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This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 11/28/2018. View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.

Suggested Replacement: RIK0290B

Expiration Reason: Improved Pod

Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RIK0290 (change the REV letter) or C-Bits Fixture Pod.

C-Bits Fixture Pod

Control Bits for Fixture accessories

Part Number: RIK0290A

In Stock: 0

Estimated Restocking Time: 12+ weeks (limited)


The RIK0290A provides 24 control bits with 5V and 24V on-board supplies for various types of switch/relay drive. Each control line features high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads as well as supporting operation directly with TTL or CMOS devices. The module allows for drop-in implementation and seamless software control with Cassini fixtures.

Compatible with RIFL POD Carrier only with the Open Fixture design.

Contact Support for assembly instructions.
Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1M6J2JS1A4SCREW, SEMS, 4-40 X 1/4" SSHrdwr
2MH3FNL1A2SCREW, FLAT PHIL, 4-40 X 1/4",100° SS, w/patchHrdwr
4Y0001QA32Switch Driver, Fixture*Modl
5Y000EYA11Fixture Pod Dual Module*Modl
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:25 PM