This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.
Aditional replacements may be found by searching for MYZLXY6 (change the REV letter) or Wolfspeed RF/DC Tel Prober Docking Kit.
partNumber qty ref desig
MYZLY06A 1 adapter plate tel wolfspeed and screws
RIK0070B 1 RI Large Handler Dock- removable front
RIK0363A 1 Set back interface wings for prober
RIK0364A 1 Riser block large handler dock
RIK0365A 7 16 pin target prober set back interface
RIK0366A 2 GPPO launch interface wing prober
Docking hardware and interface DC and RF blocks included (subject to change)
It is everything they need to attach to a prober minus any harnesses which are undefined,
Need drawings for probe card holder and hole locations of "platen" for the prober including "insert ring"