Guru provides buttons to perform some administration tasks from a System button window. A user must log-on to Guru and have administration rights prior performing any of the administration tasks.
Once you've logged on to Guru successfully, the Logon button changes to System button.
Click the Shutdown button to shutdown the Guru. Guru will restart automatically.
Click the Replicate (Restore) button to restore local Guru. This restores local Guru objects from a backup Guru. This feature will only work if you have a Update Guru Server properly configured with the Guru Address Book application.
Click the Synchronize button to synchronize local and update Guru. This feature checks the local and update Gurus and updates all objects on the local Guru with the latest version from update Guru. This feature will only work if you have a Guru Server properly configured. Note: The guru objects automatically sync (get the latest version) every time it is loaded. This button is helpful for speeding up this process after the system has been disconnected for a very long time.
Click the Message button to see messages between Guru and Guru based applications. This is useful for debugging purposes. When you click this button, a Logged Events Window will be displayed.
Click the Cancel button to dismiss the System button window.
When you click the System > Message menu, a Logged Events window will be displayed. The Logged Events window displays messages being sent between Guru and Guru based applications.
Severity is either 1, 3, or 5. When a different severity level is selected and the Refresh button is clicked, the list will be updated with all messages with the selected severity and lower. For example, if severity of 1 is selected, it will only display messages with severity of 1; if severity of 5 is selected, it will display messages with severity of 5 and lower.
Level is between 0 and 9. First select a specific Level, click the Refresh button, and the list will be updated with all messages with selected level and lower. For example, if level of 0 is selected, it will only display messages with level of 0; if level of 7 is selected, it will display messages with level of 7 and lower.
To change the order of the display, select Newest first or Oldest first, and click the Refresh button.
To clear all the messages being displayed, click the Clear button.
To close the Logged Events Window, click the Close button.