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Upgrade Kit, Add Src3 to Aux Rack

Add Source3 Instrument (7725C) to Cassini AUX Rack

Part Number: MURKK91A

In Stock: 0

Estimated Restocking Time: 4-6 weeks

Upgrades a Cassini with RecLO, Source1, and Source2 with an additional Source3 AUX Rack TIM.

Includes the following:

RI7725C0 1 Ri7725C Synth - Src3, T1

RIK0179A 2 RF Cable, Coax,Confrm,.085,#12F special-SMAM 8" - Label:PKZ D-11
RIK0168A 1 RF Block Assy 16RF - Cassini - T1
M6WJ4T1A 1 AC Line Cord, IEC C13(f)-C14(m), 1 Meter
M8LFXK1A 1 Coax,Confrm,.141,SMAM(90)-SMAM(90),24"
MLXG611A 1 Remote TIM Assy, 1RF, 1RIFL

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Adding Src3 RI7725 to Cassini 16 Systemhttp://roos.com/docs/RBEH-9TNQLT?Open

Overview: This upgrade includes 5 stages: preparation, installing required hardware, saving software configuration changes, targeted Diagnostics and possibly a targeted Calibration. The installation should be completed with the system power ON and RI System software running. Planned downtime should be approximately 75 minutes (stages 2-4), excluding 60 minutes for the Source to warm up. Stage 1 can be performed from any Guru connected system without impacting system downtime.


Overview: This upgrade includes 5 stages: preparation, installing required hardware, saving software configuration changes, targeted Diagnostics and possibly a targeted Calibration. The installation should be completed with the system power ON and RI System software running. Planned downtime should be approximately 75 minutes (stages 2-4), excluding 60 minutes for the Source to warm up. Stage 1 can be performed from any Guru connected system without impacting system downtime.
Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
2M6WJ4T1A1AC Line Cord, IEC C13(f)-C14(m), 1 MeterCblMsc
4MLXG611A1Remote TIM Assy, 1RF, 1RIFL*MscAssy
5S3, T1RI7725C01Ri7725C Synth*InstPr
6T1RIK0168A1Block, RF Block, 16 PKZ*CstmrKt
7Label:PKZ D-11RIK0179A2RF Cable, Coax,Confrm,.085,#12F special-SMAM 8"*CstmrKt
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:26 PM