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The Guru Server is used by Cassini to integrate with the local network and help with disaster recovery, test data distribution, and file version control (among other features). The server can be installed prior or after the Cassini system has been set-up. The software is downloaded via a password protected FTP link sent via email to the appropriate contact. The guru server has an identical UI and log as the system controller and virtual workstation. All administrative duties are typically performed by the remote Guru clients. You may also use Guru Enterprise Server (RI8559A) that includes its own dedicated redundant hardware (mirror) or a "zero" footprint cloud based hosted solution.

Guru Server is electronically distributed in 2 flavors: Virtual Machine Appliance (.ova) or native Linux program (.tar)

Virtual Machine Appliance (.ova)
  1. Download .ova from link provided from Roos Instruments (contact [email protected] for details)
  2. Import OVA into VirtualBox or VMWare Server system, enable Reinitialize Mac Addresses, make the appropriate choices for RAM and HDD (see Guru Server Minimum System Requirements)
  3. Configure network in VM settings for "Guru Server". Attach to Bridged Adapter and change to the Name required on your installation. (see Figure 1)
  4. Start "Guru Server" VM
  5. Configure network for Guru Server (defaults to DHCP) - See xUbuntu network configuration.
  6. (Optional) Set up DNS to map static IP to preferred hostname (i.e. guru.customer.com), use this FQDN (DNS resolvable) host name in the Guru Address Book
  7. (Optional) Update OS using standard software update tools. Update VBox Guest Additions, enable access to shared folders (sudo usermod -G vboxsf -a $USER)
  8. Login with "DefaultUser" and "Roos" to launch the Guru Users Admin (you must login again)
  9. Configure Guru clients by Adding an Update and Backup server entry using the Guru Address Book.
  10. Follow the instructions to Manage Users with Guru Users Admin application.

Linux Server (.tar)
  1. Download .tar from link provided from Roos Instruments (contact [email protected] for details)
  2. Create "guru" user and home directory with default privileges (the home directory is used to store program and data files)
  3. Unpack the .tar in the "guru" users home directory (i.e. "/home/guru/"). The .tar contains "RiApps/" and "RiGuru/" directories.
  4. If a firewall is used, open ports for Guru "50000"-"50010" and RI-SLP "1427"
    (For example, with SLES10, add "50000:50010" to this line: FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP="1427 50000:50010 ftp ssh")
  5. Enable auto start via init script or auto login and user auto-start script appropriate for the OS. (SuSE10 instructions)
  6. (Optional) Set up DNS map static IP to preferred hostname (i.e. guru.customer.com)
  7. Configure Guru clients by Adding an Update and Backup server entry using the Guru Address Book.
    Note: RI SLP (network broadcast on non-standard port) can be used to automatically connect registered guru IDs to the server.
  8. Follow the instructions to Manage Users with Guru Users Admin application.
Note: Use the following initial User and Password to initialize Guru.

User: "DefaultUser" Password: "Roos"

Figure 1: Oracle VirtualBox > Machine Settings > Network > Adapter 1

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