Loaner TIMs, 1 Yr
Provides Loaner Spare TIMs for a single CASSINI system
Part Number: T-L
Estimated Restocking Time: Contact Factory
Provides a quick replacement while the failed TIM is being repaired. Replaced with a similar TIM with equivalent functionality. Requires Extended Warranty. Shipping is never included, FOB Santa Clara insured for replacement value. TIM loaner pool is shared between all participating ATE. If a spare TIM is not available in the pool, repairing the failed TIM will take priority over all other service needs. Failed TIM must be shipped to and returned from the factory via the fastest possible method.
Priced based on TIM Points directly proportional to system configuration. This is the lowest cost item with minor risk (shared pool) and longest impact on Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) with two swaps.