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The Cal Data Editor application allows you to update Cal Data for DIBs and Fixtures.


You must log-on to Guru with privilege of Programmer or above. After logging on successfully, you can launch the Cal Data Editor application. Double click the Cal Data Editor from the Apps button on the Guru bar.

When the Cal Data Editor application comes up, you can select Cal Data > Load... menu to load in the DIB or Fixture cal data. Let’s say you want to load a DIB cal data. Select the DIB for the type.

Then, select the DIB cal data which you want to load from the list, click the OK button.


The Cal Data menu consists of: Load, Unload, and Save.

Cal Data > Load menu gives you list of available cals to choose from.

First select the cal type that you want to load, either DIB or Fixture.

The list on the right hand side of the load window will be updated accordingly. Once you select the cal type, select the cal data file from the list on the right hand side which you want to load.

Once you select a cal data, you can either click the OK button to load the latest version or you can click on the History button to see the history of the selected cal data. When you click the History button, a window will popup displaying the available revisions.

Once you select which history of the data you want to see, you can click the Load button to display the data.

Cal Data> Unload menu unloads the currently displayed object. If there are any data that's not saved yet, the user will be asked if the object should be saved prior to unloading.

Cal Data> Save menu saves the corresponding data file.

Once you select the status of the object (alpha, beta, or released), click the OK button to save the cal data.


The Data menu consists of one menu: Reset.

Choosing the Data> Reset menu will reset the currently selected cal data to be reset to the default values.



When loading the objects, the application will read in the guru attributes and display them in the Attributes section accordingly. Upon saving, the application will save them back as guru attributes.

The following attributes will be read and saved back for DIB.

Guru Attributes
Attributes Display
    The following attributes will be read and saved back for Fixture.

    Guru Attributes
    Attributes Display
      The above entries will be displayed in the Attributes section.

      In the Attributes display, right mouse button gives you the following menus to edit the attributes, Edit, Add, Copy Row,and Delete.

      The Edit menus allow you edit an entry in the attributes.

      Enter a value, then click the OK button. The updated value will be displayed in the Attributes section of the Cal Data Editor window.

      Add and Copy Row menus allow you to add a new entry to the attributes. The Copy Row menu allows you to copy an existing row and adding it to the Attributes.

      Once you're done editing the Name and the Value fields, click the OK button to apply the changes.

      The Delete menu allows you to remove an attribute.

      Clicking the Yes button removes the entry from the attributes, clicking the No button will leave the attribute as is.


      This area displays the cal data. You can choose a different cal data to be displayed by selecting different cal names from pullldown Cal Name list.

      The Data Class field displays the data class which the selected cal belongs to.

      In the data number list, clicking the right mouse button gives you two menus: Add and Delete.

      The Add menu lets you add a new row for the cal data.

      It asks you to enter how many rows to add and where to start. The starting index is defaulted to the currently selected number in the data number list. Clicking the OK button of this window will add n number of rows (defined in the # of rows to add: entry) and starting from the Starting index: entry. The values will be defaulted to be the same as the currently selected data number. Clicking the Cancel button will abort the adding process.

      The Deletemenu lets you remove a row of the cal data.

      It asks the user for confirmation if the user really wants to remove the data. Clicking Yes will remove the data, clicking No will cancel the delete request.

      If there is a row being selected in the data display, clicking the right mouse button gives you one menu: Edit. Depending upon the data type, one of two edit windows will be displayed.

      If the data type is either linear (lin) or log, the user can modify the data in either format. When the user clicks the OKbutton, the data is converted to lin if needed and the updated value is displayed in the data display area.

      If the data type is complex, the user can modify it in either real and imaginary (real/im) or magnitude and phase (mag/phase) format. When the user clicks the OK button, the data is converted to real/im if needed and the updated values are displayed in the data display area. Click the Cancel button to cancel the edit mode.

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