The Data Viewer displays the SAVE DATA button's Name and the name of the instrument settings button in its title bar. The test results are displayed in the test results plot in the middle of the viewer. We can select and set the parameters, formats and order in which the data is to be presented with the Data Viewer buttons provided.
Example: Rectangular viewer to display the results in X & Y coordinates
The Data Viewer uses several pieces of information from the selected test plan to help format the data. Specifically, the Data Viewer will set its SORT BY parameter and the X AXIS parameter equal to the name of the instrument settings button in the test panel (in the example shown, the Data Viewer would use the setting name "Frequency".) The Data Viewer will also set its X axis minimum and maximum values equal to the start and stop points in the instrument settings button.
Viewing Test Data
![]() | ![]() |
To open a Data Viewer window and view the test results data generated, use the following steps:
Select a test panel that contains the data you want to view.
Place the mouse pointer on the SAVE DATA button's Data Name and click mouse button 2. Select View Data from the pop-up menu.
![]() | ![]() The System Controllor will display the Select Viewer dialog box and display a list of data viewer choices.
Click the Select button. |
On Screen Help Text
Use the on screen help if you can not remember the purpose of a button or you need a simple reminder:
Place the mouse pointer on the button desired and click mouse button 2. Select the Show Note... menu choice.
The Data Viewer window will display a Help Text Panel and reference information about the button selected. Each button has a dedicated Help Text Panel.
The Data Viewer also offers extensive on-screen reference information with the menu bar Help option.
Change Data Layout Format (SORT BY)
The SORT BY PARAMETER and SORT BY FORMAT buttons are on the left side of the data viewer panel and are used to select and display the sorting criteria for the data. The PARAMETER button, as the name suggests, displays the parameter that the data is sorted by, for example: frequency. The SORT BY PARAMETER value is automatically set to the instrument's parameter in the test panel that you selected. For example, the name of the "start | stop | # of steps" button in the selected test panel is called "frequency".
The SORT BY FORMAT button is used to select the order of format in which the data is presented. The data viewer can display the results in MHz (linear units), log or index format. The linear order (MHz) displays the test points connected from point to point by straight lines starting from the left side of the plot and going to the right side of the plot. An index formatted viewer display the test results in the order in which the measurements were made, the test points are connected from point to point by straight lines starting with the first point measured and connecting to the next point measured. This order may or may not be linear, depending on the test sequence selected by the Test Plan Optimizer for minimum test time. The log formatting value displays the test results logarithmically (in dB) with point to point straight lines starting from the left side of the plot and going to the right side of the plot..
To select the sorting method:
Select the SORT BY FORMAT button.
Select MHz, log, or index from the pop-up menu.
The test results plot automatically updates each time you make a button selection.
Change Data Viewer Sort Parameters
The Y PARAMETER button is to the right of the SORT BY buttons and to the left of the test results plot. It is used to select the measurement parameter data you want displayed along the Y axis of the test results plot. In the example shown, we selected a data viewer from the 2 Port S Parameters test panel and selected the measurement parameter S21. The data viewer is displaying the measurement results for the S21 measurements performed by this test panel. The S parameter MEAS button in the test panel, instructed the system to measure all four 2 port S parameters (S11, S12, S21 & S22) of the device under test.
To select and display the test results for the other measurements performed in the test panel, use the following steps:
Select the Y PARAMETER button.
Select the measurement desired from the pop-up menu displayed (in this example, S11, S12, S21 or S22)
Change Data Viewer Format
The Y FORMAT button below the Y PARAMETER button and to the left of the test results plot is the Y axis format button. It is used to select the units and format of the Y Axis data.
To select the Y axis format, use the following steps:
Select the Y FORMAT button.
Select the format desired from the pop-up menu displayed.
The formats available depend on the measurement parameter selected in the Y axis parameter button. For example, if a noise figure test panel was selected, the measurement results could be displayed in linear, log or index format. As in the SORT BY FORMAT, Log format displays the test results dB, linear format displays the test results in linear units, and index format displays the test point number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc) along the y axis instead of the test results.
For the S21 measurements shown, the format choices are different. The format choices offered include:
index displays the test point number of each measurement instead of the test results.
mag displays the magnitude in linear units.
log mag displays the magnitude in logarithmic units.
real displays the real par in linear units.
imaginary displays the imaginary part in linear units.
phase displays the phase term as -180 to + 180 degrees.
lin Phase displays the phase term as 0 to N x 360 degrees.
The PARAMETER button and the FORMAT button below the test results plot are used to select the X axis measurement parameter and the X axis format. The process for setting the X axis PARAMETER button and the X axis FORMAT button is the same as the process for setting the Y axis PARAMETER and FORMAT buttons: select the button and select the choice desired.
Change Data Viewer Axis Scale
![]() The X axis minimum and maximum values (MIN X and MAX X) are set automatically by the System Controller using the X axis PARAMETER and FORMAT selections and the instrument settings button in the test panel. | ![]() |
The Y SCALE button sets the Y axis scaling. You can either select (highlight) the Auto button inside the Y SCALE button and let the System Controller automatically set the Y axis scaling value or you can select (highlight) the /DIV button and enter a scaling facter. The scaling factor you enter is the spacing between each Y axis grid line (or division) on the test results plot. If you select the Auto button, the Data Viewer will display the scaling factor selected by the System Controller in the /DIV button.
The Y CENTER button sets the Y axis center line. Two small arrows, one on each side of the test results plot identify the Y axis center line. The Y CENTER buttons operate the same way as the Y SCALE buttons, you either select (highlight) the Auto button inside the Y CENTER button and let the System Controller automatically set the Y axix center line value or you can select (highlight) the value button below the Auto button and enter the Y axis center line value desired. If you select the Auto button the Data Viewer will display the center line value selected by the System Controller in the center line value button.
Change Data Viewer Normalization
The NORMALIZE buttons enable you to save the test results currently displayed on the test results plot and to display succeeding test result traces relative to the test results data saved. The System Controller calculates the difference between the test results you saved and the succeeding test results, and displays the relative difference on a point by point basis.
The procedure for saving the current test results and normalizing the test results plot is the following:
Select [highlight] the save button in the NORMALIZE button to save the current test results.
Select [highlight] the OFF button in the NORMALIZE button to change its state to ON. This turns on the normalize function and normalizes the current test results. (The test results plot will display a flat horizontal line along the Y axis.)
Run the test plan again to display the new test results relative to the test results previously saved.
To turn off the normalization:
Select [highlight] the ON button to change its state back to OFF.
Using OverPaint Data Viewer Option
The OverPaint button provides you some unique capabilities. With the OverPaint button OFF, each time you run the test plan, the Data Viewer will erase the test results plot and draw the new test results. With the OverPaint button ON, each time you run the test plan the Data Viewer will add (overpaint) an additional test result trace onto the same test results plot.
The OverPaint button is a toggle function. Each time the OverPaint button is selected (highlighted) it switches from ON to OFF or OFF to ON.
To toggle OverPaint, mouse button 2 click on the Data Viewer and select OverPaint from the pop-up menu.
Adding Memo to Data Viewer
The MEMO button provides you the capability to add text or comments to each plot. To enter text to the MEMO button:
Select [highlight] the MEMO button.
The Data Viewer will display the dialog box: Enter Text.
Enter the text disired using the keyboard.
Select the OK button or press Enter key.
The System Controller refreshes the display with the entered text in the MEMO button.
Use Data Viewer to Identify Data Point
You can use the mouse pointer to identify the X and Y coordinates of a point on the test results plot. The process is simple:
Click mouse button 1 with the tip of the mouse pointer at the location of the plot you want to identify.
The Data Viewer will display the selected X & Y coordinate values in color just above the upper left corner of the test results plot.
You can also use the mouse pointer to identify the difference between two points on the test results plot. The process is again simple:
Place the tip of the mouse pointer at the location of the plot you want to identify.
Press and hold mouse button 1. Drag the mouse pointer to the other point on the plot.
Release mouse button 1.
The Data Viewer will display, just above the upper left corner of the test results plot, the difference between the two points selected (as delta X & delta Y coordinates).
Data Viewer Mouse Button 2 Functions
The Data Viewer also offers the following special mouse button 2 functions:
Clear Traces Clears all of the test results traces from the test results plot.
Redraw Redraws the last test results trace.
Trace 1 color Displays a list of colors which the Data Viewer can use to display the test results data. The user selects the color desired. The next test results trace to be drawn will use the new color selected.
Grid color Displays a list of colors which the Data Viewer can use to display the x and y axis grid lines. The user selects the color desired and the grid lines are immediately updated.
ZoomOut Removes the buttons in the Data Viewer window and proportionally expands the test results plot to cover the space available.
Zoomin Returns the Data Viewer buttons and returns the test results plot to its normal size.
Lines A toggle function, it lets you display the measurement points with lines connecting the points or just x marks to identify each point.
Clear Clears all Markers.
Max Places the Marker on the highest Y value measured.
Min Places the Marker on the lowest Y value measured.
X select Places the Marker on the Y value which corresponds to the X axis value selected.
Multi-Dimentional Data Viewers
It is easy to add buttons to a test panel and to create test results that are a function of more than one instrument setting (parameter). In the example shown, the RF Gain measurements are a function of both the RF frequency settings button and the VCC voltage settings button. To display the results for the test plan, offer a Multi-Dimentional Data Viewer. The Multi-Dimensional Data Viwer is similar to the data viewer we have been discussing, except that it uses different colored text reslt traces to distinguish between different parameter values.
Opening a Multi-Dimentional Data Viewer
To open a Multi-Dimensional Data Viewer and view the multi-dimensional test results generated, use the following steps:
Select a test panel with 2 or more multi-test point settings buttons (such as the test panel in the previous example)
Place the mouse pointer on the SAVE DATA button's data name and click mouse button 2.
Select the View Data option from the pop-up menu.
The System Controller displays the Selecting Plotting Axes dialog box.
Select [highlight] the parameter you want to use for the X axis. (In the example, Source1 Frequency was selected)
Select [highlight] the parameter you want displayed using different colored trace lines. A diggerent colored Gain measurement traince will be displayed on the test results plot for each test setting of VCC1 specified in the test panel.
Indivitually select each of the remaining setting parametser listed in the Fixed Variables and Value fields.
Set each of these remaining parameters equal to a constatn by selecting [highlighting[ a test point Value associated with each parameter. You can ony have two intependent variables displayed at one time. The remaining parameters must be set to a constant value.
Select the OK button.
The System then displays the Select Viewer dialog box.
Select [highlight] the Multiparameter choice.
Click the Select button.
The System Controller then opens the Multi-Dimentional Viewer and displays the test results.
Using the Multi-Dimensional Data Viewer
The Multi-Dimensional Data Viewer will display the data name in the title bar from the SAVE DATA button, the settings selected for the X axis parameter and the setting selected to be represented by multiple colored traces. The viewer is very similar to the X & Y coordinate data viewer we have been discussing. The new buttons added are the color bar button and the Redraw button.
The color bar button is used to select and display the results vs Source1 Frequency for the VCC1 test point settings (VCC1 = 5, 4, 3, & 2 volts). The System Controller will initially display the test results for the highest setting tested. To select and display the test results for another setting value, just select the colored square or the setting value desired in the color bar button. The data viewer will display the new colored trace selected.
To display all of the traces on the screen simultaneously, use the OverPaint (On) option and select each of the different colors in the color bar button or select the Redraw button which will redraw all of the test result traces in sequential order.
To close the data viewer, place the mouse pointer on the down arrow in the upper left corner of the data viewer window and double click mouse button 1 to select the OS/2 Close action.