menu.

A file dialog will be displayed, you can can choose the directory and the filename of the CSV file. The extension of the file will be .csv.

When you've finished selecting the directory and entering the filename, click the OK button and a CSV file will be written in the specified directory with the entered filename.

Each column of the CSV file represents the column of the spreadheet and likewise, each row represents the row of the spreadsheet. The number of column should match the number of header, for example, if we have two headers, Name and Value, each row in the CSV file should have two values. An empty cell, is represented by "" or blank in the CSV. For example, if we have a row of "1", blank, "3", in the CSV file, it will be represented as "1", , "3"or 1,,3. The quotes, ", surrounding each value is optional. You can have as many numbers of rows as you need. IMPORT FROM CSV

To import from a CSV file, RMB on the spreadsheet display you want to import to and select the Import From CSV With Header... or Import from CSV Wihtout Header... menu.

A file dialog will be displayed, you can choose the directory and the filename of the CSV file to be imported.

Each column of the CSV file represents the column of the spreadsheet and likewise, each row represents the row of the spreadsheet. The number of columns should match the number of header, for example, if we have two headers, Name and Value, each row in the CSV file should have two values. An empty cell, is represented by "" or blank in the CSV. For example, if we have "1", , "3"or 1,,3 in the CSV file, it will be displayed as "1", blank, "3" in the spreadsheet, The quotes, ", surrounding each value in the CSV file is optional. You can have as many rows as you need.

Once you select the file you want to import, click the OK button and the contents for the file will be displayed in the selected spreadsheet.


This tab page displays the attributes defined for this Test Session object.

The attributes are divided into three display areas: attributes, views, and options. TEST SESSION ATTRIBUTES

The attributes display some information regarding the Test Session object. The test session attributes are displayed on the top in the Attributes page of the Test Session Editor window.

There are some keywords which are required and user cannot remove these entries, such as title. Users can remove any of the option entries, such as enableInLineQA as this is only required for Inline-QA objects. You can edit, add, copy, or delete an attribute entry. The following is a list of reserved keywords for Test Session attributes.

device family -- is used to identify which device the test session is associated with.
enableInLineQA -- ONLY applies for inlineQA. Set this to true if this is an inlineQA object.
multisite -- is used to identify if this object is multi-site or single-site
multisiteGroup -- ONLY exists if multi-site is true.This attribute identifies which testplan group to use
multisiteNumberSites -- ONLY exists if multi-site is true.This attributes identifies how many sites are active.
status -- status of the device control (alpha, beta, ready, or released).
title -- is used for test session objects selection.
type -- type of the test session object, development or production.
version -- is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc. EDIT

The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected attribute row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu. Another way is to double click on the row of the attribute which you want to edit. When editing, you can only change the value of the attributes. The name remains the same. If you want to change the name as well as the value, you can either add a new attribute or copy an existing one. There are two possibilities of edit window. For some attributes, the edit window shows a drop down list of values to choose or allows a new value to be entered. The following window is an example when you edit the "device family" attribute and it gives you a list of the available selections from Guru.

Other attributes require a typed in text value.

You can either select from the list or type in a new Value. When done modifying the Value field, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Test Session Editor window. Clicking the Cancel button means you no longer want to change the selected attribute. ADD

The Add menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. To add an attribute, RMB and select the Add menu.

For the Name entry, you can either enter a name, or select on from the selection list. The selection list gives you the list of keyword attribute names along with all the names that's being displayed in the attribute display.

If you don't see the name on the list, you can add a name to the attribute by typing it. For some attributes, some of the values can only be selected from the value list selections. For example, if you try to add a device family, you can only select an existing device family for its value from the value selection list.

Once you've entered or selected the name, you can select or enter the value for the attribute.

When done entering the Name and Value fields, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the Test Session Editor window. Clicking the Cancel button does not add the new attribute to the definition. COPY ROW

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. Instead of starting with a blank window where you type in both the Name and Value fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the copy row window. You can modify the Name and Value fields. To copy an attribute row, select the attribute you want to copy, then RMB and select the Copy Row menu. The currently selected row's Name and Value are displayed in the Copying/Adding Attribute window. Similar to the Add attribute window, you can select the name from the selection list or you can type in a new name.

When done changing the Name and/or Value fields, click the OK button. Click the Cancel button to abort copying. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove an attribute entry. You cannot delete the reserved attributes, such as title. To delete an attribute, select the attribute which you want to remove, RMB and select the Delete menu.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the attribute; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the attributes are Name and Value. VIEWS

The Views area lists which worksheet(s) to be displayed. EDIT

You can add or remove the views by doing RMB in the Views display area. If there is at least one already on the list, you can double click on any of the entries to bring up the edit view window. To modify the list, select the Edit View List menu. The edit view window will be displayed as follow.

The Open Views window display all the available selections. All the list in the Exclude area means it is not for viewing. All the list in the Include area means the specified windows are to be displayed. To add an entry, select which view from the Exclude list you want to be displayed, and click the >> button. The selected one will be removed from the Exclude list and added to the Include list. To remove an entry from the Include list, select an entry from the Include list, and click the << button. The selected one will be removed from the Include list and added to the Exclude list. For example, the following Edit View window will only display the Worksheet details window and nothing else.

Click the OK button when you're done with updating the list and all the included list will displayed in the Views area and the values for those entries are set to true. Clicking the Cancel button aborts editing the view list. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the views are Name and Value. OPTIONS

The options display all the options for the reports. EDIT

To update the list of the options, RMB in the Options display area and select the Edit Options List menu. If there is at least one already on the list, you can double click on any of the entries to bring up the edit options window. The edit options window will be displayed as follow.

The Options window display all available selections. All the list in Exclude area means it is not to generate those reports. All the list in the Include area means the specified reports are to be generated. To add an entry to be included, select an entry from the Exclude list and click the >> button. The selected one will be removed from the Exclude list and added to the Include list. To remove an entry, select the one you want to exclude from the Include list and click the << button. The selected one will be remove from the Include list and added to the Exclude list. For example, the following window displays that the Include tests in Lot Summary report to be generated.

Click the OK button when you're done updating the list and all the included list will be displayed in the Options area and the values for those entries are set to true. Clicking the Cancel button aborts editing the options list. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the options are Name and Value.


The tab page displays the testplan(s) being used for this test session object. GROUP

The testplan group is used to define each testplan to be used in the test session object and each one can have its own attributes to be associated with it.

It is displayed as a group, testplan1, testplan2, etc. You can add and copy any of the group definition. You can delete any of the group definition as long as it is not being referenced by the limits (see Section 3.5.5 LIMITS for details explanation of the limits). ADD

To add a testplan, click the Add button.

You can select a testplan by selecting from the list of the Title.

Another way to select a testplan to be added is by clicking the Select... button next to the Title selection list.

By using the Testplan Selection window, you can filter the selection by the Device Family.

In the Testplan Selection window, you can also sort the display by RMB, select the Sort By menu.

You can sort by each column of the spreadsheet, Title, Device Family, Device Permission, Version, Status, and Creation Date.

Select a testplan you want to use in the test session object, then click the OK button. It automatically creates the testplan group name, testplan1, testplan2, etc, And the title of the testplan is added to the testplan attributes display. Clicking the Cancel button aborts adding the testplan.

Please refer to Sections Tesplan Attributes and Options for the details on attributes and options of the testplan. COPY

Another way of adding a testplan to be used in the test session is by clicking the Copy button. This can only be done if you have added at least one testplan to the test session object. It will copy the currently selected testplan to a new testplan group. All the attributes and options will be copied over to the new testplan group. You can change any of the information in the Copy Testplan window which looks very similar to the Add Testplan window. Clicking the OK button will add the selected testplan as a new testplan group. Clicking the Cancel button aborts the copying process. DELETE

You can remove any testplan that's not being used in the test session object by clicking the Delete button. It checks if the testplan is currently being referenced by the limits, if it is, an error notifying you that there is a limit referencing to this testplan. You must remove any references to the testplan prior to removing the testplan.

If the testplan is not being referenced by any limits, then you can remove it. It will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete it.

Click the Yes button to remove the selected testplan, click the No button to keep the testplan. It only removes the testplan group from the test session object. The testplan object itself remains in Guru. TESTPLAN ATTRIBUTES

Each testplan can have its own attributes. There are some attributes which are required and the user cannot remove it, for example title of the testplan. You can edit, add, copy, or delete the attribute entry. The following is a list of reserved keywords for testplan attributes.

datalog -- the datalog group which this testplan to use. You must define a datalog before you can reference it in the testplan.
title -- the title of the testplan. This is used for testplan selection.

You can change the testplan title, but you cannot remove it from the attributes. To remove a testplan, click the Delete button from the testplan group. EDIT

The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected testplan attribute row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu. Another way to edit an attribute is to double click on the row of the attribute which you want to edit. When editing, you can only change the value of the attributes. The name remains the same. If you want to change the name as well as the value, you can either add a new testplan attribute or copy an existing one. There are two possibilities of edit window. For some attributes, the edit window shows a drop down list of values to choose or allows a new value to be entered. The following window is an example when you edit the "datalog" attribute and it gives you a list of the available datalog selections which have been defined in the datalog page in this test session object.

Other attributes require a typed in text value.

You can either select from the list or type in a new Value. When done modifying the Value field, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the testplan attribute display area of the Test Session window. Clicking the Cancel button means you no longer want to change the selected attribute. ADD

The Add menu allows you to add a new testplan attribute entry. To add a testplan attribute, RMB and select the Add menu.

For the Name entry, you can either enter a name, or select one from the selection list.

If you don't see the name of the attribute on the list, you can add one to the testplan attribute by typing the name. For some attributes, the values can only be selected from the value list selections. For example, if you try to add a datalog, you can only select an existing datalog groups for its value from the value selection list. Some attributes, you can enter the value.

Once you've entered or selected the name, you can select or enter the value for the attribute.

When done entering the Name and Value fields, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the testplan attribute display area. Clicking the Cancel button does not add the new testplan attribute to the definition. COPY ROW

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a new testplan attribute entry. Instead of starting with a blank window where you type in both the Name and Value fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the copy row window. You can modify the Name and Value fields. To copy a testplan attribute row, select the attribute you want to copy, then RMB and select the Copy Row menu. The currently selected row's Name and Value are displayed in the Copying/Adding Attribute window. Similar to the Add testplan attribute window, you can select the name from the selection list or you can type in a new name.

Similar to adding testplan attribute, some of the attribute must match the selection for the value, some you can add.

When done changing the Name and/or Value fields, click the OK button to add the entry to the testplan attributes and the new attribute is displayed in the testplan attributes area. Click the Cancel button to abort copying. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove a testplan attribute entry. You cannot delete the reserved attributes, such as title. To remove a testplan attribute, select the attribute which you want to remove, RMB and select the Delete menu.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button to remove the testplan attribute; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the testplan attributes are Name and Value. OPTIONS

The testplan options section allow you to define any options for this testplan. Each testplan can have different options. EDIT

The testplan options displays all the options for a given testplan; only applies to the test session object, it does not change the testplan object itself. To update the list of the options, RMB in the Testplan Options spreadsheet area and select the Edit Options List menu. If there is at least one already on the list, you can double click on any of the entries to bring up the edit options window. The edit testplan options window will be displayed as follow.

The testplan Options window display all available selections. All the list in Exclude area means it is not to be included for this testplan. All the list in the Include area means when the test exec is running, it will exercise these options. To add an entry to be included, select an entry from the Exclude list and click the >> button. The selected one will be removed from the Exclude list and added to the Include list. To remove an entry, select the one you want to exclude from the Include list and click the << button. The selected one will be remove from the Include list and added to the Exclude list. For example, the following window displays that the Log data from testplan is in the Include list.

Click the OK button when you're done updating the list and all the included list will be displayed in the Testplan Options area and the values for those entries are set to true. Clicking the Cancel button aborts editing the testplan options list. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the testplan options are Name and Value.

3.5.4 BINS

This tab page displays the bins being used for this test session object.

There are two types of the bins, hard and soft bins.

When you select a hard bin row, if there is any soft bin referencing to the selected hard bin, all the soft bin rows which refer to the hard bin will also be selected. Vice versa, when you select a soft bin, the referenced hard bin will be selected.

For example, the first window shows when hard bin number 2 is selected, and all soft bins which refers to hard bin number 2 are also selected. The second window shows soft bin number 2 which refers to hard bin number 3, hence the hard bin number 3 is also selected. HARD BINS

When you create a new test session object, some default hard bins are created. You can change these as needed.

You can edit, add, copy row, or delete a hard bin entry by RMB on the hard bin display area. EDIT

To edit a hard bin, select the hard bin you want to edit and RMB and select the Edit menu. Another way to edit a hard bin entry is to double click on the row of the hard bin which you want to edit.

Name -- the hard bin name which cannot be modified while in edit mode
Bin Number -- the hard bin number
Type -- hard bin type, pass or fail
Laser -- this entry is optional, only used when applicable
Part Number -- this entry is optional; you can use this to specify the part number

When editing, you cannot change the name of the hard bin. If you wish to change the name of the hard bin itself, you can either add a new hard bin row, or use the copy row feature to copy a row. When done changing the entries of the hard bin, click the OK button; the updated information will displayed in the hard bin spreadsheet. Clicking the Cancel button means we ignore all the changes made on this edit window. ADD

To add a hard bin, RMB and select the Add menu.

See Section Edit for details of each field of the add window. The only different is the Name field. While adding, you can select the Name from the list of all the names that's already there or you can type in the name.

When done adding the entries of the hard bin, click the OK button; the new information will displayed in the hard bin spreadsheet. If you enter/select an existing hard bin name, the information for that hard bin is replaced. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the adding process. COPY ROW

Another way to add a hard bin row is by using a Copy Row menu. Select the hard bin you would like to copy from and RMB and select the Copy Row menu. Instead of starting with a blank add window, it copies the information of the selected row to the add window. You can modify any of the values as needed.

See Section Edit for details of each field of the add window. For the Name field, similar to adding, you can either select an existing one from the list or enter a new name.

When done adding the entries of the hard bin, click the OK button; the new information will displayed in the hard bin spreadsheet. If you enter/select an existing hard bin name, the information for that hard bin is replaced. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the copying process. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove a hard bin definition. To remove a hard bin, RMB and select the Delete menu. It asks you to confirm it.

Click the Yes button to confirm it and the selected hard bin will be removed from the hard bin display. Clicking the No button means keeping the selected hard bin.

If the selected hard bin is being referenced by any soft bins, you cannot remove it. It will bring up an error window telling you that you must remove any references to the selected hard bin before it can be removed.

Click the OK button to dismiss the error window and correct the error and try again. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the hard bins are Name, Number, Type, Laser Mark, and Part Number. SOFT BINS

When you create a new test session object, some default soft bins are created. You can change these as needed.

You can edit, add, copy row, or delete a soft bin entry by RMB on the soft bin display area. EDIT

To edit a soft bin, select the soft bin you want to edit and RMB and select the Edit menu. Another way to edit a soft bin entry is to double click on the row of the soft bin which you want to edit.

Name -- the soft bin name which cannot be modified while in edit mode
Soft Bin Number -- the soft bin number
Hard Bin Number -- the hard bin number it refers to
Rank -- this entry is optional, only used when applicable

When editing, you cannot change the name of the soft bin. If you wish to change the name of the soft bin itself, you can either add a new soft bin row, or use the copy row feature to copy a row. When done changing the entries of the soft bin, click the OK button; the updated information will displayed in the soft bin spreadsheet. Clicking the Cancel button means we ignore all the changes made on this edit window. ADD

To add a soft bin, RMB and select the Add menu.

See Section Edit for details of each field of the add window. The only different is the Name field. While adding, you can select the Name from the list of all the names that's already there or you can type in the name.

When done adding the entries of the soft bin, click the OK button; the new information will displayed in the soft bin spreadsheet. If you enter/select an existing soft bin name, the information for that soft bin is replaced. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the adding process. COPY ROW

Another way to add a soft bin row is by using a Copy Row menu. Select the soft bin you would like to copy from and RMB and select the Copy Row menu. Instead of starting with a blank add window, it copies the information of the selected row to the add window. You can modify any of the values as needed.

See Section Edit for details of each field. of the add window. For the Name field, similar to adding, you can either select an existing one from the list or enter a new name.

When done adding the entries of the soft bin, click the OK button; the new information will displayed in the soft bin spreadsheet. If you enter/select an existing soft bin name, the information for that soft bin is replaced. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the copying process. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove a soft bin definition. To remove a soft bin, RMB and select the Delete menu. It asks you to confirm it.

The following window is an example of there are multiple rows of the soft bins being selected.

Click the Yes button to confirm it and the selected soft bin will be removed from the soft bin display. Clicking the No button means keeping the selected soft bin. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the soft bins are Name, Number, Hard Bin, and Rank.

3.5.5 LIMITS

This tab page displays the limits being used for this test session object. GROUP

In order to define any limits to be used by the test session object, you must have defined the testplan(s) for this object. Please see Section 3.5.3 Testplan for editing testplan for the test session object. If you try to add a limit but no testplan is defined yet, an error window will popup letting you know that there's no testplan defined yet.

Each limit is defined by grouping such as limit1, limit2, etc.

You can add, copy, or delete a limit group by clicking the Add, Copy, or Delete button respectively. ADD

Click the Add button of the limits group to add a limits definition.

Select a testplan group from the source testplan selection. The testplan must have been defined to be used in this test session object. See Section 3.5.3 Testplan for adding testplans to be used by the test session object. Once you've added the testplan to use, you can select one to be referenced by the limits. See Section Testplan for more details of this testplan selection for the limits.

The bins must have been defined so the limits can use it. See Section 3.5.4 Bins for editing bins to be used by the test session object. Select the pass and fail soft bin numbers from the selections.

The Limit Name comes from the testplan you selected under the Source Testplan selection. This is used in the limitsmap section of the definition. See Section Limitsmap for details of the limitsmap definition.

Click the OK button to add the limits definition. Clicking the Cancel button will not add the limits. COPY

The Copy button gives you another way to add a new limits definition. Instead of starting with a blank window, it copies all the information of the selected limits to the copy row window. To copy a limits definition, select the one you want to copy, and click the Copy button.

See Section Add for details of each field of the add window. Each field is already filled in based on the definition of the selected limits definition to copy from. You can modify the values of any fields as needed.

When done adding the entries of the hard bin, click the OK button; a new limits group is created with the information on this window. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the copying process. DELETE

You can remove the limits group definition by selecting the limits group you want to remove and click the Delete button. It asks you to confirm it.

Click the Yes button to delete the selected limit and it will be removed from the selection. Clicking the No button will keep the limits group definition. TESTPLAN

The limits group refers to a defined testplan. You cannot add a testplan within the Limits page. It must be defined within the Testplan page. See Section 3.5.3 Testplan for editing testplan to be used by the test session object.

The testplan groups which have been defined for this object are shown in the source testplan selection list.

Once you select the source testplan group from the list, the selected testplan title is displayed next to the testplan group selection. BINS

The bins define the pass and fail soft bins. These bins must have been defined in the Bins page. See Section 3.5.4 Bins for editing the bins to be used by this test session object. LIMITSMAP

The limitsmap is defined as a group part of the limits group. The program will automatically name the groups, limitsmap1, limitsmap2, etc. It is mapping the limitsmap to the soft bin. NAME

The name is defined in the selected testplan, you can only select from the list.

Based on the name selected, it will display all the parameter names. You cannot change the names nor delete any of them. You can map them to defined soft bins. DEFINITION

The definition consists of the limitsmap names defined in the testplan, and you can edit the mapping to a defined soft bin. EDIT

To edit a limitsmap mapping, select the parameter you want to edit and RMB and select the Edit menu. Another way to edit the mapping is to double click on the row of the parameter which you want to edit.

You can map each parameter to a soft bin as needed. You can select the soft bin by the number or the name.

To unmap a parameter, you can choose the -none- selection for the soft bin. You cannot add a soft bin in here, you can add it in the Bins page.

When done adding the entries of the limitsmap parameter, click the OK button; a new information is displayed in the limitsmap area. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the editing process. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the limitsmaps are Name, and Soft Bin.


The limits options does not belong to the limits group. It applies to the overall definition. However, you must have defined the limits group prior to defining the option. The two common entries for the options are baseLimit and qcLimit.

You can edit, add, copy row, or delete a limits option entry by RMB on the limits options display area. EDIT

To edit a limits option, select the option you want to edit and RMB and select the Edit menu. Another way to edit the limits option is to double click on the row of the option which you want to edit.

Name -- the option name which cannot be modified while in edit mode
Value -- a selection of the limits groups

When editing, you cannot change the name of the option. If you wish to change the name of the option itself, you can either add a new option row, or use the copy row feature to copy a row. For the value, you can only select an existing limits group. When done changing the entries of the limits option, click the OK button; the updated information will displayed in the limits option area. Clicking the Cancel button means we ignore all the changes made on this edit window. ADD

To add a limits option, RMB and select the Add menu.

See Section Edit for details of each field of the add window. The only different is the Name field. While adding, you can select the Name from the list of all the names that's already there or you can type in the name.

The commonly used two names are baseLimit and qcLimit as shown on the name selections. And the values must be selected from the limits groups selection list. If you need to add one, please see Section Group for details of editing the limits group.

When done adding the entries of the limits option, click the OK button; the new information will displayed in the limits options area. If you enter/select an existing option name, the information for that option is replaced. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the adding process. COPY ROW

Another way to add a limits option row is by using a Copy Row menu. Select the option you would like to copy from and RMB and select the Copy Row menu. Instead of starting with a blank add window, it copies the information of the selected row to the add window. You can modify any of the values as needed.

See Section Edit for details of each field of the add window. For the Name field, similar to adding, you can either select an existing one from the list or enter a new name.

When done adding the entries of the option, click the OK button; the new information will displayed in the limits option area. If you enter/select an existing option name, the information for that option is replaced. Clicking the Cancel button means we abort the copying process. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove a limits option definition. To remove an option, RMB and select the Delete menu. It asks you to confirm it.

Click the Yes button to confirm it and the selected option will be removed from the limits option display. Clicking the No button means keeping the selected option. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the limits options are Name, and Value.


This tab page displays the datalog(s) being used for this test session object. GROUP

The datalog group is used to define each datalog to be used in the test session object and each one can have its own attributes and options associated with it..

It is displayed as a group, datalog1, datalog2, etc. You can add, copy, and delete any of the group definition as long as it is not being referenced by the testplan (see Section 3.5.3 TESTPLAN for details explanation of the testplan). ADD

To add a datalog, click the Add button.

See Section Format for details of the Format selection for the datalog.
See Section Attributes for details of the attributes for the datalog.
See Section Options for details of the options for the datalog.
See Section Details and Summary for details of the Keep Details and Keep Summary fields for the datalog.

Select the format to be used for the datalog, add any attributes and options, enter an integer value for how long you want to keep the details and summary. Once you're done editing the datalog information, click the OK button to add it to the test session object. It creates a new datalog group and all the information will be displayed in the Datalog page. Clicking the Cancel button will not add the datalog. COPY

Another way of adding a datalog to be used in the test session is by clicking the Copy button. This will copy all the currently displayed information to the add datalog window. The copy window looks the same as the add window in Section Add. You can change any of the information (format, attributes, options, number of days to keep the details and summary) as needed. Clicking the OK button will create a new datalog group and all the information will be display in the Datalog page. Clicking the Cancel button will not add the datalog to the object. DELETE

You can remove any datalog group that's not being referenced by a testplan by clicking the Delete button.It checks if the datalog is currently being referenced by the testplan. If it is, it brings up an error window notifying you that you cannot remove this datalog.

You must delete any references to this datalog before you can proceed with removing the datalog group defiition.

If no testplan is referring to the selected datalog, it will ask you to confirm the deletion process.

Click the Yes button to delete the selected datalog group. Clicking the No button will keep the datalog in the test session object. FORMAT

The datalog supports two formats, RITdb, and STDF.

You cannot add a format, rather you have to select from the list. ATTRIBUTES

Each datalog can have its own attributes. All attributes are currently optional, hence we have not reserved keywords. You can edit, add, copy row, and delete a datalog attribute entry. EDIT

The Edit menu allows you to edit a value of the selected datalog attribute row. First, select a row, then RMB and select the Edit menu. Another way to edit an attribute is to double click on the row of the attribute which you want to edit. When editing, you can only change the value of the attributes. The name remains the same. If you want to change the name as well as the value, you can either add a new datalog attribute or copy an existing one.

When done modifying the Value field, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the datalog attribute display area of the Test Session window. Clicking the Cancel button means you no longer want to change the selected attribute. ADD

The Add menu allows you to add a new datalog attribute entry. To add a datalog attribute, RMB and select the Add menu.

For the Name entry, you can either enter a name, or select on from the selection list.

Once you've entered or selected the name, you can select or enter the value for the attribute.

When done entering the Name and Value fields, click the OK button and the new value is displayed in the datalog attribute display area. Clicking the Cancel button does not add the new datalog attribute to the definition. COPY ROW

The Copy Row menu allows you to add a new attribute entry. Instead of starting with a blank window where you type in both the Name and Value fields, it copies the information of the selected row to the copy row window. You can modify the Name and Value fields. To copy an attribute row, select the attribute you want to copy, then RMB and select the Copy Row menu. The currently selected row's Name and Value are displayed in the Copying/Adding Attribute window. Similar to the Add attribute window, you can select the name from the selection list or you can type in a new name.

When done changing the Name and/or Value fields, click the OK button. Click the Cancel button to abort copying. DELETE

The Delete menu allows you to remove an attribute entry. To delete an attribute, select the attribute which you want to remove, RMB and select the Delete menu.

It asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click the Yes button if you really want to delete the attribute; click the No button if you want to cancel the deletion process. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the datalog attributes are Name, and Value. OPTIONS

The datalog can have some options which is defined in this area. EDIT

The datalog options displays all the options for a given datalog. To update the list of the options, RMB in the Datalog Options spreadsheet area and select the Edit Options List menu. If there is at least one already on the list, you can double click on any of the entries to bring up the edit options window, The edit datalog options window will be displayed as follow.

The datalog Options window display all available selections. All the list in Exclude area means it is not to be included for this datalog. All the list in the Include area means when the option(s) are to be included. To add an entry to be included, select an entry from the Exclude list and click the >> button. The selected one will be removed from the Exclude list and added to the Include list. To remove an entry, select the one you want to exclude from the Include list and click the << button. The selected one will be remove from the Include list and added to the Exclude list. For example, the following window displays that the Repeat test name for each part is to be included in this datalog.

Click the OK button when you're done updating the list and all the included list will be displayed in the Datalog Options area and the values for those entries are set to true. Clicking the Cancel button aborts editing the datalog options list. EXPORT AND IMPORT TO/FROM CSV

Please see Section 3.5.1 Export and Import To/From CSV for details of exporting/importing. The header for the datalog options are Name, and Value. DETAILS AND SUMMARY

Each datalog generate the details and summary. These fields specify how long you want to keep these data.

For example, the above window displays that we want to keep both details and summary for 30 days.


When done making the changes, save the test session by clicking the Test Session > Save menu.

You cannot change the title of the test session while saving. To save it as a different title, you can use the Save As feature. It asks you to enter the Version and select a Status. The status can be:

alpha -- defining stage
beta -- testing stage
ready -- ready for production testing, you can still save the object
released -- ready for production and frozen; you can no longer save the object. You can do Save As to a different title.

Click the OK button to save the test session object to Guru.


Once the test session object is loaded, you can modify any of the attribute, testplan, bins, limits, and datalog entries. When you're done making the changes, you can save it as a different test session object by selecting the Test Session > Save As... menu.

Title is the title of the test session. It is used for test session objects selection.

Device Family specifies which device family the test session is associated with. A device must have been defined prior to creating a new test session definition. If you don't find the device family which you want to use on the list, you can create one using the Device Connection Editor. Refer to the Creating and Editing A Device document for details on how to create a device definition.

Type is the type of the test session object. It can be either Development or Production.

Version is intended to be a revision number, typically 1.0, 1.1, etc.

For the Status field, the choices are alpha, beta, ready, or released. alpha objects are in the initial stage of development, beta is intended for objects that are almost ready for production, ready is intended for objects that are ready for production but can still be modified and saved, and released objects are ready for production, no more changes and can no longer be saved..

Description/Notes area is used for user to make any notes pertaining to this test session object. This field is optional, it can be left blank.

Click the OK button to save the test session object and the newly saved test session is displayed in the Test Session Editor window.

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