The STDF Assembler Guru application is intended to help recover missing STDF files from Guru from aborted lots. A lot is considered "aborted" when Stop button is never pressed. A Guru agent looks for the RiDatalog "ri.sys.Type=summary" object that is created when Stop is pressed when running a Test Exec. If Stop is never pressed, likely because the lot is still being tested, or after the lot completed; either intentionally, by accident, or from a Cassini Error (crash), the summary object will not be created and the Guru Agent will not automatically process the STDF file. The STDF Assembler app can quickly view these orphaned objects and allow the user to save the STDF data by selecting the datalog and choosing the Assemble/Emit Selected button.
Warning: DUTs that are currently being tested will also appear in this application because the Summary has not had a chance to be created yet. These lots are displayed but should be ignored. They can be identified by the Date column being within 24 hours of the current local time. (Timezone = where the tester is running)
To Emit STDF files from "Aborted lots":
- After launching the app, allow time for the table to populate and the "Done Updating." message shown in the status pane at the bottom and the identified lots appear in the table above. (See Figure 1)
- (Optional) Filter the list by using the Date Filter or enter text in the Title Contains Text: field before choosing Update Table button across the top of the window.
- Click the No of Entr... column twice to sort by the number of entries, leaving large numbers at the top and 1 at the bottom.
- Select STDF files to generate from the table above by left clicking.
CTL+Left Click to select individuals, SHIFT+Left click between two to select all entries between, CTL+A to select all.
See Interpreting Number of Entries section below to make a decision about which STDF files to recover. Suggestion is to ignore anything with entries <= 1, with the lot data likely being invalid/noise and representative of an aborted lot. - Choose Assemble/Emit Selected button. A Select the STDF Destination Directory window will appear.
- Browse to the the destination directory and choose Select Directory. When running on a Guru Server server, emit to the same location the Guru Agent saves to for automated processing, i.e. /home/guru/Testdata/STDF). When running from a Cassini Virtual Workstation or a Tester, choose a local drive (i.e. D:/shared) then copy to a shared network folder or FTP target.
- When complete a File(s) Saved message will appear, choose OK to continue. (See Figure 2)
When to Run STDF Assembler?
- Administration can run on the Guru Server every two weeks to periodically recover "missing" STDF files
- A technician can run from a Casisni tester if STDF datalogs are urgently needed for review after pressing STOP. (a user with Developer role required to access Apps button)
- A technician can recover some STDF data from a Cassini or EPC Error (save), Hang, Fault, or Crash. Note: Up to 100 DUT test results may be missing. Preferred method is to use Cassini > View RITdb and recover 100% datalog for all binned parts (DUT in socket would need to be retested).
- Instead of using Guru Browser or Guru Agent to manually emit STDF file.
Interpreting Number of Entries (No of Entr...) column:
The user will have to try to determine if the lot was intentionally aborted and NOT select those lots for processing. This column displays the number of "detail" pieces of the STDF file. Each piece contains test results for up to 100 DUTs. As such, when the lot contains less than 100 DUTs, it would have a "1" in this column. It may be that these Lots can be safely ignored and STDF data skipped, likely due to the results being from engineering efforts, setup trials, or some other reason incomplete and may add unnecessary noise to the STDF Datalog analysis process. Careful consideration should be given prior to blindly generating STDF files from this application.
File > Exit - close the application
Help > About - view the version
Datalog Table, click on any column to sort by that column. CTL+C copies entries of the table for documentation, CTL+A selects all entries.
Title - ri.sys.Title attribute value of the Datalog, generated by the Exec, this includes the TestExec name, Lot, and Sublot information
PartOf - the common ri.sys.PartOf attribute used to uniquely identify this Datalog
Format - the ri.sys.Format value (STDF4)
hasHeader - true if the datalog has a "header" piece (this is generated when START is pressed on the Exec or RUN is pressed from the Testplan Editor
hasSummary - true if the datalog has a "summary" piece, by default, all entries should have false unless Show Only Missing Summary is unchecked.
No of Entres - Number of "detail" entries with the same PartOf attribute as the header. Each detail part can contain the test results of up to 100 DUTs.
Date - Local Date and Time that the RiDatalog "header" piece was created in the timezone of the tester that generated it.
Show Only Missing Summary - Only lists RiDatalog objects with the "ri.sys.type=summary" object missing (Default = Enabled), un-check this to show all RiDatalog objects.
Allow Missing Entries - Allows the STDF file to be generated even if a "details" piece is missing. (Default = Enabled) A piece could be permanently missing if there were disk write issues to Guru (without GuruArchive feature). A Guru Agent will NOT automatically generate STDF files in this case.
Assemble/Emit Selected - choose this button to save STDF files for each selected RiDatalog object in the table above.
local attribute - Default = "ManualSTDF". This tags a "local.ri.sys.ManualSTDF=true" attribute to any processed STDF file so it will not appear in this list again. Change this value to have a unique tag to use for your instance of this application or to see previously processed datalogs again.
Rename Template - Match the template used by Guru Agent to generate the STDF filename. Values are usually parsed by the STDF processing tools and so this should be valid. Current value = last used. Any valid guru attribute can be used between <> characters. #Date1 formats the string, date only portion. See

IMPORTANT: Depending on standard operating procedures, many of these lots may actually be completed with the same Title and normally emitted by the agent and have the same .stdf file name. These "duplicate" datalogs may present issues for the STDF processing tools used for later storage and analysis. Please consult the vendor or local data analysis manager for advice on how to proceed. If the rename template uses a Date field, the filename will be unique.
Guru - the hostname or ip address and port of a Guru Server (Default = localhost)
Date Filter - use to update the table with a date range.
Title Contains Text - Enter any string value to limit the results of Update Table to include in the Title column.
Figure 1: STDF Assemble User Interface
(Sorted by Date, Titles redacted)
Figure 2: File(s) Saved Prompt