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This document shows the steps necessary to bin tested parts using the “Special Fails” capability of the RI System Software that accompanies the RI 7100A test system. It is assumed that the reader has already created a testplan, provided limits, and created a Package Test Executive. By setting up the handler bin options along with the Special Fails, the user can cause the tester to send parts that fail to a particular hardware bin.

Step 1:

Open the Package Test Executive and set up the Test Plans and Limits (if not already set up). After defining the testplan and limits to be used for the test, open the dialog for Special Fails (below).

Figure 1. Open the Special Fails dialog.

Step 2:

The “Special Fails” dialog allows you to choose which tests will trigger any of the available Special Fail categories. Special Fails act like “soft bins” in that they allow you to create failing categories to trap patterns of failures. Each Special Fail can be triggered by one or more failing tests.

For each Special Fail category on the left, choose one or more limits from the right pane (Figure 2). Limits may participate in more than one Special Fail, however if more than one Special Fail is triggered, only the lowest matching fail in the list of Special Fails will be reported as the result for the part. In other words, if you have a case where the limit “S11” is assigned to Special Fail 3 and Special Fail 4, then only Special Fail 4 will be reported when the limit “S11” is exceeded.

Figure 2. Select Limits for each Special Fail

Step 3:

Special Fail categories may be renamed at your option (Figure 3). Be careful when changing the names, however, as you could cause unintended side effects in other processes. For example, the Special Fail name is reported out to the STDF log file as the “soft bin” failure name. Database programs may depend on a rigorous naming structure for the STDF bins.

Figure 3. Rename Special Fail categories

Step 4:

Open the Edit Handler Bin dialog from the Package Test Executive menu (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Open the Edit Handler Bins dialog.

From the Handler Bins dialog, set the “hard” (or physical) bin that you wish to use for any of the Special Fail categories (Figure 5). You can direct one or more Special Fails to any of the handler’s bins. This is also the place to set the default bin for passing and failing parts. Each pass/fail category has two numbers associated with it: the left-hand number is the hard bin (where the mouse pointer is located), and the right-hand number is the “soft bin” that is reported to STDF or other testdata log files.

Figure 5. Set the Handler Bin for each Special Fail

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